IS there an game that has insects as main protagonist or mainly bees?
IS there an game that has insects as main protagonist or mainly bees?
let me guess, this is fucking china
Any game that let me filter tripfags ?
Sage you underage faggot
Why does he even wear gloves at this point? He could just shit on the table and it would look as clean.
Why you continue to prepare food if it just instantly gets covered in insects? How many customers do they expect to be willing to buy one covered in insects? Why not just pack up and call it a day?
Excuse me shitlord but its because of people like you that we are kept back from progressing as a society and coming to a point where we can feed niggers along with america.
Why though?
Also Buck Bumble.
What if Insects are their customers? Look how patient they are when this lady prepares those buns.
is that raw pastry? not even heated? what is that thing inside?
they wanted extra protein
I was wondering the same. What kind of retard eats raw paste.
Are you implying something is wrong with China?
It's a hot day!
This man has style
What the fuck is with Chinese drivers?
There's an awful video where some guy got caught halfway between the elevator and the ground while it started to fall. Does China not have safety standards?
user's cautionary tale about not learning Mandarin.
I wonder if its because they want to have raw honey on their pastry. Arent bees a delicacy in Japan?
Bad mojo
It's mochi, a type of rice cake. The "dough" has already been cooked two times before they roll it and fill it. It's pretty great and completely safe to eat (the fucking bees not withstanding).
>Does China not have safety standards?
How do you think everything made in china is so cheap? They save costs when businesses do not have to meet any safety standards whatsoever. I'm pretty sure it's still legal there to use lead paint, it's just that nobody imports that stuff.
Sakura from Fate Stay Night
Security standards are for countries with small amount of people, where one death person is a disaster.
China doesn't give 2 fucks about people.
Do chinese people just not understand how elevators work? I'm always seeing impatient chinks smashing through elevator doors and falling to their death
Hollow Knight. Everything's a bug in that
That's korea
Isn't rayman an ant or something?
>Arent bees a delicacy in Japan?
They are considered a delicacy in some parts of China (Yunnaan, I think?), but they are always served fried. You are not supposed to eat the bees here, the bees are not supposed to bee there. They just swarmed the stand and the owners did not give two fucks, because there would not be much else to do about them but to completely shutting the stand down.
No, gayman isnt sentient.
Konchuu Kansatsu
Nah, In China bees are extinct
they have to pollinate all their crops by hand.
>not close down their beeznus
You were so close user...
>thought it was a joke
>it's somewhat true
They do actually eat baby bees in Japan. Its called Hachinoko.
So is true that chinese are just insects without a soul, yes?
You have to understand that the currently living Chinese are raised by a generation that lived in very real fear of their government. The only people that survived are those that turned on their neighbors and lived strictly for themselves. For survivors selfishness is how you kept living. The parents passed this selfishness to their children which created a nihilistic cesspit of a country.
Not a single person in China gives a fuck about anyone but themselves and some family members. The notion of taking pride in your work or any kind of consideration for other people is completely alien to them. This is why a child could get run over repeatedly in an ally, this is why people are afraid of dying via escalator, this is why a man gets sued by an old man he helped up after the old guy tripped on a bus.
Just take a peek at whatever is on chinasmack to get an idea of how terrible people can get over there. This isn't like just reading USA shock headlines and deciding that we're a country of mass shooters and racists, I know people in China that can vouch for how fucking horrible Chinese people are.
Yes but they also have a fucked up law that whoever helps that person can be sued as being responsible for her fall.
>In 2006, a Nanjing man who escorted an elderly woman to the hospital after she broke her leg was ordered to pay 40 per cent of the woman’s medical bill. The rationale: It was inconceivable that the man would go to such lengths to help the woman if he wasn’t somehow responsible for her injury.
>Some Chinese sources also suggest the van’s driver left the girl to die because compensatory damages for death are often less than for a long-term injury. For the latter, damages might include medical expenses and income compensation for missed-work time over many years. Death involves a one-off payment.
>“If she is dead, I may pay only about 20,000 yuan ($3,180),” the van driver told the China Daily before he surrendered to police. “But if she is injured, it may cost me hundreds of thousands of yuan.”
Like a fucking lord.
How has no one mentioned MR MOsquito?
How about that video where elevator crushes that chineses student's lungs and he dies due to being unable to breathe?
That is not really bees, that is larvae. While it's very rare to eat adult insects, larvae of various insects are eaten quite commonly around the world...
Shut up Redditor.
>An entire country absolutely flooded with overpopulation
>Chinese are the main cause of why there's so much pointless animal deaths in the world because they claim anything and everything is medical related even if it's 100% proven not to be the case, and they cut the fins off of sharks so they can eat it despite it being tasteless
Just nuke China, or at least half of it
China is a true hellhole. Can't breathe for smog, everything is so poorly built that it might just collapse on to you at any moment, people are so shitty that theywont even help you if it does. You will just bleed out to death on the sidewalk. Then when you don't turn up for your 20 hour a day work shift in an unventilated sweat shop factory, your children will have to go work in the Apple factory making circuit boards with their tiny hands until they die of a curable disease aged 20.
>Keeps bears captive just to drain their bile ducts every day for so called spooky medicine
>Forcibly remove organs from humans for money
Get this fucking place off the planet.
If anyone wants an expat taste of it just go to advchina on youtube. These are people trying to show the good side of china but the majority of what they end up talking about is how much of a hellhole it is.
>That video of the guy just straight up murdering a kid in China and no one does anything about it
Always to see Chinese foreigners come to America only to be arrested IMMEDIATELY because they think they can get away with anything here too.
not to mention all fried food is toxic because they get all their cooking oil by "recycling" it out of garbage bins and sewage drains.
That's awful. They need more safety precautions over there.
What about the one where the escalator eats that person?
So the moral of the story is NEVER go to China?
>>An entire country absolutely flooded with overpopulation
Not really how it works. You realize China is fucking huge right? Rural areas or even China as whole aren't densily populated at all.
How the fuck do you know?
Its from a security cam and the bottom letters arent fucking chinese im guessing.
Probably because the sign next to the elevator is in Korean, along with the characters on the screen.
An aquitance I made in college (FOB chinese) had just graduated and gave me a big hug after saying he'd be going back to China for good. What did he mean by this?
>all those ghost cities just completely abandoned and empty
>entire buildings, skyscrapers even, that are finished but just aren't occupied or maintained
What a fucking shithole of a country, honestly.
Mister Mosquito
It is Chinese though
Hangul doesnt look like that.
How can you tell the difference between Korean, chinese and Japanese letters?
They all look the same to me
He sounds like a good dude. I hope he's okay over there.
The Chinese students from my high school were pretty nice. A few invited me to play Monster Hunter with them.
Japanese letters are a lot more slender than the other two.
Korean letters are round with circles and shit.
Japan uses Chinese symbols so I guess you can't really tell them apart (apart from the kana).
Like i said im just taking a guess at the guys reasoning. I dont know shit about eastern languages.
Not him, but you get used to it. Japanese looks more "clean", Korean has a lot of straight lines and "0s" and Mandarin etc look the most complicated.
I should mention that I'm not in high school anymore and graduated years ago.
What about the one where the escalator eats A MOTHER WHILE THE KID WATCH
Chinese characters are the most complex
Korean ones have lots of straight lines and circles which dont exist in chinese characters
Japanese have simple cursive characters for their alphabet and the rest is repurposed chinese characters
This isn't fog, i can't believe human life is possible with these level of air pollution
This is the most inhumane bullshit law ever, it not only allows but encourages and breeds antisocial, greedy fucktards.
>tfw hungarian and got sued in china for adminstering CPR to some cunt
>cunt sues me
>embassy found me some young mongol lawyer who took my case pro bono
>he successfully spun my job as working for a pharmaceutical company as "medical personel who are legally required to provide aid and cant be sued for damages" or some shit
>asked guy why he took my case
>long winded rant about outer mongolia and how much he hates chinese and takes every opportunity to fuck with them
>wisdom of the khans.jpeg
>later it turned out the cunt who sued me was actually the daughter of some local millionare and didnt even need the money
>she kept emailing me for months in broken english with german and hungarian words mixed in with cantonese, I couldnt even google translate it
>maybe she was just tsundere as fuck, who knows
Never ever going back to that shithole ever again.
Hangul(Korean) is very distinctive though.
Just look for the circle characters.
They just look very different once you get to know them a little. See pic related (sorry, could not find anything in better resolution).
Korean letters aren't even pictographic. Japanese mix complex symbols and simplified syllabic alphabets. And Chinese are the dense, thick chains of relatively complex symbols.
Jesus fuck.
>Japanese murder, rape, experiment on and decimate the Chinese for decades because they view them as subhuman filth
>still use their characters in their language
I was planning on going there. I think I'll stick to Japan and Korea instead.
>>Japanese murder, rape, experiment on and decimate the Chinese for decades because they view them as subhuman filth
Were they wrong tho?
slender almost similar to regular alphabet
almost look like jap but with a LOT of circles
fucking worms
Asian culture is fucked beyond repair thanks to Western ideals being forced unnaturally down their throat.
There actually was a push among the ultra-nationalists to "purify" Japanese of Chinese influences. But by this point the Chinese elements are so deeply ingrained in Japanese (not just the symbols - the language to, like 60% of Japanese vocabulary is actually sinogenic) that the project was deemed unrealistic in the long run.
Nope, this is America at a farmer's market.
The story is the bees were fucked up due to not being able to properly detect each other's pheromones in the air, bee keeper let loose some gas to try to make them gather by the hive, wind came and made all the bees flood the market.
>can't even use them right because depending on the context a character can be pronounced a handful of different ways.
Japanese is horrendous.
Nigger people can clearly see the chinese characters in the video. Not even a clever troll.
Yeah, no. You can voice a lot of problems with Asia, but very little of them have anything to do with Western ideas being forced on them. The only REALLY fucked up thing to happen that has distinctly western origin is Marxism, that has caused even more harm in Asia than it managed to do in the west, but otherwise... not really. They are fucked up on their own accord, just as we are.
>Nope, this is America at a farmer's market.
Yes. American farmer's market uses Chinese symbols above the food they are selling... to the bees, apparently.
I stopped riding escalators after seeing those videos. I'll just take the stairs instead of risking getting disemboweled by one.
what does that even have anything to do with western degraded culture
>There actually was a push among the ultra-nationalists to "purify" Japanese of Chinese influences.
That's retarded. They would have to get rid of everything from pagodas to calligraphy and kimonos.
thanks user
And themselves.
Japanese people as we know today are chinese settlers who pushed out the island natives.