Is this a joke?
Your reminder.
Homo Erectus here. Neandertards are fags.
When will his fans realize that this fat aussie fuck will never release his shit game?
I actually believe him this time
>new launch date is 1-8-17
>launch date on the store page says 2-8-17
I think it's because you live in a different timezone, I live in Spain and it says the same thing.
I live pretty close to Australia, and it says August 2.
Honest question:
If he releases something, will you buy it?
Homo Sexual here, N*anderthals are fags.
For $10 maximum yes.
I think steam uses EST, I'm not sure though.
>the greatest game ever made
>for less than $19.99
good luck
I'll read some reviews and if it seems like its even a fraction of what it has been described as I'll probably buy it
if nothing else I believe that he'll never put it on sale
I will pirate it.
If it turns out to be as good as Cleve claims it is, I will then buy it and even get some extra copies to give to friends. I am however entirely confident that this will not be necessary.
>I will pirate it
How can you pirate a game that is impossible to pirate?
If the game is anything like the old demo I'll consider it. I'll probably wait a couple of months tho.
I don't really care about RPGs, I just find Cleve's persona fascinating.
>$20 plus tax and tip for a game that was programmed with MS DOS
Why hasn't anyone murdered him yet?
I am trained in the art of Russian computer magic.
>I will pirate it.
He know about Cleve's Neanderthal-powered DRM. He'll find out what you did and he'll find out where you live, and when he comes for you you better have 39.99 dollars handy.
That's what I'm wondering about Ken Penders.
>implying its not secretly Unity
The man is an infinite source of entertainment. Why kill the goose with the golden eggs?
What is this, and why is it posted about so much lately?
His shtick stopped being funny 10 years ago
If this was true, I'd pirate the game just to have Cleve-kun come to my house.
>Cleve is going to travel back in time to January to release Grimoire
Based 'thal
Reminder that the release price will be $39.95 in 1995 dollars.
Knuckles protects him
Yeah, but only because I'm a steam slut and suspect this game will probably get removed from steam for legal reasons.
A dungeon crawler akin to Wizardry VII that's been in development for 23 years.
It might come out soon. Might.
It has already missed multiple deadlines and assurances that the game was ready for launch. Since 1999.
>legal reasons
Such as?
A mega-autist who genuinely believes he's the last living Neanderthal (he has a note from his doctor!) has spend the last 23 years working on a Wizardry 7 clone, which he claims will be the best game ever and will have over 600 hours worth of content. He's been working on the game since 1994 and has missed every single release date since 1997. He used to be pretty unknown, but he's recently opened a Steam page for his game which made Sup Forums notice him and dig into his hilariously awful past.
The stolen source code from the company he bankrupted.
>works on my machine
Now I'm interested!
pretty sure a big fata bat tats keep stealing his """emrald"""
Nice pixels.
>If I like it I will buy it
I'd have more respect for you if you said you will pirate because you can and you don't care.
Don't spout that holier than thou attitude when it's just blatant lies. You'd just find the smallest possible thing to moan about and use that as a reason you ended up not buying it.
>B-but I would have if the game was gud
The single most pathetic line a pirate can say.
>But I don't like the dev
>But I don't like the people that printed and distributed the games
>The guy who makes the coffee looks like a fag
>They are pretentious
>Completed it, game was shit
Sup Cleve.
>that screencap
Why are dungeon crawler praised for their 1000+ hours game length?
These games are painfully slow and the content is bloated at best.
>content is bloated
what i that even supposed to mean?
>Why are dungeon crawler praised for their 1000+ hours game length?
I can't even think of a single dungeon crawler with more than 80 hours of gameplay, and that is including Xeen which is two games in one.
I'd have more respect for you if you didn't get triggered like a little girl.
Presumably edited the page.
You are a piece of shit, and thus assume other people are always pieces of shit, and will act accordingly.
Please understand, most creatures are superior to yourself. Consider posting in this thread instead
can somebody give me a quick rundown on grimoire and the developer?
I wish he'd release the manual already so I can start planning my party
>woops! I forgot to make a manual!
>be right back, I'll delay the game so I can write it first!
>it wouldn't be perfect otherwise.
While the game definitely exists in some form, we have zero proof the manual does.
Cleve has said that there is a manual, but it's only 20 pages long and doesn't cover most of the game, because he's been so busy with the game itself that he hasn't had any time to write a proper manual.
>This game will unlock in approximately 11 days
So this time is real?
>they're right, I need to do this properly
>game is delayed until I can manufacture 5000 limited edition physical copies with full color manual, map, and other goodies
>fund this limited edition on kickstarter and my patreon here:
user it's been 20 fucking years
of course it is!
Of course not, don't be silly.
Gaben can make ANYTHING possible.
At least as real as the numerous previous release dates.
Look at all of this asshurt.
>P-p-p-p-pirates don't buy stuff
Some of them don't. I have a copy of La-Mulana on my steam and my vita, both of which I bought and yet I haven't played them on either of those, know why? Because I already played the shit out of it when I pirated it. I bought it literally to support the devs.
I did the exact same thing with Ys too.
>But I don't like the dev
Valid reason to not give them any money. Why would I pay them if I don't like them? kek
>But I don't like the people that printed and distributed the games
Also completely valid for the same reason.
>Completed it, game was shit
Done that as well. Cry more bitch nigga.
Is there a list of missed release dates?
according to him it has been sent and approved by valve but it will probably be "delayed" yet again due to """micro-issues"""
You bet.
Quote another thread
>It's getting pretty warm to beta, actually.
>Grimoire is going to be released this year. It may not seem like it right now but it is happening.
>I may release Grimoire a couple of weeks after Wiz 8 - after all the Sir-Tech game is only 80 hours of play and mostly empty, I should let people have a good play of it so they can compare it with my masterpiece.
>My problem for my entire life has been my overwhelming modesty and humility about my own ability level
>That's why I got 25,000 hits in a single day last month. Grimoire is more anticipated now than ever before.
>whereas MW rapidly was consigned to the same CD shovel heap that I tossed Daggerfall and Elder Scrolls onto a long time ago. Grimoire will be out soon enough. Then the readers of this newsgroup will get to see what a decent RPG actually looks like.
>BG2 is a hollow sheep's bladder of nothingness inflated with the bloated bad smelling wind pumped into it by Interplay marketing.
>I think Grimoire will be in beta testing this year and released first thing next year, possibly even in January. Of course, my estimates have been off by a few days in the past.
>My problem for my entire life has been my overwhelming modesty and humility about my own ability level
Has his real fans actually been following this for 23 years?
Don't forget 1997-10-8 (IIRC)
>It's ready to go to release tomorrow if I wanted to.
More? like 2005~2013
of course no. I'm here just for the may-mays.
Some of them, yes.
One of his most loyal fans even died while waiting for release.
If it miraculously turns out to be a good RPG, yes.
>looks like a dungeon crawler
>call it an RPG
Dungeon crawlers are a subset of CRPGs.
Oh, cool. A new release date. Can't wait for him to break this one, too.
Absolutely not. I don't even plan on playing the damn thing. I just want to see the game get criticized or outright shat on and how Cleve reacts.
Of course not, odds are the game will be terrible. Implying of course it comes out at all.
>and how Cleve reacts
>"The game is perfect, you idiot Sapes just can't appreciate superior Thal games. Everyone who hates the game has an IQ of 60 due to their degenerate Sapiens genes."
He's nothing if not predictable.
If he misses this release date on Steam I will have no sympathy for those who choose to still follow him.
dinosaur detected.
Looking forward to finally being able to beat this cheating fuck properly
The only thing this pic is lacking is comic sans ms.
But those who followed him after the myriad of other missed releases do ?
No, I'll pirate it though
I know neanderthals aren't renowned for their artistic abilities but that doesn't explain why those character portraits are so damn ugly.
He paid to have them done. Three times.
Was it really written in machine code in DOS?
Will it even run natively on Windows 7-10?
is that cleve?
Tbh I bought 9/10 games I pirated, especially genres I'm not used to for example my last three games I pirated were EU4, Civ 6 and Stellaris which I bought just a week after pirating.
>EU4, Civ 6 and Stellaris
I pirated and purchased these games as well.
My most played game on Steam - Mount&Blade Warband, I also pirated first.
Second most played - Civilization V, I also pirated first.
Games I pirated and ended up not buying are Mass Effect 2, Dragon Age 3 I purchased Dragon Age 2 without pirating first, stuff like that, where I quit at the start. I literally use pirating as a demo.
I don't believe it.
There's sub-100 IQ DeviantArt furries who communicate purely through yiffing and growling who could do better.