The game has slowly reappearing capcha

>the game has slowly reappearing capcha

>not using legacy capctha

Dumb frogposter

>forcing yourself to read mentally random words just to post
Oh boy bayonne schulweg xD lol I wonder whats next

They use pieces of road signs now, so it's not totally unintelligible as it used to be.

>posting alt-right frog
>not knowing about legacy captcha

>not using legacy captcha


you cant use the legacy captcha to make threads it fucking sucks


Legacy is fucking garbage you retards

You could always dish out the cash for a Sup Forums gold account.

>Select all roadsigns
>4 roadsigns, all agonizingly slow to appear
>now click vehicles
>click vehicles, simple
>repeat about 4 times before I close the post without even posting

O rly?
Then why does this captcha comic disagree with you

>tfw too dumb to capcha right
>always press the wrong images

its really not. I would rather type this out than white 30 seconds for some fucking images to appear

Except legacy is now almost illegible and actually more difficult than the current method. Anyone that suggests using legacy is a contrarian cuck that should kill themselves

are you fucking retarded?

Jesus fuck I haven't seen those pics in fucking years

Dude, what?

You're a fucking idiot, user.

>game prevents you from playing it

Kill yourself cucky

>select cars
>they disappear and takes like 20 seconds for a new one to appear
>just spam it so I can get a proper one
>select store fronts
>they reappear
>finally select road signs that aren't reappearing
>You got it wrong! Try again!
>reappearing cars


>editing image because you got called out

Yup, I'm thinkin the cucks are back


My captcha was literally "here court" in big, easily-visible words. Are you legally blind or what?


This. What's up with all those 'skip' ones?

call me reddit but these were always funny as fuck

>Except legacy is now almost illegible
go to bed grandpa

also I can't believe you autists are fighting about this lol. you're so fuckin sperg it's unreal.

>all those mongs who see legacy captcha being so much better and don't immediately switch to it
What motivates those "people"?

>select a wrong picture by accident
>recaptcha won't let you skip, you have to try to "post" to refresh the images

I can't describe you how much this annoyed me.
I now use legacy captcha.

Found the lil legacy BITCH

This person is a phone poster that doesn't like having to bring up the keyboard and type in the captcha

medium lel

this is why phoneposters should be banned

no, the people who respond to obvious bait are the ones who should be banned


are you retarded?
Those are the very definition of Sup Forums OC humor and are and will always be hilarious. That was wayyy before reddit, too.

>captchas are only temporary