Gorons or Zoras?

Gorons or Zoras?

How long to achieve goronmode?

>beautiful waterborn überfisch
>filthy fat rockman

I would much rather be a zora

is the guy on the left natty? what's his routine?

Zoras have the cuter girls, so Zora.

Gorons are too much like dwarves in that the females are indistinguishable from the males.

>How can a rock be 'fat'?
>Uberfish weak to fire
>Uberfish weak to ice
>Gorons simply can't swim
>Gorons all bro-tier
>Only worthwhile zora is a 2d waifu




but gorns are more fun to play as . the rolling is fun

Goron women are treasured an kept hidden, not paraded around for filthy Hylians to defile.

its like asking what is better a elf or a dwarf

Zora for the girls and Sidon :3

Gorons for the bara-fags

And the answer is dwarf, or goron in this case.

Gorons are weak against ice as well

dwarf hands down


7 years

I'd rather be a goron. They don't seem to have any drives besides eating, crafting, and fighting. They don't seem to have any women and refer to each other as "brother". It sounds like the best fraternity ever.

>elf if you're gay and like living in trees
>drawf if you like camaraderie and drinking 24/7

gee I wonder which one's better....

dang that's hot how have i never seen this picture before


If the Gorons are made of rock, but they eat rock and drink molten rock are they cannibals?


If Humans are made of meat, but they eat meat and drink liquid meat are they cannibals?