Why do niggers smell like shit?
Why do niggers smell like shit?
Because you always meet them after they are done fucking your mum's arse
get off my board racist
kys op
because they eat like shit for most of them. Poor people smell bad because they eat bad. Niggers smell bad because they are poor AND eat spicy shitty food
>why does something made out of shit smell like shit
>boat financed by sgdq
What game is this? Graphics look good.
go go go
>not one female
We need to bomb Europe
Life is like a nigger
Here in
Old nigs
>white men always end up being fucked up in the head and either shoot up a school, kill their family, or start to wear dresses and become little dick sissy traps
No wonder white women are breeding with blacks these days.
wtf you waiting for delete this thread now
Fuck off
>Highest divorce and breakup rate of all interracial relationships
Lmao ok
Not all of them do. Kenyans and Ehtiopians don't tend to smell.
Nigerians however stink worse than Snake's sweaty snek. We almost had to burn my friend's chair because some Nigerian dude who was there had left his armpit scent on it which was detectable withing a 3 metre radius. The guy himself has an effective stinkbomb range of around 7 metres, I'm not even joking.
>niggers are all the dregs of society, loathed the world over, technologically and scientifically illiterate, IQ rates barely above a down syndrome autist
You didn't even have the wheel until colonists brought it along.
thanks murrica
Stop being racist
Why don't people post video games?
>Sup Forums - Video Games
polniggers disgust me. go back to your containment board, please.
This is the average white man.
Take a look at him
You lost. Your own women don't like you, mexicans don't like you, asians don't like you. Nobody likes you
My face feels weird now. Thanks, faggot
because you are a NIGGER
>being this mad
Aren't you supposed to be doing drugs? Fuck off
What did he mean by this?
Why are niggers obsessed with sissy males? Are they all secretly faggots?
Says the only race who uses meth
Missed a pretty epic get there user. Shame...
Any of my fellow black men love racebaiting Sup Forums?
What did he mean by this?
Really makes me think.
>be autistic tranny speedrunner
>raise money to import future murderers
>implying traps and twinks in any way "average" or common
White boys make the best traps.
>smallest dick
>little white butt
>pink nipples and lips
but asians do love this type of stuff.
Sure thing, ape.
Stop race-mixing and check this 5.
I'm an european and I agree with you.
At least bomb the most rapefugee infested cities.
You need to bomb israel you dumb fucking goy
>believing alternative facts made by the white man to keep us down
Didn't this trap kill them self?
Black bois BTFO
Boi i wish that was average
Pls delete this thread mods I like my politics on Sup Forums and my video games on Sup Forums
White men are mentally unstable these days, they go shoot up schools, put on dresses, become "trans"
this isn't videogames
God I've never wanted to set up with my BB gun and pop some rafts on the coast so badly.
Daily reminder that it was a nigger who invted the personal computer, stay woke.
But an Asian has the current high score?
Whites are more plentiful so there's a higher chance of having a shitty school shooter than other races.
>men are mentally unstable these days, they go shoot up schools, put on dresses, become "trans"
That's murrica for you. Their cancerous degenerate agenda is spreading.