What are some 7/10 and 8/10 PC FPS games?

What are some 7/10 and 8/10 PC FPS games?

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Far Cry 3
Bioshock Infinite

Damn, played all of them

I must have a shitty taste in FPS

They're all enjoyable games user. Not great, just enjoyable. That's what a 7-8/10 is.

Quake 4, Doom 3, Serious Sam 3, Half-Life 2.

recent wolfenstein
sniper elite 4 (co op)

That game isn't even worth a 3/10

Metro 2033
Metro Last Light
Quake 4
Not fps but Max Payne games

Sniper Elite series

>Max Payne
>not the absolute perfection

it's ok he means all of them except for the first one im sure

2 is very good as well.

Only MP1 is perfect. MP3 has too many cutscenes that break up pace and I wasn't really a fan of MP2's drama.

>MP1 is perfect
HP bloat gets a bit ridiculous on the lategame enemies, desu.

Most of those are 9/10

>Doom 3


F.E.A.R 2 & 3

>That fucking ending to the first CoJ

Worth it alone.

>Not 9/10

I fucking hate how being contrarian is the cool thing now.

COJ1, BiB and Gunslinger are the ultimate spaghetti western vidya.

We don't talk about The Cartel

The gunplay genuinely sucks though and the platforming doesn't work all that well either. The guns feel weak as fuck.

The pistol, ok, but are you seriously implying the shotgun, crossbow, and pulse rifle feel weak?

The gunplay is ass.

Pulse rifle is crap. Revolver and the other gun you mentioned are good, though.

Don't talk shit about mah boi the pulse rifle

dude random spread even on the first shot lmao

It's a singleplayer game. Go back to whining about CSGO

Automatic weapons which don't benefit from burst fire trigger me. I'm fine with spread but it should be progressive, not fixed.

Check out these hot opinions

all call of juarez games are at least a 9/10 except the one in modern times

FEAR 2 is a 7/10, maybe 8/10 at most but FEAR 3 is fucking horseshit, mate. I wouldn't even give it a 2 for effort.

FEAR 3 is fun in coop.

darkness 2
shadow warrior

They're really not 9/10 though, it's 8/10 at best.

Make sure to get the redux version that has a stupidly OP and fun sprint-dash

I'm actually having fun with Doom 3 although its different from the older ones and the new one.
Is Sniper Elite 3 any good? Bought it with V2 but i'm still struggling with the wind and distance.

Any shooter can be fun in co-op. Co-op just undermines what made the original game so great in the first place. Horror needs to be experienced alone, not with Chad screaming profanities into your ear over Xbox Live.

>what made the original game so great in the first place
now don't think I'm defending Fear 3 here, but you think what made 1 good was horror?

>tfw got Shadow Warrior for free
I remember playing Metro 2033 back than but then dropped. Got it again(og 2033 and LL Redux) by legal means this time and finished in a couple of days, fucking loved the atmosphere, characters conversation and of course the metro structure/architecture/decayed ambient of the whole thing.
Started Last Light Redux yesterday and playing on Ranger Hardcore and so far it pretty good, just escaped the Communist interrogation room and sneaked through some rooms before quitting because it was almost 3am and I had hit the gym today.
Tried to play other games but my mind is set on finishing Last Light first THEN play something else but I'm also afraid of that feeling of emptiness you get after finishing a good game, you know what I mean?

It was one of its defining aspects, yeah. When the player wasn't engaged in gunfu action, the silence and dread in FEAR took the main stage and it was genuinely scary shit. There's this 20 minute video essay which explains why it works so well, I'll link it here if you're interested: youtu.be/q8a6M4W9xJk?t=8m55s

>There's this 20 minute video essay which explains why it works so well
It didn't work for me at all. The scares were telegraphed by HUD catching static and Alma wasn't really scary because, how do I explain it, she's not really something you can fight or should fight, so she's not scary. It's hard to get killed by her so it's kind of a "active cutscene" feeling.

Fair enough, I guess it differs from player to player. What would you consider to be horror titles that handle such a pervasive atmosphere in a more convincing matter?

This, also you're afucking superhuman murdermachine, how are you supposed be scared of a little girl?
This guy is aslo right though, playing FEAR I constantly had this feel of dread, like I kept anticipating that something bad is about to happen.

>a pervasive atmosphere
System Shock 2 is the first thing that comes to mind. The game isn't perfect, in fact it's massively flawed but it handles the atmosphere well. There's a genuine feel of things being fucked up in enemy design, character stories that you gather from audiologs and technobabble ghosts.

Silent Hill games are probably good at that, but I haven't played it yet.

3 is the best one in the series.