It's time to discuss the best Elder Scrolls game
It's time to discuss the best Elder Scrolls game
Nice, I needed a Morrowind thread
I fucking love this game.
that doesnt look like arena
That's way too contrarian, Sup Forums. At least say Daggerfall
When Will oblivifags learn that it is the worst game in the series?
it's not skyrim tho
I'll bet you fags haven't even played Nehrim
stop wasting your time on inferior games and have a real adventure
>It's time to discuss the best Elder Scrolls game
Finally a Battlespire thread.
>best game
>has no actual graphics
Finally a thread talking about the Elder Scrolls card game
Finally a thread talking about New Vegas
>the game that introduced that retarded compass to the series
>best Elder Scrolls
top kek.
Redguard was a better spin-off
>outplay your opponent at every turn
>about to win
>lose to a prophecy
I played to legendary for 3 seasons but couldn't take it anymore, it's shit
Finally get to talk about this gem!
Good taste but the thing was terribly optimized and the last few zones felt unfinished. Still waiting on that enderal dlc.
Arena is legit horrendous
Is Nehrim the Oblivion one? Because i did but never finished it. I released Arantheal and went to a village after that area bursting with energy. Was i far from finishing it?
LoL where in Skyrim is this? xD
oblivion is amazing if you ignore the
horrible story line
horrible story line quests
terrible animations
terrible combat
nerfed customization
terrible graphics
copy and pasted environments
level scaling
spell crafting
haha yea let's talk about the best TES, the best game in the worst open world rpg series
Most of those can be applied to all TES.
The only real crime of Oblivion was the level scalling.
How about retconning fucking everything to appeal to normalfags and wasting all your budget on Patrick Stewart, Sean Bean and a radiant AI that doesn't even work properly
Radiant AI and everything else about Oblivion is a case of so bad it becomes goofy and actually enjoyable. The npcs silly conversations will always be remembered.
But sure, the whole retconning and normalizing some TES games characteristics are all things i can agree with. But as far as vanilla things that can actually hinder your enjoyment, i think level scalling are the only one. All the TES have some deal breaker side to them. That's the one for Oblivion.
The combat is absolute shit too. But I guess mods can fix that
As soon as their quest compasses lead them to that conclusion
All TES games have shitty combat.