Start playing Guilty Gear

Start playing Guilty Gear.

i will when they put bridget in

When it becomes a turn based rpg, sure.

I already play Guilty Gear, what now?

I already do

I just stopped playing Guilty Gear a few minutes ago. Mist cancelling online is hard


unironically the best graphics I have ever seen in a video game
Too bad I don't like fighters

I want to get FUCKED by Sol.

6k loops for the win

No you won't.

Now post more Jam

I already do on PS4, nigger. See ya in the east coast american lobby in 2 hours.

sure i will

Is it as difficult to learn as BB?

You won't.

Baikenfags said the exact same thing and Rev 2 didn't see any serious increase in the player count on console OR PC.

Before that, it was Dizzy and Jamfags who still didn't buy Rev.

You only care about getting new porn of your waifu, it's got nothing to do with playing Guilty Gear. You idiots have already proved that you're not going to buy the game no matter who they put in.

Stop lying trapfag.

Absolutely not, there's a very long and detailed tutorial included in the game that also gives you tips for every possible matchup.

But I'm at work. I'll have a cold beer and play GG when I get home.

I haven't stopped since 1999.

Sure user, just give $40.

well i'm only going to buy one copy so i don't think that'll raise the player count very significantly

This. The tutorials in GG are fucking perfect for people that are just getting started with fighting games


But I can't. Literally the highest skill cap fighter I've ever played. Too hard to get good it gets unfun.

Thing is the most important stuff to learn in this game is matchup knowledge this will be the center pillar of how you play against people, and even though the tutorial and trials are godlike you will need to fight people a lot. There is tons of character specific things and set ups which you have to learn and get accustomed with.

I just don't like Arc games.

1. No one to fight against. Nonexistent playerbase.
2. Character designs are cringe worthy deviantart-tier animu shit. None of them look like fighters and they all shop at Hot Topic.
3. No neutral game whatsoever.
4. Just a dumbed down Blazblue gameplay wise with tinier movelists, no ground tech, random gimmicky shit like Danger Time. YRCs take no skill unlike FRCs, making it less satisfying.
5. Guilty Gear simply isn't fun. That's why no one (including everyone ITT) plays it. No one has ever been hyped about Guilty Gear. Even when the Gods play it it's so bland. Every fight is the same, there's no entertainment value at all.

I got you, senpai

Agreed, yet for some reason I want to play CTB

>buy game
>go to lobby
>entire regions lobbies are completely empty
>only close region is one part of america
>like 8 guys there
>they only ever do "stylish" auto combos

too late, girlfriend


I would explain it to you, but you'd ignore it and continue to shitpost so why bother wasting my breath.


Not even worthy of a (you)

Blazblue's teching system is more a gimmick than anything in Guilty Gear

It's an arbitrary limiter on why some characters are shit because they just have no way to punish it meaningfully while all the top characters can massively blow it up

Let me spell this out for you

>Jam/Dizzy "players" say they will buy Rev if they get their waifus
>They don't buy Rev when they get their waifus
>Baiken """""players""""" say NO BAIKEN NO BUY from day one
>They don't buy Rev 2
>Bridget """""""""""""""""""""""players""""""""""""""""""""""" say NO BRIDGET NO BUY from day one

>Character designs are cringe worthy deviantart-tier animu shit. None of them look like fighters and they all shop at Hot Topic.
"I've never watched a 90's anime, the post"
You probably also shill Abigail.
>Guilty Gear simply isn't fun
"fun" is subjective
>That's why no one (including everyone ITT) plays it
I said 'ill be playing it in 2 hours on PS4 on the east coast american, believe it or not.
>Every fight is the same, there's no entertainment value at all.
Sounds more like Street Fighter 5, unirocally and by someone who played it until Akuma was added.

I'm a rank 20 and I get beat by rank 1 players in lobbies while being taunted and insulted in chat. I'm getting pretty tired of this game tea bee h pham.

Gotta search for player lobbies. I've literally never had an issue finding plenty of players.

>muh japanese polls
>half your poll is about BB
>talking about foreign market and it's playerbase

requested character =/= people buying and playing the game. Baiken in Rev2 didn't see a colossal surge of players.

>Zero arguments

Kind of yes kind of no. BB is known for ludicrously long combos, GG has shorter combos but requires more precision in timing and has more system mechanics. They are both on the highish end for learning curve for fighting games.

Rev 2 online is dead. Will wait to buy Dragon Ball FighterZ as my anime fighting game

it's not fun. i'd rather play a fighter from a good dev like french bread

Well to be honest baiken kind of sucks

It's so hard. I'm not new to fighting games, I just think GG has too many things to think about during battle. I'm trying though.

I already do, sadly there is no one on PC.

Point proven. Enjoy your shitposting

But I already play Guilty Gear.

Yes daddy

Shorter combos? Thats all I fucking want.

Yeah but shes so fucking hot dude


Already doing that. Currently learning how to be the Master of best Dad.

>Still no argument
>But those characters aren't as well liked/requested as Bridget

I disagree, but French Bread is legit, so here's some smut

Is rev 2 worth buying if I already have revelator? What does it add besides 2 additional characters?

>If i take a screenshot of longly outdated versions of the game EXCEPT the newest one, i'll prove something! KEK!

Stop mashing throw on wakeup.


i'm the one guy playing reload

story mode stuff IIRC

I don't want to mis sell you on that point, there are still some lengthy combos, but compared to BB yes significantly shorter on average. Longer than the kinds of combos you will find in SFV for example, though..

The fact is that the people who like that shit character don't play the game at all or buy it, do you get it or not???

Which one? There's so many, user.

>Baikenfags said the exact same thing and Rev 2 didn't see any serious increase in the player count
So? We kept our word. We were a loud minority. Can't wait to get home and play her.

>complains no neutral
>praises BB gameplay
>furthermore dickrides AC+R
>cherry on top is calling whole series not fun

This isn't your average shitposting.

>What does it add besides 2 additional characters?
it's a completely new version of the game that the entire online playerbase has moved to
you will not find any matches in vanilla revelator

All the chicks are too hot. I jerk off more than I play the game. I'll play like 5 rounds and jerk off rinse and repeat


Robo Ky players play the game.

Zappa players play the game.

Testament players play the game.




>Surprised that i attack the most shilled fighting game of the decade

I don't like any of the characters

Didn't they say you can play with people that have rev2?

Zero proof.

Xrd Rev2

Fuck that tutorial that had you slide under a bunch of bombs. I mashed the shit out of the d pad and succeeded after 50 tries. What are you supposed to do to consistently make it?

Just quality of life stuff mostly. More story mode content, new arcade stories for a few characters, ranked being FT2 if you want, being able to search for ranked while in practice mode, no longer have to be in a world lobby just to go do player matches, and they just updated the game to have a in game combo maker where you can make your own recipes for practice.

Honestly though if you're not interested in Baiken or Answer, then there's really not much there to interest other than a new balance patch.

Big balance patch, story mode updates, diorama update, some new notation combo thing in training mode so you can make your own combo trials and only way you'll play with others at all.

But I do play the game, and I just miss my boy

Not him but should I get Rev2 for PS4 or PC? Which one has the larger online playerbase?

maybe? rev2 players can toggle back to the original through a menu to play rev1 with rev1 players so you can still play rev1 with friends i guess, but the community as a whole has already moved to the newest version

Why are his shoes so retarded

That tutorial sucks dongs. Mash the buttons too.

I can't, I'm not super EVO FGC.

OH PLEASE, i'm literally the only sad fuck here that plays it regularly with Faust and Raven and the only other people i see online use Sol, Ky ,Sin, Zato and Chipp.

By that logic you have yet to post proof you will buy it, or ever bought any of his games to begin with.

>I do play the game
Everyone is good at saying it :^)


I hate how gimmicky all the characters are.

No, I'm just trying to mimic their art style.

Hey cool, you posted a character from the best current fighter on the market currently. Good job.

It speaks miles about your game and fanbase's quality if you feel the need to attack the easiest target in the room in order to make it look good. An honest, healthy fanbase would speak for itself.

The proof is the last two iterations of the game where waifu fags got exactly what they wanted and didn't play the game.

Been playing since Xrd came out.

does he look like the kind of nigga you say "your shoes look like shit" to

I don't like the wake up games

I buy beat 'em up games that have characters I fap to, but never actually play them.
There, you're wrong.

If you are in this thread saying "no one is playing" what you have to understand is that you don't play these niche fighting games like LoL or SC2 by hitting the "ranked matchmaking" button, you have to go find the people playing it and ask them to play you. For this game specifically, search for player lobbies or if your autism is low key enough that you trust yourself in a crowd join the discord server and ask people there to play you, I know with 100% certainty that the latter option will allow you to easily play unless your only window is like 2 am weekdays or something. If you are the kind of person with a lifestyle where if you can't get a game within 2 minutes during your one 30 minute break a day I feel for you, but you are going to need to find another game because unfortunately that just won't work in this game or niche fighting games like it, but if you have an hour or two and the patience to wait 5-10 minutes you will be able to drudge someone up to play with you 90% of the time if you are willing to go find the community and don't need a "find game for me button". I don't say that to be condescending, it's great to be able to do that in games with the population, these just aren't those games, and lacking it doesn't mean the game is dead or there is no one to play with, it just means you have to put in some effort to do it. If that isn't for you, fair enough, save yourself the money and pick up something with a much larger population.

When did you even take this picture?