Daily reminder that white women are atheists

daily reminder that white women are atheists

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If BBC is so great, why aren't there any good black bois?

whats wrong with non-militant atheism?

Look mom I posted it again!

i hope she enjoys being a single mother

It's contributing to the decline of society desu

You misspelled feasible.

>caring about white women

it often comes paired with islam apoligism

If BBC is so great why do they have to pay women more for interracial?

you dumb idiot, Sup Forums is for video games not your sociopolitical opinions.

Tell me, why should I give a shit?

Better yet, give me a reason to give a shit.

you should be posting this on Sup Forums instead of here

fukkin ebin man where u come up wit dis shit

video games

>nice back snatch
>tasteful amount of fur
>cute butt hole

Id watch her get fucked by a nig

So is you posting in this thread you hypocritical fuck. And before you're like "oh I have a job and fuck bitches on the daily I just shitpost on here for like 5 mins a day", that's still 5 minutes you could spend "bettering society. Go fuck yourself.


>white trash
i prefer brown girls


I disagree. Theology, any theology, right now, is more of a pox.

Porn on a SFW board


Federal Statistics you stupid nigger.

my noggin mane

i hate fur so much
nothing better than biting in a slippery smooth vajayjay


as a pole, this is nothing new

because it's the fucking porn industry, every fucking black man has a 20 inch monster cock so they pay extra because they're going to destroy your fucking pussy, its got nothing to do with "ew blacks"

>Sup Forums will defend minorities to the death
why is Sup Forums the worst board?

Who could be behind this post?

I will never get this. Is it supposed to be offensive?

The right does the same thing. Don't pretend it doesn't.

what's ironic is she's the one who stuck around reading all this perpetual filth, and brought herself to niggers

but nooooo it's Sup Forums's fault, lmao

Fuck wh*te people

They even pay more for the nigs with absolute average dicks.


That's not what multiple interviews from directors and actresses and even the black actorssay you fucking moron. Keep being in denial though.

mods are asleep

why are Sup Forums shitposters coming to shitpost on Sup Forums?


>posting a fake image

What the fuck is this thread?

I've already had the ultimate redpill, being gay.

>tfw lewd qt bf who has the same fetishes as mr and loves exhibitionism

>reddit screenshot

How about you stay there

No need to be mad dude.
Also not contributing =/= causing decline. And no I wasn't gonna claim that cause I don't have a job


>Live nowhere near nigger
>My Women don't even like niggers
>mfw I never understand why both white and black guys are this insecure.

Honestly why the fuck do you guys get triggered over this shit? Why is the western world this fucked up?

>Children of color and mix ethnicity are born more everyday
>Whites are to become the minority in America pretty soon
>By 2050 Whites are predicted to go extinct

What went right? Feels good to have a nigger cock to fuck all your bitches, impregnating them, and promptly running to another neighbor to repeat the cycle. Face it white boi, you're time is up.

>be gay and cute bf
>we both fap to loli
I don't get what's wrong with us.


I don't know but I find it kind of disgusting.
For some reason cumskin sounds more gross than shitskin.

/Leftypol/ shit posting

Reminder that people crying about Sup Forums are literally GAFers.

>comparing making people upset on the internet to assaulting people

I'm not even a Sup Forumsyp and I know this picture is retarded.

this is allowed, this belongs here obviously.

this doesn't change the fact that the left is the only side being violent


I mean it's true, mods really don't care about this shithole. Gookmoot gave us a rule to make meta threads talking about the current state of the board now for a year now and the mods haven't done shit with the feedback. This board is a containment board and nothing more.

as a transfag i can confirm the picture. the fact that white bois get so bent out of shape about any race is fucking hilarious. i really dont give a fuck about the race of the person im with, but when someone insecure gets mad is just makes it so much better.
you get that by just being a tranny anyway. people fucking triggered just by your existence just makes me take more titty skittles and laugh at you

>Haha, take that bigots

Just a reminder that no real black guy talks like this. Most likely a cucked little white guy who is addicted to black dicks for some reason.

physical violence and trolling on twitter and Sup Forums aren't exactly the same thing user.

>live nowhere near niggers
>haha why don't you guys like niggers xd

Fuck off and kill yourself

As if the average gay wasn't just as slutty as the average girl slut

I screencapped it before the thread was nuked and deleted. Let me guess, you're one of the people who constantly screams fake news?

are you acknowledging that the right is full of limpwristed faggots?

I too started posting in 2014

this is /lgbt/ as proven here:

and retards bait with this shit not giving a fuck about poe's law

>liking white women
how can someone have such shitty taste?

Fags are bigger size queens than girls.


This shitty thread again?
Ask a black guy anything because mods don't know how to do shit

Hi Sup Forums

Media and insecurity.

Stay mad and jealous. We have some immigrant workers over from time to time, and they seem nice enough. They aren't blasting shitty hip-hop music or dressing like a 12 year old ghetto nigger thug.

>Next episode preview

No, but you could be out there preventing the decline (in your opinion I might add), but you're in this thread.

>Ay yo white boy go get me and ya sis some ice cream

tiny dicked white bois absolutely BTFO

this poster is proving this:

christianity in its common form in america is an empty shell of a religion. it shits all over what it's supposed to be. I'll take no religion over what they did to that.




t. GAF

You sound like a norwegian gay friend of mine

Nah we're completely monogamous and both of us haven't really been with many guys, I'm the first guy he's ever been with

Why are white ""men"" such a fucking joke?

Hey /leftypol/

Are there actually people that worry that much about their penis size?

This. The gift of a homogeneous society.

Anybody have that screenshot where Gaf was crying because Clinton lost? It was a top kek.


ayo white boi
U supposed to be competing WITH the bbc
not for it


imagine to be her pusi slave

Women are the demon spawn of Lilith, of course they're atheists. Their role in the world is to corrupt men who can't control themselves from salvation.

Look up any of those names on reddit and you will find nothing. The accounts don't exist.

No nigga would talk like that if he has a nose ring.


Do it, I want this dumb fascist OP banned