Filename thread

Filename thread

is that way

No bump 4 u.

>announcing safe

enjoy ban retard


cry more libtard

No you. Fag lord of the gay lands

But wind waker was better than breath of the wild.


>no you

uhh where are all the alt right Sup Forums posters in this image?


>neogaf is so desperate for Sup Forums to become a liberal safe space it makes up rules



Kind of accurate especially when you take population density into account.

Up your butt.

Right here.

>>>/neolaff/ you silicon valley techie fruitcake.

they all look pretty happy, friend :)

holy fuck is that really a pol meetup? what a bunch of pathetic fucktards.

Can we get back to the filenames?


Knowing stuff is not something Sup Forums retards are good at.

>no females

holy fuck, i'm willing to bet a Sup Forums meetup would look better



>two black guys in there
So this is what it feels like to see an uncle tom huh?


Have you ever looked a single meetup pic prior to this?


literally fake news

keep losing libturd

not really


>No bump 4 u.

someone doesn't get how this works

t. non-white white nationalist

wow you got me man such a sick burn.

which turbovirgin are you in that pic? acne-in-his-twenties? dull-eyed-and-confused-minority? too-awkward-to-go-to-a-barber-so-i-pretend-i-like-long-hair guy? the fat neckbeard in the bottom right?

the collective sperm count in that Low Test group has to be lower than the crust under my toilet seat.

one or two of them will transition

From the way things are going for Trump the lump it's more like this.