Was it really necessary?

Was it really necessary?

Still the most cancerous champion in the game.

Don't know the character, but honestly the first design is cuter, the second one looks like every other female gunner in a moba or MMO

she is the weakest ranged hero you silver nigger

Left is cuter

Left > Right

>they changed the mommy

is this game really as balanced as all the reviews seems to claim?
I've played some 15 hours and some heroes just feel incredibly underpowered compared to others.
Stuff like Blossom against Raigon, Freya against Bakku etc - it just feels incredibly broken.

Now Blossom is the cutest hero
but her voice is so damn annoying, jesus
they can't balance for shit, but you can actually outplay your opponents even 1v3

>Feisty looking personality
>Cool hammers
>Rad tattered cloth

>Stone-faced "muh stronk wymyn" personality
>Stupid hammers
>Covered up
>Prim and proper cloth
>Ice(?) character with white hair meme

Left > Right, again.

>they can't balance for shit
I feared as much, but atleast the deer be sexy. Just wish there was more customization options other than reskins and getting more clothes - I want less clothes damnit.

That is unironically my favorite haircut in any vidya.

that's different skin user
yeah, their skins game is weak as fuck

BLC design was better
I hope metal warden makes it in unchanged.

left is much cuter.


I don't get Shifu changes either. Did they try to make him more niggerish?
haha, you wish

Nah, her original design does have some merit, but the way the duster just covers up all of her body sort of wastes the point of even bothering to model anything underneath it. The new design still incorporates it, but it is less obstructive. Plus the shoulders on the original are fucking god awful, they look like fucking cardboard with little hooks in them for details.

Roots or whatever the tree/root-guy was called when?


they had a nice art style going, why did they have to fuck it up and make everything generic? no more face mask, no more ponytail, trench coat becomes a pointy cape, shoulderpads gone, boob window, not to mention the guns she's using clash with the rest of the outfit
pattern on her leg/arm bracers is gone, the red curtain thing is perfect instead of being torn, bra change looks literally retarded, face is generic

>they made Reaver look like this
why live

Don't even get me started on those ugly ass fucking gloves the original is wearing. Jesus fucking Christ, did she grab those out of a kitchen or something?

i feel like something as minor as how her face and eyes are portrayed in the first image make her look more devious. I know the redheads have short tempers is a common meme trope but i found the first image much more fitting. The right picture looks like she's one of those instagram thicc models. This is coming from an outsider though, i'm just giving my 2 cents.

Then you have good taste in fictional character's hairstyles

What game?

Who made it back into battlerite from BLC?
Those who didn't make it back in whos their replacement?
Whens this absolute madman coming back?

a lot of shit

>everyone must be pretty!
>everyone must look like they went to a Korean plastic surgeon!

>piece of clothing has "metal" designs on it
i wince everytime and i blame Blizzard

>they changed my favorite champ to look like a complete retard

what was the problem with the first design??

>we want the korean audience

nothing, but still the new design looks better

who the fuck knows
they consider this an "upgrade"

can you post croak?

Every single BLC designe besides Reaver and Thorn was shit.
that reminds me.

ahahaha wow thats bad. sorry user.

>Reaver went from the the most basdass drunken brawler on this side of the planet to the most generic anime MC in history


croak actually the only one who looks better

hopefully they stop ruining the waifus, you think they would learn from overwatch

but user, she is untouched

love me some deer girls.

What is best skin though?
The default actually looks to be one of the better ones - so it's either brown, orange or white.

the lore for him in battlerite says he's the exiled prince of some kingdom trying to free his father from a curse or something

How's Iva these days? I played her the most, one update ruined my goto strat sadly.

better extract the 3d model before they get to her

what about chocolate deer

Will they ever make Varesh not shit?
Like, for every good/cool thing you can do with him there is like 3 things he suck dick at.

I can't believe someone actually enjoy playing granny

Don't show this to /k/.
This can't stand for some dear cunny.

Why did the panties and bra grow in size reeeEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeee

How does sunmoon man look now?

Yes, let's begin.


>Caring about lore at this point
It took Riot fucking 5 years to actually try with the lore and they only did that because they have too many employees with to much free time.
Even then they ruined it.

Im not even gonna try with lore in this game.
Is what i tell myself as i eat up hvatever stupid fanfic they come up with next, being a lorefag is suffering

He looks waaay older on the new design, also his body is slightly darker brown, both of which make him look considerably less cartoony, personally i prefer the new design but i understand why some would prefer the old one.

What the fuck is a battlerite

I think it's an improvement

Was best champ already a thing in BLC?

Something you get to pick each round.

I prefer the old way of holding his weapon but not bad.

Paired with croak she's imba

How about notKassadin?


Yes harbinger was in BLC
And he was Broken as fuck.

Im still amazed that they managed to keep even the slightest resemblance of his old kit

Okay so before I start spending money on this game solely based off of how much I want to fuck the deer girl, can someone tell me, is it fun?


She's shit, how bad are you?

>riot lore
god damn i remember when they butchered my boy xerath and all the shurima champions, im still pissed

>t. guy who bought it solely for the deer

old hair and face is better

>her smile and optimism : gone

but hard at first
With EA package you will get all champions forever
If you're poor you can wait for F2P in a few months
I don't remember if they changed him
pic related is his legendary skin
looks like shit


what's even this game?

Didn't they double adjust Xerath's lore to be less generic after some backlash from the first change?

Its like a top down team fighting game? People may call it mobaish, but, there is no clicking on people to attack them, no auto attacks, its all "skill shots" as they seem to call it. Effectively you gotta aim all your attacks from a top down perspective, but there are a lot of fighting game type things, like EX moves, supers, and corner(wall) combos.

They are setting up for a F2P version soon though, already having tested it out. So honestly if you are not sure, just wait, or try it on a free weekend, we just had one, probably another one soonish.

A true moba

>Everything about Shen and Zeds lore stories
I will never forget that shit.
It legit looked like some 15 year old fag from MAL wrote it.
I quit that shit game soon after thankfully

>You will never have inhibitors old projectile reflecting projectile back.
At least his R is a million times better than it was before.

How cancer am I?


There is no "cancer" in this game
The only thing i mad about is when you get 3 ranged heroes against Ashka's wall

Champion tier person here, AMA.

LoL lore is fucking retarded though.
Battlerite lore is just short.

>$20 for a moba

that doesn't mean shit
you can chainCC with a lot of heroes

How's the balance - what is the state of the game - What is meta-picks/comps
I expect a full essay when I return tomorrow.

Both look good.

>There is no "cancer" in this game
Freya is.

I have found that playing Raigon against Blossom is fucking stupid in 2s since she alwasy has a jump ready and keeps summoning that stupid fucking tree that alwasy eats my hits.
But other then that it's not bad really.

I don't really considere anything that isn't release day Poloma broken.

20 bucks for early access, it's going f2p soon

What are you talking about, her face looks at least 50% more MILFy

Nothing will beat the "story" they wrote for Jinx when they tried fleshing out Zaun and Piltover. I waited years for them to go into her backstory and while even Janna got a well written little short story, Jinx's legit sounded like some Riot employee's 10 year old kid wrote it.

Isn't the new Quake also 20 ore more bucks?
Also the game is going to be f2p once outside EA.

I always forget I have this game, how dead is it? Worth my time to install?

her hair ruins everything
Yeah, she probably is the closest to cancer now

Whats the current tierist

Its the "I have 3 kids, im frustrated and going through pms don't fuck with me right now" look.