Are guardians the best designed enemies in zelda games so far
Also BOTW thread I guess
Are guardians the best designed enemies in zelda games so far
Also BOTW thread I guess
no. lynels are
My nigga
Are guardians powered by magic? That's lame, I thought they were pure robots
Speaking about guardians is there any use for their cores? I'm thinking of selling them
It's used to upgrade the guardian armour. Personally I think it's ugly as fuck so I would sell it
>guardian armour
It's aesthetic as fuck bruh
Guardians are great but I like Lynels more.
It's ancient sheikah technology. It's probably some sci-fi energy source
>not having a shrine on your head
What are you gay?
Can we all agree Gerudo Town is the best town in the game?
Wow can u fuck these?
Might get this game...
I love the armor but hate the helm. Seeing Link with his hair down is neat, though.
You can mount them.
Rito village is better
No way. It's the worst village by far
It has the best music though
Guardians is what happens when you give Beamos legs
These threads make me want to get back in the groove of the game. I guess I'll ask, where is the best place to grind Guardians for Ancient cores? I haven't really bothered with Robbie's shop yet.
Breath of the wild is the worst zelda I've ever played, and I've played phantom hourglass
Fuck your shitty botw enemies, real greatest of all time coming through.
But that's not Tarrey Town
>*memorizes your pattern*
what not, dark cuck?
The area near hyrule castle is crawling with them
>it's a human
>with ow the edge armour
>dude it's top tier
Get your shit taste outta here
>Regular enemy, not even considered a miniboss, is both more difficult and has far more complexity than every actual boss in the game, including the final boss
There really should have been more enemies like Lynels.
>everything black is edgy and edgy is bad
you sound like a teenager
Basically this, hands down best non-boss enemy in the series. The fact that it was the mighty Lynel's first entry into the 3D part of the franchise is a nice bonus. Glad they lived up the hype.
Next game better have pic related
Dragon fights are never good, especially hydra fights
Guardians look cool, but Lynels are much more fun to fight
Poes are more fun to fight desu
Why would that matter at all?
Not him but I hate it when magic is used to explain how something works. Would very much prefer a mechanical explaination
>The sword trials on master mode
>everything is going well, slowly killing each enemy separate
>that fucking lizalfos level on the pier were they spot you as soon as you spawn
Fuck this game mode.
I really did not like the idea of the health recovery on enemies being so unbalanced. i mean you cna litwrally waste all your weapons on a silver enemy and they kust recover it, and bomb infinite loop does not hurt them enough, and if you're one secon off, they recoer the health they just lost because of the bomb.
Fuck that, i really didn't like this choice. The level upgrade of enemies is good and all and I wouldn't mind them being more agressive or do more damage, but the fucking unbalance of the health restoration is pure bullshit.
They could just makr it to recover 3/4 of the damage taken if not hit after a whilw and that would be just fine
>he hasnt learn how to chain backstabs
Git gud
I seriously expected these guys to be back in BotW, given how many shit tons of Zelda 1 references it has. Probably my 2nd biggest disappointment with the game is that they didn't return.
biggest disappointment being shrines + divine beasts replacing real dungeons
>chain backstabs
Do you like the traditional puzzles better or is it just the length and theme of the beasts that bother you? I'm curious, because I cannot imagine going back to the traditional puzzles
fuck even the normal mode final trials. I keep getting one-shotted when the cold areas start. got so frustrated on my last run that I blew myself the fuck up accidentally in the rest area.
Same. The old puzzles always felt unengaging to me. Whoope your hookshot hit a button, now pause and wait as you are pulled to your destination. The runes are much more engaging and interesting to use
>normal mode final trials
Have you not saved up any ancient arrows? The final trails are ironically easier than the beginner ones
It's how they split up tons of puzzles and fights into 120 spaced out shrines and 4 slightly larger shrines, instead of splitting them up into 8 or so actual dungeons with different themes and central mechanics. I hope they make a Majora's Mask style sequel to BotW with a smaller overworld and real dungeons.
Oh so it's the distribution problem. If so I agree. I personally think those puzzles should be the way going forward along with the runes. Just make more next time
How do I fight lynels? I got the whole rubber armor and electric resistance potion, and he still takes half of my life with just one shot. wtf
If you've never fought a Darknut in Twilight Princess, then fuck you. People can play TP as high or as low as they want on their quality lists for Zelda, but you are not allowed to hate Darknuts.
flurry rush
Get close, don't get hit. Dodge sword attacks, shoot face, mount, kill in 5 seconds with Guardian Weapons + Guardian Armor.
>try out the game on cemu
>game basically hangs trying to load past the starting cutscene even with a shader cache
How do I get good at partying guardin beams? I keep deflecting them instead of hitting the fucker with it.
They're fun to fight. Especially on horseback.
All reflects should usually hit the fucker, unless you're talking about the flying ones.
Ignore the flying ones or hit it with a Guardian Arrow.
For some reason mike always go to the far left or right of the Guardian rather than hit him. I tried it about 6 times and broke all my shields practicing.
It doesn't even work with the guardian shield.
You have an i3 do you? It runs okay even on the i5
God no, most minibosses are better than guardians.
>literally just "spam arrows at his face: the fight"
Rito village is bland as fuck.
I mean it's a nice cozy mountain town, but it completely lacks any kind of character in the face of the awesome Arabian Nights inspired Gerudo town or Goron City.
Also, did anyone else appreciate how much more Japanese inspired they made the Gorons in this game with the topknots and sumo loincloths?
i5 6600
Git gud at dodging their swings and then flurry rush.
It should be okay. Lower resolution if you must.
Well, we don't exactly know how they work, the only magic within them that we know of is ganons corruption that turned both them and the divine beasts evil. They are literally ancient conatructs that were unearthed to help us fight ganon, but from my understanding, the energy source is magic based, the rest is pure mechanics(except the beam, which I am not so sure what to think about it)
that face is nightmare fuel
I'll just insert my speculations about the DLC here
>will take place after Ganon is defeated
>Zelda and link head off to check the zora divine beast
>turns out it's acting up again for some reason even though there is no malice present
>starts wrecking havoc on zora's domain
>Link has to stop it by some extended attack on van Ruta sequence, and go in together with Sidon
>disable the beast completely after a new boss fight
>rinse and repeat for other 3
>new dungeon is a hyrule-castle style dungeon containing the resurrected body of ganondorf
>no reviving the champions
Why u do dis?'(though that sound cool as heck, but I don't see how that fits in with "The champions Balad")
Any enemy with similar movement and attacks as Link was cool. Dark link fight was cool, obviously lame now but I always enjoyed fighting an enemy was was sort of on par with you.
>stand still, deflect laser, win
>good design
>damage sponge
>good design
The Lizfos are the best designed enemies.
What's your favourite shrine and why is it blue flame
That's not constellation shrine though. Or the twin peaks one
Why should the champions be revived? They have already said their farewells, bringing them back will soil that moment
I liked the electric ones the most.
This. The champions should stay dead. More memories are okay but just stay dead
to tell the truth\
how was this
it's first time to post
im japanese
how was what? The game or the guardians?
Both are good.
How useful are elixers?
Stop role playing faggot
ice cube one. It's fucking fun.
im glad to hear your opinion
i love guardiands too
Elixers are useful on master mode as the damage boost is needed. Not so much on normal mode as it's already easy
they started with that in Twilight Princess.
Is the lack of proper overworld music the greatest design mistake a Zelda has ever made. It really hurts the immersion.
I could understand them expecting it to be repetitive, but ambiance and nature sounds isn't as atmospheric as they seem to believe it is
sorry but i love nintendo
i want to join discussion
>Draw a girl
>Call it a boy
Would Prof. Layton enjoy breath of the wild
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
>having no blasting music on in a quiet forest is breaking immersion
That said I would not mind more atmospheric tracks like lost forest
I wouldn't say it was the wosrt thing they could do but it was odd. Especially since so much of the game's music is really good.
Is that jap guy for real
Anyway if so my man why aren't you playing Splatoon 2 now? I thought Japan has a blood oath to do that
You're right. Lynels are perfect
>noble as fuck, stare down at you while you skirt around it
>honourable, won't attack until you show yourself as a threat
>perfect design
>drops the best weapons
>threatening both on foot and on a horse
I never said the music had to be blasting but music like these would be perfect
I barely remember any of the music. Especially compared to other Zelda games
The issue is that when you make a game where even the simplest enemy is smart enough to kick your bombs back at you, a Darknut completely loses its niché. If its AI is superior to any other enemy's, that just makes you question why they didn't make all the enemies this smart. And if it's not, why bother? Bokoblins, Moblins and Lizalfos already use conventional weaponry.
Maybe if it didn't take so fucking long to kill them. You can memorize their attack patterns perfectly before they're even half dead, and then you break half of your weapon inventory over their head
>flurry rush
>flurry rush
Zelda's always had bland, forgettable music.
They don't have any patterns. Just fought one who, despite me being next to him, suddenly pulled out a bow, ran away and shot my equipment away.
>Zelda's always had bland, forgettable music.
>They don't have any patterns
I mean you can learn their telegraphs and dodge or block their attacks
>Zelda's always had bland, forgettable music.
I wish Botw had them, I was hoping Master Mode would bring them. Still got the Holiday DLC to hope towards
Yeah try that on Master mode where they actually fake you out. Besides there are other ways that are just as effective.
Get a claymore.
Shoot it in the face.
Spin to win.
They do, for every memorable track there are 10 bad ones. You can't name 4 dungeons with good music in Twilight Princess, or Wind Waker, or Skyward Sword.
Have you ever beaten them without cheesing it like that? It's an amazing feeling.
Literally this