Name one game developer that has never missed a step.
Name one developer that consistently poops gold.
Who is the Kyoto Animation of game development?
Name one game developer that has never missed a step.
Name one developer that consistently poops gold.
Who is the Kyoto Animation of game development?
From Software
>inb4 all the r*dditors posting cd projekt, blizzard, obsidian
>what is Dark Souls 2
That looks kinda nice, shame that its still anime
>not that robot mech game for 360
you don't know what bad games are
Me in 7 years, desu
controled with kinect, forgot what it's called.
Supergiant is 3 for 3 more or less.
Prove me wrong
They have 6 mech games on the 360 and they're all good, thank you
did arcsys ever made a bad game
Holy shit, Kyoani looks like garbage too. Lens flare? motion blur? A fucking instagram filter?
The first Blazblue.
You know other studios could probably deliver if they had such absurd budgets and first pick of all animators in japan
Says the guy who only played their games AFTER DeS
>the original Odin Sphere
>Prove me wrong
Valkyria Revolution
Well, Valve...
the kinect one is 100% shit
Not really. Look at the blatant filter with your eyes.
>good quality and high polish
Pick one
Rockstar during the ps2 years.
>not liking pressing 66 to teleport with nu after any hit
Imagine that level of animation spent on something that wasn't a highchool drama. Or even a high school drama that could actually use a budget like that, imagine Haruhi with production values like that.
Valve, when they used to make games, I suppose.
Love or hate them, you gotta admit Blizzard at least has some consistent standards when it comes to quality.
...don't make games?
Riot Games
I hope you're not implying the PS2 Armored Core games are bad
But kyoani hasn't made a good anime since hyouka
Haruhi is animated by Kyo Ani
And they did do a whole fucking movie with a much higher budget and production quality than Hibike
>Literally only the first scene shows anything going on
>Every other scene avoids showing any fingering and the instruments just move a tiny bit so they don't have to be redrawn at all, just rotated
Unfortunately 90% of every band scene in Euphonium is the latter. They just put a simple three frame "wobble" effect on every instrument as they rotate it around the screen and idiots like OP eat it up.
>B-But it's clearly better than the show on the bottom
So are most studios.
consistently shit since activision bought them out. the only reason they're still in business is people buy everything they make because of the brand name even though everyone who gave than brand name value left a long time ago.
Am I supposed to be seeing a difference between these two animation?
>Who is the Kyoto Animation of game development?
So, all style and no substance?
Leave the guy alone, he probably thinks Phantom World is a good anime
user please, no one can be that dumb.
Im implying that Otogi, Kuon and any weird experimental shit they did that wasnt metal wolf chaos was shit
The first king's field was also shit
He said
>Name one game developer that has never missed a step.
So yeah, i think he's that dumb
Lost Kingdoms was alright.
It was. Not amazing, but above average.
>Deliver KyoAni gods to Sup Forums
>Trigger autism scream of shit taste fanbase of jojos ando muh mature animu retardfans
Based Kyoani
Out of everything Kyoani has put out, the only shows I've ever watched more than once were the 2nd and 3rd season of Full Metal Panic!
kek, you Kyoani drones try really hard.
Everyone knows theres no perfect dev anymore.
A better question would be which AAA studio has ONLY released shit games.
They belong in the trash with K-ON
KyoAni's best is Nichijou
What us the Nichijou of video games?
castlevania is the best anime this season
highschool sol fags btfo'd
Have your (you) and fuck off to Sup Forums
Activision-Blizzard, EA, Ubisoft, Warner Bros.
But those are publishers
Double Fine
Fallout: New Vegas
Square Enix
FFXV = Free!
Violet Evergarden = KH3