Talk me out of resubbing to Runescape after not playing for 5+ years

Talk me out of resubbing to Runescape after not playing for 5+ years.

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It's an endless grind or you're paying chinese gold farmers to play for you.

>GE added to OSRS
>Engine bugs were found that make leveling easier if you skip animations and server ticks but its tedious so only a few do it
>Zulrah crashed the economy and most combat training is done in dream land

why pay gold farmers when you can just buy bonds with actual money from Jagex and sell them for gold in game?

bots existing, jagex fully endorsing P2W as long as you're paying them instead of someone else, the grind of everything, and all the quests you've already done won't be as fun the second time through

And the best MMO out there.

because you get less that way

>giving money to jagex
if i had to choose between giving my money to chinks or jews, chinks would win every time

play it
no mmo could ever be as comfy

I still have my old account. There are a lot of quests that I haven't done. I stopped playing often before grand exchange even came out. I think this was before player owned houses.

thats well over ten years ago then lad
rs3 (the version with your old account) would be so different you wouldn't recognise a single thing in it
you could play oldschool runescape which is an official server with a 2007 era runescape graphics and combat style with its own dev team, but you'd need to make a new account

Fishing lvls?

It was fine as a teen when your previous gaming experience was flash games and you didnt understand just how bad things were.
Now? Just play WoW.

it was supposed to be my first 99, but I got impatient and got cooking with the sharks/monkfish I caught before that


You will attempt to relive the experiences you had when you first played, only to find that this is impossible as your naivety, wonder and sense of exploration are gone. You will use guides to optimise xp, spend a large portion of your time in GE and barely speak to anyone.

You only enjoyed it because you were young and stupid

I won't do that OP
I took a several year break before coming back and the game felt like a breath of fresh air from all the other trash WoW-clones out there
The sub is super cheap and you can even pay it with ingame gold, and even low levels nowadays can earn enough money to keep it going through GP alone


I did almost all the quests with guides back then.
> You will use guides to optimise xp
already did that

I quit WoW after getting to the max level in WotLK.

IMO, controversial opinion here, but RS3 is more worth returning to than OSRS. The OSRS dev team have a bad habit of taking years to react to important things. RS3 has less people, but the newer (read: 2012 and onward) quests are fantastic and provide a lot of closure to old quest lines. EOC also made it possible to introduce lots of new bosses that IMO OSRS will likely never match. It's a lonelier game however. OSRS sometimes has double the people on.

Nigger just bot wc to 60 it takes just a day and bot yews for sweet cash. Just do some quests every now and then and talk to people so wont get banned

>OSRS sometimes has double the people on.

Why is that?

then the banwave comes and population drops to less than RS3

Well don't. Play Albion Onlineā„¢ and experience the best MMO ever. It does everything Runescape does but better.

top fucking kek

Albion can't even match the content that RS has
Albion has no quests.

jagex is anglos tho

ah the old "rs3 has no bots but 90% of osrs is bots" argument
your game is dead

Jumping in to agree with these two. I played from 2005ish to whenever it was they removed wilderness. 2007? And then resubbed sometime last year.

I play off and on these days but enjoy RS3 a fair bit. I wouldn't really deem anything except microtransactions as a negative change. New combat took a bit to get used to though.

I tried going back to 07scape and decided that it was mostly nostalgia that made me want to try it. Was fun as a kid obviously but these days it just feels like a mess and clunky as all fuck.

Who was right?

The /vg/ clan chat is pretty comfy at times

osg or rsg? two very different beasts
the people of osg are kinda retards but they're the most fun gaming community i've met in years

I've been trying to decide between the two for the last week. I'm a lone wolf a lot in MMOs and I know RS is better for that. Albion looks fun though

You get more gold through farmers.

>first cape is cooking, fletching of firemaking
why do this to yourself?

Why would I talk you out of playing the best game of all time?

I assume you're talking about old school though

what sites sell gold and what's the chance of me getting caught buying the gold?

thanks for proving me right

>every few months RS3 will shoot up in popularity and overtake OSRS, but only for about 3 days
what is going on here? double xp weekends or whatever?

>needing everything pointed out
I'll let you figure it out by yourself

>realises his own source disproves his point
>y-you just don't get it!
l m a o

osg is the worst iteration of /vg/ clan chats that there has even been since osrs started

the thread is intentionally shitposted to death, the cc and the discord are comfy as fuck however

you're obviously new as fuck, osg is awful. theres a reason every decent oldfag doesnt use it.

>number of OSRS "players" suddenly takes a huge dip

bump for curiosity :^)

what's the best site for skill guides nowadays?

the wiki
Runescape's wiki is one of the best in existence

I bet it's one of you faggots that keeps stealing my hill giants


But it's shit user, I recently installed it a few months ago after playing in 2007-2009.

It's a weird game now.

play old school then nigger, it's literally just how it was in 2007 but with additional community polled content

Adventurequest worlds is easier to take advantage of

>community polled content

tfw no idea what to do

i tried to return to RS3 after a long break, re subbed for a month, found myself just afk skilling and wondered what part of that constitutes as "fun"... AFK fishing, single clicking prif agility course. Afk cutting ivy, semi afk slaying.. Afk harps in priff... didnt, resub for the 2nd month.

why pay to not actually play a game..

It's not the same, OP. It's just not the same.