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because she has a 5-head
what did he mean by this?
Why would you defend a corporate shill that has no regard for peoples lives and prefers cake to ice cream?
Because she's an ugly bitch, like you OP
>marie is the queen of smug
>marina is the queen of banter
i love it
>prefers cake to ice cream
what fucking retard prefers cake over ice cream?
he means that 'gamers' are led by their dick and not their brains
This. On top of being a shill nothing is as egregious as cake over ice cream. Absolutely sub-human taste.
People with taste.
What about ice cream cake?
Yeah, shit taste.
or that pearl is seen as an old shoe filled with poop who will lose any argument
glass houses, marina
you have to be over 18 to post here
ice cream sandwiches > ice cream cake
It's Ice cream.
There is no cake that tastes or is in the shape of ice cream.
I thought shill was a derogative term or something.
It's a cake with ice cream between the bread instead of the usual.
don't you do it
Yes. It's a backhanded compliment.
It's carny speak I think
No I mean like I thought it was something as bad as nigger or kike or something so I was confused why it would be in a nintendo game
I guess its not then
>be amerifat
>have an obsession for black people
So the only way for A cake to be remotely enjoyable is to have Ice cream on it?
Duly noted.
It's more that he actually liked cake over ice cream, and is mad that other people don't agree
Don't get your vocabulary lessons from Sup Forums. Shill is a word with real meaning. dictionary.com
are you for real?
that makes more sense.
only fatties like cake over ice cream
He means that he was on team cake and is still salty.
>implying Hitler did something wrong
I just wish he had finished the job.
>Marie shits on Callie
>No one bats an eye
>Marina shits on Pearl
If Hitler won chances are that unless you're German or Japanese, your grandparents would've died in the purgings and thus you would have never been born.
Show me instances where she did that.
>believing (((their))) lies
Only shitskins would be purged and retarded whites. My grandpa was a nazi soldier.
we have a long way to go in becoming race-blind
>That one user trying to make a point that Pearl was completely "bratty"
>She's literally just doing her job
>Marina roasts her every chance she gets
Yeah okay, pal
Because Treehouse decided to rewrite Marina as an angry, sassy black wymn who needs no man instead of her actual character
Shut the fuck up
Ok, but why does everyone else also bully Pearl?
Wow, Marina's right. Hitler WAS awesome.
This shit kills me every time
Buckley is an old shoe filled with shit, teeth, and aids but at least he even recognizes how garbage Pearl is
How can Pearl ever recover?
Shill is originally a term for a partner of a con artist. Shill now means "When a marker pretends to be an ordinary consumer in order to better sell their product". Companies like EA and Activision literally have (small) departments or contracted companies that go on websites and act as Shills, but now it's an accusation for anyone who endorses a game they like.
I meant Marketer. Fuck.
Because Pearl a shit
>Pearl and Marina are both blatant corporate shills
>Pearl has also thrown shade at Marina
have you even seen enough of their banter?
I'm also a pearlfag, but its not been one-sided roasting. I also don't label myself with an annoying trip.
>your grandparents would've died in the purgings
Hitler wanted non such thing. Stop believing fantastical nazi propaganda from butthurt media kikes.
Man what's the point of this contest when they make one girl clearly superior?
>Actually starting to like Pearl
Shes the type thats cute when shes mad. Nintendo should roll with that.
Only a bit. It just means you've been caught out on your subtle marketting tricks.
Of course on this board, the word applies to anyone who wants to talk about anything
who salmon run
Having fun with it, it's way better than I expected.
I know, its looking bad for marina fans.
>Pearl, your corporate shill game is on point today
Goddamn. Someone needs to make a crop of this, this is perfect reaction image material.
So how do we claim Salmon runs rewards? Sittin on 400p and I want that shirt. Do we have to wait till the end of the month?
Will probably be better when everyone understands how every salmon enemy works.
theres a kiosk outside the salmon run building where you get your bonus.
>no Switch
>can't admire best girl
It hurts.
Fucking Pearl. I bet she shills Bethesda games, too.
Jesus fuck, my switch is hotter than Maries insults. Not even Zelda made it freak out this much.
Someone shop "user" in place of Pearl.
I want to chill out with her.
The kids call her aunt.
>voting for Marina
She's a filthy nigger, and she acts like a filthy nigger
perfect, now it just needs to read "user" instead of pearl
>N-Nigger l-lovers
>Pedos are THIS assblasted
my ms paint skills at your service
xhe can be either gender xhe wants user. or both! that's how slugs work.
She looks better than 5-head loli
Both choices are for pedos
I don't know why people have an issue with this comic. It's short, to the point, and has a mildly grin inducing joke.
Hello, it appears you're shitposting in the wrong thread, would you like to be redirected to Sup Forums?
you did good user
Marina is clearly a young woman, not a loli
for one it's three times as long as it should be to tell that joke
as expected of fuckley
she's fuckin ungly and looks like a fuckin baby
Pearl is stupid and deserves all the hate she gets
They all have child like body's. The avatar squid is 14 and their bodies are almost if not the same as the adult squids.
that makes pearl a squidlet, your point?
you're stupid and deserve all the hate you get
Goblins are for bully.