Do you see yourself still playing video games when you're old?
Do you see yourself still playing video games when you're old?
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Hopefully I'll still be enjoying mp games with my bf for a long time.
It'd be rad if I was still playing Monster Hunter at age 70
Nah I'd rather die young.
>Life is shit even when I'm young
>Its only going to get worse due to age
>that was probably the restaurant he went with his sweetheart when they were young
>that was probably the very table they had their first date
nah ur just a pussy lmao
black man here
Fuck no, my eyesight would be shit by then.
I plan on roiding myself up and fucking 18 year old girls till I die of a heart attack
They'll be almost 9 planets in Star Citizen when i'm 80!
I wonder if I'll be able to see the games.
The 10 dudes she fucked behind his back took her to that same In n Out
When I hit 60 I'll have a mid life crisis and become an obnoxious CSGO streamer who only uses razer products
I might be dead before 30.
I hope this will be the case with me. Depends if I have kids or not.
By the time I'm 70, medicine will probably have advanced enough to make it so being old doesn't suck.
So yeah I could probably game at that point
Sure, what else would I do?
If you play on Playstation then you'll never see the games.
That's what they were saying 70 years ago too.
When I think of myself around the age of 60 I remember some Discovery channel program about the 2050s, and there was an old man who got a heart attack on some stairs or something. Although nanaomachines or something allowed for a near instant response from a nearby medical team to start flying to him using their VTOL aircraft.
If you're a dude, you two will die of aids before you reach old age, almost a statistical guarantee.
If you're a chick, gimme those digits or moods bby
Why wouldn't you just live until you are 80 18 years old fucking hookers instead?
yeah, and trump is 71 and the president
not bad for medicine
The only thing I'm worried about is my reaction time degrading to the point where fast paced action games become unplayable for me.
That and arthritis/carpal tunnel.
don't crush my dreams user
What did (((You))) mean by that?
My mom was playing video games the day before she died at 80, so yes.
It was Tetris.
Elderly genocide (65+) would literally solve all the world's problems.
No ill due in my middle 60s to something tragic like heart disease, cancer, something brain related or suicide.
Honestly my family genetics are fucking awful on both sides.
My mother's side is riddled with cancer and depression, my maternal grandfather died due to a Brain tumor.
My father side is filled with heart disease, my auntie has had a transplant, my uncle has cardiomyopathy, my father and I have irregular heart beats, two of my aunties are bio polar, my grandmother is diabetic and my paternal grandfather died young with a brain hemorrhage.
Did I mention all of my older siblings are showing signs of one of the above and we all suffer from anxiety and depression.
So no OP, probably not.
Spot the libcuck redditor
Who /over25/ here
Killing anyone would help.
At least up until you turn 65, right :^)
Maybe our bones will ache less but we will be stuck in some underfunded elderly home eating rank apple sauce and staring into a wall wishing we were dead because no pensions.
wtf is with you guys and infidelity jesus christ
>*raises your healthcare costs*
Speak up sonny I can't hear ya
I am 34 years old. I hate my job and I live alone.
I play video games because there is nothing else left.
Cause it's true 99% of the time.
What kind of job?
27 here
4 year degree
member of two top 10% honor societies
summa cum laude graduate
former world record holder of beating alatreon with a boomerang in a group of 4
still a virgin
And it did happen. Back in the day old people were physically useless by the time they got to their 70s, and were just withering away from that point onward. Now plenty of people are remaining pretty physically able well into their late 80s and beyond.
>being unable to pay for your healthcare
Sorry you haven't met anyone worthwhile in your life.
This t b h
Not and edgy faggot, just seems like life has more bad than good for me, and I'm just useless who has no skill. Hope to somehow die before the age of 30.
Maybe for pasty, weak-chinned, walking doormats like you. Normal people are able to pick adequate partners who are faithful to them.
Yeah i do, my uncle got me into them, he's 45 and still plays daily and keeps up with the "scene" even though he he's married, has 2 kids and a job.
did you know that 99% of all statistics are made up on the spot?
Assistant manger at a grocery store.
>tfw I'm gonna be 25 in about a month
>kissless virgin
>been a NEET since high school living with my parents
>any day now I will get a letter in the mail confirming my diabeetus, so I can pile it on top of my bad back, tinnitus and possible gout
Life is fun.
*ruins employment standards and housing market*
Maybe if you got off your phone you'd be able to hear me. Anons these days
Did you know I get paid $80,000 a year to make up bullshit charts and graphs?
>t. statistician
Nah, hopefully I’m dead long before then.
If I don’t off myself hopefully it’s peaceful.
Aokigahara seems like a nice place to die.
ive tried killing myself before and it didn’t work, now whenever I mention going to Japan my best friend freaks out
why not apply for social security disability insurance?
You don't die from aids retard
everything is "cuck" this and "whore" that. who hurt you people??
Agreed. Since I got a job I've finally understood why the nips commit sudoku so often
this is how I see my life going
>I'll probably just kill myself before 21
>I'll probably just kill myself before 25
>I'll probably just kill myself before 30
>I'll probably just kill myself before 40
>I'll probably just kill myself before 60
>I'll probably just kill myself before I get dementia
>I'll probably just kill myself before 21
You crusty bitch. Why I outta
>who hurt you people??
cucks and whores i guess
life can get better
life can get worse
what is always true is you will get better at life
i'm gonna kill myself if scientists somehow make anime girls real the day after i kill myself
Pretty sure you don't get handouts for small shit like this seeing as none of them impact my day to day life. Well apart from the possible gout I suppose but I doubt I actually have it.
And I'm not a rapefugee so no easy handouts here.
LMAO h*lla epic post Sup Forumsro!
include me in the screenshot
My gramps is well over the 80s and he's still working at full force while being held in high regard by his own colleagues, with some of the younger employees even seeing him as a mentor of sort.
70 years ago, defibrillation was used for the first time to save a man from a tachycardia heart attack.
69 years ago, the first intro-occular implant was made, and Lithium Salts were used to finally control mania in mental patients.
In 1950 antihistamines were discovered, and the artificial pacemaker was made.
In 1952 the first mechanical heart was used on a living patient.
1953 - polio vaccine, first open heart surgery with mechanical lungs and heart
1954 - first organ transplants
So, less than 10 years of advancement and old people could:
survive what used to be a fatal heart attack
have their heart operated on and live
get a pacemaker on their heart to keep it from going tachycardic again
Get their eyesight fixed
Get their mania treated
Be treated to never get polio (a fatal disease)
receive organ transplants of any other failed organs and live
a lot can happen in 10 years, let alone 70.
In 70 years, life expectancy went from 64 to 78
what are you doing
no dropping a nuke on africa india and china is
People in America can get SSDI for meme shit like depression and bad backs
>complete social retard
>no friends at all
>kissless virgin
>two times university dropout
at this point i guess i should just give up. literally no reason to keep trying - i got left behind and abandoned, and by now there is no chance to catch up again.
Boys make the best girls
I plan on bring a cyborg by the time I'm his age. Not sure if I'll need to do things for enjoyment by then.
>implying medicine is advancing at all anymore
we've reached a dead end friend
I don't live in America. And my back isn't that bad.
>cute anime girls will never be real in your lifetime
Don't want to diss your grandfather, but at that age you shouldn't really work. There is a young person that needs his job more than he does.
Who am I kidding? They are probably just split his workload in half and give it to other employees on top of their work when he retires.
If I don't get Parkinson's or some other horrible disease, yeah. But then even if you don't get that shit, you still have to deal with arthritis. I suppose I'd just have to play RPGs or something if it came to that. I intend to play for as long as my body and mind and allow
>tfw you realize time flies
5 years ago you were just playing video games blissfully ignorant and now you're an young adult with a socially unacceptable hobby and no gf.
>tfw you will die alone
Found the autist.
The knowledge that the only people who'll always ever be content about sex are the ones who either don't get in a stable relationship at all or are always on the lookout for the opportunity to cheat on their partner.
While they are a drain on the system that system shouldn't exist in the first place. All forms of welfare are a scam to the young and productive.
Same. Working 12 hour overnights several times a week, getting my days off taken away, there's basically no free time. You have no energy to do anything, and there's no hope for the future.
I've been praying for death for a while now. People say Japan is the only country that suffers from this shit but they would be wrong. We have it about as bad in burgerland. The only benefit is that we at least get paid overtime, even if it is forced on us.
Me. 26.
No job atm. Haven't done anything since graduating a few years ago.
Everything just feels like a setup to fail.
This. It's bad enough pajeets are taking all the jobs, the last thing we need is old fucks taking away from the future.
>Have no friends
>Haven't really talked to a girl in 7 years
>No hobbies or anything just spend my days shitposting on Sup Forums with you guys
The other day one of the girls in my office resigned for a different job. She gave me a goodbye hug. It felt so nice.
Now that I know such a warm and happy feeling, it only hurts more.
Honestly I don't get the obsession with suicide on imageboards. I've had my tragedies, you've had yours, fuck just pick some random dude off the street and you don't have to scratch too far to find some dark shit.
Actually the only guy I know who tried to commit suicide was a real punk. Motherfucker was heads and shoulders above in relation to people I know. Motherfucker tried to OD because "the world was trying to get him down".
sex bots soon tovarish
The grating thing is that there's no reliable way to get out of the NEET cycle, and every year that goes by you are just making it even harder.
I'm not asking for a career, I'm not asking for a family, I just want a shitty 1 room starter apartment and wageslave job.
Found the beta.
its just drama queens
I wasn't blissfully ignorant, I was still suffering from some mental anguish. I just didn't suffering nearly as much as now. Fun in my life died as soon as I worked full time.
Holy shit, it was the big pharmas fault again!
Did you like her?
>when a busty girl hugs you and she exhales, chest expanding against yours
>tfw ywn spoon with a big tittied girl
>tfw all the girls used to hug me in high school because I'm pretty big and they used to joke it was like hugging a cuddly bear
>haven't been touched by a female since 2011
oh there are plenty of ways. take up a shit job, or an apprenticeship, or try uni again (lmao)
but the thing is - none of that will fix anything. i'll still be a middle aged autist with no social skills. zero hope to find a gf, let alone one of the kind that i would actually want. and no gf = no wife, no wife, no children, no family, no future.
i could probably escape NEETdom relatively easily - but what for? to do a job i dont like, to make money i dont need? when i have no hope at getting anything i want out of life anyway, regardless of being NEET or not? it just feels completely pointless, so why bother?
I'm not suicidal. I just like wallowing in my own misery with all the miserable fuckers.
The fact that Sup Forums has become such a normie place hurts since now I'm not just one loser among many seeking a refuge from all the normal people, now I'm a loser seeing refuge among mostly normal people.