Who had it the worst?
Who had it the worst?
Bomberman had it worst with Conker second
>I just want to go home. With old Rare. And I dunno, make a couple good games.
>It's not gonna happen.
These are all really bad but Sonic loos okay. Pac Man isn't so bad either, but his show did him no justice.
Rare's boys and girls had a hard life
Pac managed to uncuck himself afterward.
Sonic actually looks okay aside from the retarded bandages, so not him either.
from worst to least
From worst to not as bad
Conker > Bomberman > Spyro > Banjo > Pacman > Sonic > Crash
Pacman, Crash and Sonic aren't that bad actually.
Spyro is the worst considering it used to be a legitimate franchise. Conker had one (good) game, everything after it might as well not exist.
Mascots are the lowest common denominator trash 'trick' and I'm fucking glad they're gone.
>Saying this when military shooters and open world games fucking exist.
So, they were gone when you stopped paying attention to video games.
Bomberman and Spyro
Don't know who the fuck that fox is
I too want them gone, but mascots are no fucking better in my opinion, just another cheap marketing trick, completely soulless, preying on stupid, autistic children.
It's not like every game with those were bad, which bascially makes them less worse than the other two mentioned before.
that's conker
Boom sonic's show is genuinely entertaining
Nu pacman still retains some classic tones
Ugly spyro and banjo still hurts
Jak crash is just wat tier
Conker and "bomber man" are beyond why tier
Looks nothing like conker, what the fuck
That's their idea of a younger Conker. They're completely out of touch.
Where's mario?
>It's not like every game with those were bad
Funny I can say the same thing with military shooters and open world games, but because those weren't part of your stupid childhood, you get harsh on them, and refuse to get harsh on your stupid equally market researched, soulless abominations.
How about you sit down and shut the fuck up and let growns up speak? The world does not need fucking children.
Why the fuck is Duke pictured? He looks as badass as ever.
I thought Nuts and Bolts was pretty gud
>How about you sit down and shut the fuck up and let growns up speak?
you should probably follow your own advice pal
I still want to see a design progression over the years
>"The world does not need fucking children"
And that's how a species end, you dumb faggot.
Imagine getting so mad, you forget science is a thing
Better a child than a fucking manchild.
>"Soulless abominations"
Wow, it's almost like creative and iconic characters aren't realistic, unlike random brown haired dudes who look the same.
Spyro. From the very beginning he was overshadowed by Crash, when his games were much better and it only got worse with time.
>3D Mario has never really had a major redesign
Meme all you want about rehashing, but no one has a problem with how Mario looks today. How hard is it to just not fucking redesign something? The new Crash proves that the retarded ass tattoo Crash was a horrible idea.
Is this strictly about their designs? Because Banjo and Kazooies' design doesn't look very different
Sonic doesn't even rank as Boom was always a side franchise with an axe over its head. Sonic's worst look was his ass face in the 90s.
Master Chief
Why does the Slime have sarcastic eyebrows?
Probably the one you can't recognize who they even are anymore.