The Switch is finished -- First roms out

Between this and the recent kernel dump, it looks like we're on pace to get HBC sometime early 2018.

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realistically when can we get a CFW?

2.0.0 ftw.

Maybe a few months, maybe a few years
There is a lot of interest around the platform so it will probably come sooner than later, i don't think we will have a repeat of WiiU where the first backup loaders went public in its last year of life

thats nice and all until you realize the switch will have paid online by that time. Hope you pirates can cope with the loss of online Splatoon2 or the next iteration of smash bros

>paying for online
this is a joke right?

>you can't get passed server-side checks!!xd
Classic. GTFO.

They have the Kernel but can't run code yet because there is another layer of security to get through.
If Nintendo are dumb and never update firmware for their security it'll happen in a year.

Dumping the contents of a drive isn't at all impressive

It's impressive when you realize that it took much, much longer to do the same on Wii U.

Oi retard, it's Nintendo. I only care about their singleplayer games.

WiiU was completely BTFO in less than an year by team fail0verflow, the same one that first cracked the Wii. They never released anything to the public though.

They didn't release it immediately because it was jack shit.

>post hbc pic
>news is nothing

click bait thread

They never released anything, all the public methods were developed by other people. All they gave was proof of low level access like key hashes etc. that turned out to be correct.

I can finally buy a switch if it's hacked

>playing online
I'm only care about single player though

Hahahahahaha, drones can now play their blunders on PC instead

>The Switch is finished

How desperate is Sup Forums

Since when has piracy EVER harmed a console. Most people are oblivious to the piracy scene and for the enlightened minority, it will be a godsend.

What's the problem here?

Remember the rampant piracy that almost killed nintendo during the N64 and WiiU era? Thankfully some piracy-free platforms like the DS/3DS helped them survive.

Killed the PSP and Vita by proxy.

>But all those units sold!
Means shit if software isn't sold with them.

Yeah, I remember rampant piracy almost killed the PlayStation, PS2 and Xbox 360. Those were rough times.

Kek piracy didn't kill the PSP and Vita. Nintendo did.

If anything, the vita had an underground following BECAUSE of piracy.

That would be after the backlash of the setup for online.

Does anyone know if Splatoon 2 make you update your firmware?

where can you even download these switch scene dumps, i want the zelda botw music already.

can't you just get them from the wiiu version?

VITA was cracked like years after release. Sony killed vita.

Kernel dumps and data dumps are nothing. The PS4 had them a long time ago and still isn't hacked

The Wii U and 3DS had dumps in the first year too, but it took time for them

wii u version has inferior audio quality

shouldn't have updated user

ah okay. if those are actual scene releases you'll probably get them from usenet. or private trackers

Where i can get fsdumps of ps4 games?
Or is all SEKRIT KLUB shit?

I'll buy a Switch if it's hacked.
>Hope you pirates can cope with the loss of online Splatoon2 or the next iteration of smash bros
I'm okay with that.

it destroyed the psp.

>"Le switch is finished, we did it Reddit!"
>Doesn't realize he still has to pay for the console
>Won't be able to even do anything without paid online

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for it being a comfy portable emulation machine, but don't kid yourself if you think this is harming the switch.

Switch would be god tier if this is true.
Exciting I can't wait.

>Won't be able to even do anything without paid online
I can still play the Splatoon campaign. I can still play Mario Odyssey.
Nintendo's net play is never good so I don't see what the problem is. I barely ever went online with my hacked WiiU/3DS anyway.

>Please be mindful when posting in threads that we do not, under any circumstances condone piracy
God I love these disclaimers

this doesn't imply anything. I'd bet 80% of those downloads are people who never would have bought it in the first place, and the other 20% were people who downloaded it more than once.

oh no what a terrible loss lmao.

with the exception of overwatch I only play SP games, so... yeah I'm good

5 hours

I don't even care about pirated games, switch has literally no games worth. Give me emulators instead

Shit, you're right. I'll miss out on all those great Switch only multiplayer games.

>Nintendo gimps their console to prevent any repeat of Ninjhax
>it gets opened up anyways

That would be humiliating for Nintendo.


Emulators on the Switch would be a godsend. Literally the perfect system for it.

>Since when has piracy EVER harmed a console.
It killed the Dreamcast so hard Sega left the console business

Does BoTW work on CEMU yet or all we all giant cucks still?

I can't think of a single console game I'd want to play online, except maybe Bloodborne.

I don't pirate games because I'm not an underage poorfag but if this allows for fan translation patches for Japan only games, sign me up.

The ps4 had a kernel dump a few weeks into it's lifcecycle. 4 years later and we still don't have any homebrew on it. Maybe you should learn a bit about the topics you create, you imbecile.

>kernel and games being dumped means piracy is gonna be possible soon
Can't even fucking tell if it's falseflaggers or actual morons.

That's because PS4 doesn't have enough worthwhile games to do it.

Yeah and people are going to get homebrew running for the switch to play some binding of isaac, right?

They will because Nintendo will inevitably have a cornucopia of games exclusive to their system forever unlike the handful of games other consoles have with their biggest titles being multiplats.

We have a whole alternative operating system for it
Entrypoint unreleased btw :^)

So you mean to tell me I would not be able to play an FPS shooter meant for small kids online?

Really really soon. Hardware-wise the switch is not unique and software is now pretty much open but we will probably get hacks to run roms this year and some emus.

I can play my 3ds, wii u and wii online no problems.

>WiiU and PS4 got cracked open 4 years ago
>One only got proper CFW last year
>The other doesn't have shit
>Somehow the Switch is different

wiiu was because little interest and devs. ps4 because we cant

didnt 3ds have a banwave recently?

Yes but I think people just unbanned themselves again.

unban is easy but eventually gets banned. i wonder what caused that banwave to only hit a few people.

Yeah, I'll be so sad that I can't play some shitty lolifag pandering game and rehashed fighting game #100

Yes, but can you play the emulator on the go? The appeal of the switch is its portability

> firmware for their security it'll happen in a year.

That is only if they know what to patch.

Yes. Dumbass.

>piracy-free platforms like the DS/3DS
Both of them are emulatable though

hes joking, the ds 3ds has the most piracy (r4, xhax)

Not even surprised, no sane person would pay for a shitendo video game

i think i own every pokemon game up to oras and i have digital copies of the newer ones.

>first to crack the Wii
Actually their name comes from a method first implemented on the Wii by team Twiizers.

I pirated Splatoon on Wii-U and only played it once, and smash is a shit game as well. I actually bought Smash, but only to play the co-op missions with my ex. Even that was boring.

>Between this and the recent kernel dump, it looks like we're on pace to get HBC sometime early 2018.

Not gonna happen, the scene is full of cucks and they're gonna act like they don't want to "skin" Nintendo so they won't release shit, at least not that early.

The scene needs new people that won't care about ethic and who aren't Nintendo fanboys.


if i knew how id join the scene

kill yourself

>roms are dumped
>kernel's dumped and just a rehash of 3ds
>cortex a57/53 is well-documented
>gpu cores are identical to nvidia's maxwell series cards
emulation soon, mi amiibos

*mii amiibos

>90% of the WiiU owners exist because of Sm4sh, MK8 and Splatoon.

Probably the only way I'd buy a switch ia if a cfw came out. So many better things you can do with all that money.

I'm emulating the PSP to play JRPGs and VNs.
I'll emulate the Switch to play JRPGs and VNs.

I'm just wondering how long it'll take.

>emulation soon
>when the 3DS still doesn't have good emulation after all this time, only Pokemon's 7th gen runs decently on it

kill yourself

>Hes defending paid online
>Thinks I'm going to cough up 20 bucks to play a game with no servers

>Mfw we can finally kill nintendo
Lets go for the home run boys

I'd just like to remind all of you the Nintendo scene operates on several layers of retardation and moralfaggotry, so don't expect anything for at least another year or two at best.

>Smash after Melee
>SF2 Ugly Edition
>fucking Bomberman
Shit dude, how will I ever live without mediocre multiplayer games.

That's because the dev team is subpar. Cemu is a very young emulator, works already fairly well and gets huge improvements with each update.

psp emulation bloomed in short span because of competent devs. from non existent to competent. even ps3 emulation is improving.

Have fun paying for emulation.

>Nvidia shit
>really soon

3DS just isn't an ideal format for emulation because of the dual screens. Just like DS emulation is still wonky as shit. Also the 3DS's CPU's are obscure as fuck

have fun paying for games and basic ONLINE functions. LMAO

Piracy helped Dreamcast sales

The Shield TV has custom firmware and the Switch is literally a stock X1, same as in the Shield

Dunno why you think Nvidia is some god at security, they just make expensive GPUs

psp emulation bloomed because someone got an idea of writing an emulator in C++ instead of Java