ITT: Games with bad water levels
I'll start: MGS2
ITT: Games with bad water levels
I'll start: MGS2
every game with water levels
Sounds like someone didn't manage to avoid drowning.
Dat pantyshot though
She didn't drown
however she got infected with a rare bacteria that lives on the mouth of sea lions
Did she? I didn't know there was a follow up on this story
Half Life 2.
Battlefield 4 single player campaign
>being this fucking retarded
Not posting a picture so we know what the fuck you're talking about
Water Temple in Ocarina of Time.
they really had to put the panty shot on the article lmao
No surprise the Chink lied, that's all they do.
did she died?
Why did she spread eagle while being pulled in?
preparing to take the sea lion dick
>her face
top kek
would you "jump in" to save her?
This thread went exactly as i thought it would.
I think he's talking about the part where you have to rescue Emma in MGS2.
>warned teh family
Daily Mail quality