What am I in for guys?

What am I in for guys?
I never played a zelda game before, any hints?

fun exploring
boring combat

900p, unstable framerates and defective d-pad

>Never played Zelda
>Buys a $200+ Zelda machine

Not a Zelda game

Yea I did, everyone says it's awesome... Do you think it's a mistake?

trade it for bloodborne

Post your ass white boy

best time of your life. you have the best console and the best game. just close Sup Forums tabs and enjoy

Best post ITT. You fucked up and fell for the switch meme OP. Enjoy your childrens games though.

BOTW's a better game though

Just fucking play it. If you don't like it return it.

BotW is a milestone in gaming and an absolute masterclass in open world design. Playing with the propad is sublime. Ignore the salty faggots on Sup Forums, avoid reading spoilers and enjoy the game of the year.

Game is surprisingly fun
Never played one either

how do you even spoil botw

ya that final boss is just so amazing!

>It's b-baby's first open world game!

And yet BotW treats players with far more respect, intelligence and is ultimately far more sophisticated in its design than just about every other open world game. Keep crying. It never gets any less funny for me.

By reading anything about it. The game is best approached with fresh eyes.

I was more referring to games like splatoon when I meant "childrens games". I hope you don't sperg out this hard all the time man.


I bet you think swearing violence and nudity equal "mature".

Idiot child.


racist much?

stop trying so hard man

Imo it is more like skyrim or fallout than a zelda game, that being said it is still a fun game. whether you enjoy it or not do not judge other zelda games against this one as it is fundamentally a different kind of game.

It's not much of a Zelda game, but it's still pretty solid. Enjoy yourself, but do suggest you play some of the previous ones if you want a classic Zelda game. Link to the Past or Ocarina of Time are basically beginner Zelda games nowadays.

A game nothing like other Zelda games besides characters and enemies.

>a Zelda that isn't tired formulaic shit for the first time since ALttP

Fixed that for you.

is that a good or bad thing?