One of these?
One of these?
Other urls found in this thread:
>SF5 and SF5 S2 good
Sure thing Capcom shill
Oh look, it's an EX fan pretending to like the old 2D games for cred. That's cute.
>OP in charge of posting the template
Never bothered to finish this image
>Getting hooked by obvious bait
>"le Capcom shill" kappaposting
you couldn't be more reddit if you tried
poor bait
>just liking things after the NDS era
Found the underage fag.
here is mine
>Not finishing games
they were bad
why didn't you rate TPP's chapter 3?
How would you know?
I can't rate something that does not exist
from what I played it was shit.
Not to mention Apollo was bad. Like MGS 2 Raiden levels of bad and all the new T&T were shit + it focused on the shitty spirit maiden sub plot
Pic related is the absolute truth. You might not like it, but it's true..
I too, enjoy Twilight Princess, except the beginning 3 hours.
>The first case or two are indicative of the quality of the later cases
You should know from the second game that just because one case doesn't grab your interest doesn't mean the whole game is bad
>T&T was about spirit shit
Not really. Even if you hated it, it baffles me how anyone could play a story-based game like Phoenix Wright and skip over major plot elements.
>Also complaining about Raiden shit
Oh, I see, you're just a fag that can't deal with change. Again, kys
Gr8 b8 m8, i r8 8/8
>Not really. Even if you hated it, it baffles me how anyone could play a story-based game like Phoenix Wright and skip over major plot elements.
when it's a really shitty story and you don't like anyone associated with it
>Oh, I see, you're just a fag that can't deal with change.
I can't deal with bad change. going from Wright to Apollo is a bad change. Going from Snake to MGS2 Raiden is a bad change. Going from MGS2 Raiden to MGS4/MGR Raiden is a good change
those doughnuts, but blaze heatnix's stage has the best theme
Here's my opinions
Super meatboy is possibly one of the only 10/10's there is
>I like it better than sonic heroes
truly you are a new kind of low
shit taste famalam kys
>Not liking Mia
>Not wanting to learn more about her past
>Not wanting to learn more about Maya's mom
>Not thinking Dahlia is a cool villain
>Not liking hobo punished Phoenix
>Not wanting to learn more about how he got to be like that
>Actually finding edgy cyborg "I fight for my friends" ninja Raiden cool
Absolute shit taste my friend.
>Actually finding edgy cyborg "I fight for my friends" ninja Raiden cool
he wasn't great but it was a step up from his shitty MGS2 self
How so? I didn't mind MGS2 Raiden at all. Granted, I only played it about a year ago and wasn't there for all the drama when it came out.
even if he didn't replace Snake and was in his own game, he would still be a whiny bitch
I didn't get that impression at all, but okay
Is this a bait thread?
>not liking a link to the past
I know it's bait but holy shit. Fuck you dude.
>galaxy 1 and 2
Time for some spicy opinions
Haven't played 7 yet
avoid it, it's FPS jump scare shit just to sell VR and attract streamers
>Not loving Resident Evil 5
Is it normal to have a series that you love and adore as a whole but each game individually doesn't bring out as much of a reaction?
As far as I'm concerned, it is the only one.
>that reaction to SMB3
Man, I haven't been able to beat that game since I was a kid
Sonic 06 is the only objectively wrong opinion in that pic
There are some I still need to catch up on
Get to those 3ds games already boy.
its shit compared to RE 4 when will you people accept this? Did you enjoy fighting the Gigante in the back of a Humvee or on foot more?
>There will never be a true 2D Kirby again
>KSSU will never get so much as a rerelease
>KSSU was the definitive peak for the franchise
I want it all to end
Odd how the games within a game are the peaks for the Kirby franchise
You should try Triple Deluxe and Planet robobot if you didn't only like RTDL for the multiplayer. I prefer Robobot than TD, they are both excellent games tho
As a tournament player, I'm genuinely curious
How do casual players judge these games? Music? Roster? Basic mechanics? I don't even get how you have fun if you don't understand the competitive side
Well now I'm tempted, I totally missed the boat on these two, but I'll give em a go
Is the point of these threads just to make bait?
Can't agree with you on HL2, I don't see how ep1 & 2 weren't perfectly good followups with a lot of good new areas and memorable parts of their own. Replayability is pretty shit, but as far as "cinematic rails FPS experiences" goes they were solid even if not quite at the level of HL1. I could understand though how ep3 getting blackholed and leaving everyone dangling forever would dampen things.
>Is it normal to have a series that you love and adore as a whole but each game individually doesn't bring out as much of a reaction?
No, but I don't think that's so much because of you specifically user but just because there aren't that many series like that where it's really an ensemble work that's greater then the sum of its parts. Particularly these days there isn't much room for it commercially. For me for example .hack is one, I love the series and how crazy ambitious they were with it and what they tried overall. And there are definitely parts of it all I fucking love and brings out a reaction, but if I don't think about those specifically but rather each work overall, I really have to admit I can't in good conscience really give any of them 10/10. There are lots of obvious weakness in gameplay and pacing. But I still liked the franchise.
Are you me?
These are legit all my exact feelings aside Lost World which I thought was 2/3 shit; but whatever. Nice taste, user.
why do you like the original more than 3?
Not at all. Heroes is definitely arguable as a worse experience and certainly lacks the sheer replay value of the trainwreck that is 06.
I see. Yakuza I think is one of those series that really makes it works. Partly due to them saving money, each game mostly takes place in the same one or 2 cities, meaning both you and the characters you're playing as have a deep rooted connection to it. You also get connected to the characters themselves as they go through game after game, seeing them go through struggles, be in their most desperate moments, or even just see what they're like on their day to day businesses. It's something that really only grows when you've been through six of these god damn games with them, but fuck does it feel worth it.
not him but i like the orig better by a lot too. 3 feels way too cheap compared to 1. also music is better and bosses are more memorable eye em oh
better pacing
better level design
better moment to moment gameplay and difficulty
better music
series formula and action sidescroller trailblazer
>actually liking Sonic 06
>music is better
Are you kidding? 3 has one of the best soundtracks in the series all around
New template inspired me to make this.
Before you ask, the game between Jetters and Act: Zero is the cancelled 3DS game.
It's unironically one of the best drinking games ever conceived.
Didn't people typically like FE6 less than 7?
DMW3 was nice
Although it is a childhood game for me so maybe I'm biased.
Mass Attack was good.
You can skip Triple Dick honestly.
It's basically Return to Dreamland again.
That's the point of every Sup Forums thread.
Me too
The series didn't really click with me until 1-5, I get the feeling that if I played the first game through again with the appreciation I have now then I'd enjoy the earlier cases a lot more.
Also 2-1 is seriously underacted in my opinion. It may not have presented a great mystery but was funny as hell.
Thanks user, i want to know why you hate lost world, is seriously think it's not at all bad and a fairly decent game
Heros isn't a bad game, but it certainly is my least favorite sonic experience ..... besides sonic 4.
Having to replay the same level 4 times to get the last story along with the team mechanic and the shitty chaos emerald stages. If each team got different level each time instead of the same old repetitive shit it might be a better game
Personal preference
I can't really give a precise reason, but FE7 didn't mesh well with me. Maybe I need to do another playthrough to figure out why
How is Vanilla SF4 better than Ultra?
I'm not a fan of T7 adding in those super cutscene moves from Street Fighter.
One of the things I like about Tekken over other fighters is that you're in the game 100% of the time.
I personally don't mind the Rage Arts and the fact that Tekken has given us a better Akuma than Capcom and is now giving us Geese, I couldn't be happier; only thing I could want from Tekken, at this point, would be the ability to move before the rounds start, like Tekken 4, and perhaps a few more actual Tekken characters. I wonder if we'll be seeing more evil dudes from other fighting games.
Your kidding Tekken 4 was shit
I personally loved Tekken 4. It gave us Steve, after all.
Play Tear Ring Saga my man, it's literally FE under a different name by the director of the first 5 games. So much like FE in fact, Kaga got fucking sued for it and had to make his next games more different. So far Tear Ring Saga is the only one of Kaga's Sagas to be translated, and the fan translation is pretty good.