Tfw mario can finally into atmosphere

>tfw mario can finally into atmosphere

Other urls found in this thread:

>Darkroot Garden ripoff

nintendo truly is creatively bankrupt.

That looks like Dark Souls, nintendo confirmed for bors

shut up loser

>The Dark Souls of Mario games

>blatantly ripping off Dark Souls

How has Nintendo fallen so low? What the fuck happened?

>there was never a dark forest level before Dark Souls
nice b8 faggots

Is mario the dark souls of 3d platformers?

name 5 popular ones

>that gif
when does that happen?

at first glance this may look like a thread filled with b8 and it's all in jest but soulsfags are genuinely this terrible

Your mums bush is one of them

Mario 64 had great atmosphere, though. If you want my honest option I don't think this game looks as good as Sunshine or Galaxy 1/2.

Doesn't Odyssey have fixed camera angles? How can you people expect this game to be anything like 64 or Sunshine? It will just be another 3d world.

Not in games that matter, and Dark Souls is the only one with that exact specific shade of colors

In the level that was released today.

>atmosphere means dark forest

take that back asshole

or else what?

>gain atmosphere
>lose whimsical fonts

that and the INCESSANT big band music for the past 5 years. will nintendo ever fuck off with that?

ill force you to come up with 5 dark forest levels

Hello summer

Or else I'll make her shave it and have you watch.



>Doesn't Odyssey have fixed camera angles?
literally where is there any gameplay of mario odyssey with fixed camera angles?

Make me then, toughguy

>you're now picturing mario WAHOOing through darkroot garden, trying to jump on the big mushroom dudes and getting absolutely fucking wasted by one of them

no dumbass, it's the only 3D Mario besides Sunshine that has full camera control with the second analog stick

this makes this all the more fitting

The one from Xenogears

