With all this Death going on it makes me worried that we're gonna loose Vinny ether to Suicide or Cancer...
I want him to stay....
...I want him to be here with Us.
With all this Death going on it makes me worried that we're gonna loose Vinny ether to Suicide or Cancer...
I want him to stay....
...I want him to be here with Us.
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the fuck you talking about nigga
I doubt Vinny's gonna kill himself, since he's a successful streamer and his band has found some moderate success, cancer is a whole other story though
Vinny seems like the guy to keep things hidden tho.
I prey that Vinny never gets Cancer.
And that no matter what, he will always have the streanght to pull through.
And that the people he knows loves and cares for him.
Shittiest thread on Sup Forums congrats
This thread is shit but
Vinny is no longer depressed, he got his meme band rolling, he left out that soul sucking job and such
In one of Zeld's stream IIRC he said he was "high on life"
and honestly he looks super happy now.
How's Joel gonna die, Sup Forums?
He'll probably piss off the yakuza somehow if he ever goes to japan. also when's Red Star OS Destruction you swedish fuck
>tfw vinny could outlive joel
>if he ever goes to japan
reminder that OoT repainted is gonna be shit
*if he ever goes BACK to japan
fuck I'm tired
Then i hope he stays that way...
is he still womanizing?
Of corse not.
Post god-tier Vinny
I hope he takes rev. As a 5'7'' manlet i wanna see him suffer for being better than me.
This particular e-celeb you are discussing has a sub-reddit in which you can discuss with like-minded individuals, although I take you guys as anons who communicate solely through youtube comments or twitch chat. Where you are posting is an imageboard for discussing video games; unfortunately, this is not a video game. Please don't spam the imageboard with flames, trolls, or porn in retaliation if or when the topic is deleted.
If you wish to continue this discussion please use the hyperlink browser and select and start a new thread there.
>it's a "Rev has an objectively wrong opinion" episode
I want more Vineland Island Fanfiction in my life.
Especially NSFW regarding Sponge.
It's video game culture and that's allowed and no matter how much you whine and bitch it's not going to change
>when you try to tell people off for being newfags but you are an even worse newfag yourself