What went wrong?

What went wrong?

torbjörn having no dispenser and having two sniper with one of them having a shit ult

either no skill required or high skill required
only played by shitters or korean surgeons on a near lethal dose of adderall

They are all situational. People "main" them and wonder why attack torb is not working.

Poor mobility in a game where mobility is very powerful. Also what said.

Torb is support, Hanzo Widow are attack, Mei and Bastion are tanks

When you make a DPS class that specializes in area denial rather than being really good at making things dead, people will eventually realize that the latter is a much better kind of defense.

mei is a character

then what's junkrat?

the chosen one

"I decided to throw the game and just focus on medals"

they cant be buffed cause of how lame and anti fun their kit is, somebody from Blizz basically said that
I mean its true but why make characters like that in the first place

>Widow attack
>Bastion tank
Is this what being bronze is like?

mei hanzo and widow have extremely high skill ceilings, they are good to go

bastion, torb, and junkrat are all shit and i hate people who play them.

most of these characters have little to no mobility, cannot deal focus fire efficiently, or require an extreme amount of skill to be good (but are destroyers when they are)

most of them do not: carry the team fight/heal/crowd control, so they do not fit into the current meta

Because they thought area denial would be effective


Widow is actually pretty good for picking targets regardless of whether it's attack or defend
Bastion is pure trash though.

The game got repetitive and boring because everything is treated as a comp match. No weapon variation, no pug servers, no banter. It's just a boring sheltered game, strict meta in actually competitive games because blizz can't balance for shit.

>high skill required

they nerfed hog

Widowmaker's ass and butthole not being around my nose/mouth area.

Nothing, really.

They're just niche picks.

Torb sees a lot of play on Echinwalde, Hanamura, and Lunar Colony.

Junkrat some of the same situations, but less common.

Hanzo's servicable in most any situation. Not optimal, but not terrible.

Bastion rework has made him pretty difficult to deal with on teams working to protect him. Most people never anticipate him and will lose the first teamfight because of it.

Mei is as annoying as ever when it comes to stalling. A team pushing a cart in overtime will only be able to do so until Mei ults it.

Widow is either your team carry or your team anchor. Not really any situation she's "perfect" or terrible for; the player is either just competent or not.

Whenever I see a junkrat, torbjorn or bastion on any game besides 2p defense I immediately go winston to salvage the team and hope that we don't get shut out

Offense, but also terrible

Torbj should still upgrade his turret despite it receiving damage. Also it should require 4 hits instead of 5 to upgrade to level 2.


You'll never see that happen considering how hard torb wrecks teams with bad coordination. Aka low rank

Maybe make it so he has to hit his turret to upgrade it to lvl 3 during his ulti or something.

That's actually not a bad idea

Torb is already badly gimped as he is.

Increase his armor generation and make his bullets faster but give him less ammo.

The game has barely grown at all, besides a few buffs and nerfs here and there it's pretty much the same. There have been no map updates besides the gate on eichewald. The only thing they do consistently is release hats. And timed hats at that.

The maps are god awful.
Like all of them.
There's alot of 'flanker' heroes, but then the maps allow only 1 or 2 approaches. (First obj. on the Japanese map, the entirety of the Anubis, etc.)

Can I just say I fucking hate Widow porn that has her looking all docile and shy? Why does all the SFM do this? She's supposed to be angry and agressive.

Unlimited ammo, shit maps, mobility disparity

Short ass TTK combined with next to no resource management

Zero custom content

When will they fix him?

being able to one-shot squishies with a dodgable projectile at short-medium range is not allowed

only long range scattershot insta-kill is allowed, that's fair because it only one-shots any character in the game including tanks

I think Widowmaker would be more sassy if she even got in bed with someone in the first place. She'd still be a top though.

>What went wrong?

Blizzard balancing the game around quickplay and casual player statistics instead of high level statistics.

Blizzard are retarded.

>Hanzo and Junkrat are offense heroes
>Torb is underrated
>Bastion needs a recon mode buff
>Mei needs to actually be able to counter flankers
>Widowmaker is completely up to player aim but could use an ult buff
>Mccree should be moved to defense
But really the biggest problem is they're not mobile

>balancing the game around the majority of % of players instead of the 0,1%

doesn't sound retarded to me, and besides

>high level

invest your time in a proper game instead of this casualized fps/moba

Area denial in a game where area denial is pointless or useless, and pushes aren't elaborate waves of momentum but just meat slamming into each other until enough of the other team dies and you pop off some ults in the process.

You have 6 people on a team. TF2, where defense-oriented classes, are geared for 12 vs 12. In your standard 6s comp, the only classes in play are the most mobile ones(Scout/Soldier/Demo/Medic) simply because there is no point in trying to deny area to that few number of players.

There is no point in area denial when movement in Overwatch has such few tradeoffs. A rocket jumping Soldier just took out a chunk of his health to bypass part of the map, if he used Gunboats he just robbed himself of his shotgun, and he still has to reload rockets one a time. Pharah can fly with impunity and reloads her 6-shot rocket launcher in one second.

In TF2, the sentry gun is mostly used to deter the game from being scouts bumrushing everything. In Overwatch, sentries are built for retards to kill retards, and otherwise easily bypassed or destroyed.

Kill the enemy team, then make a play on the objective. There's no real push because the map design is garbage, there is no penalty to your ults for dying. The real "defense" is the tank class, being big meaty things with powerful close range capabilities that can stop enemy plays.

Adding to this, nothing but the last 15 seconds in the game matters, you do shit for 5 minutes, then everyone vomits ultis when 15 seconds are left, and that ultimately determines what happens.

I blame the god awful map design, we have Hanamura, Winter Hanamura, Desert Hanamura etc. All of them are designed with style over actual gameplay. There's tons of spots on the map that have zero reason to ever go to, b-but they look good!!

At it's base components, all the 2CP maps, are chokepoint hallways with some rooms on the sides.

>taking overwatch seriously

since alpha/beta I knew this was a watered down version of a fps, Blizzard only makes retarded games for retarded people, watch Legion or Hearthstone, Diablo...etc

It's not TF2
the Maps are complete fucking shit designed around chokepoints.
too much aerial movement.
and the balancing is poor since all offense characters have the same health.

Defense is a fundamentally flawed class, because there's no better defense than just killing your enemy, so offense heroes are the best for either attacking or defending points.

>What are:


scattershot is allowed because 200 hp and how vulnerable hanzo is.

>le epic haha response :^)

>red yellow orange green blue purple

I'm curious about this games player retention count

They provided lots of unique characters but gameplay that consists of doing the same thing every match with the same few characters so that you don't get screeched at by aspies.

>What went wrong?
(((Jeff Kaplan)))

Isn't she emotionally dead?

they lack the attack power of the attack heroes, the tankiness of the tank heroes, the healing of the support(heal) heroes, and don't have enough utility to properly defend an area like defense heroes should

>muh Tf2
Tf2 has worse balancing to the point where even the pros agree. Quit shilling


the game was made to play 12-12 or more, not autistic 6vs6

6vs6 makes certain classes useless, stop listening to "pros" and form up your own opinion, sheep

>why isn't she a rabid bitch?!?!?

Men don't like rabid bitches.

Tf2 is a meme game, there is no actual teamwork, especially when you have 12 players who are doing their own thing. The closest thing to teamwork you will get in Tf2 is the medic healing the heavy. You shouldn't be taking a game where holiday mittens is an actual weapon so seriously.

Overwatch could have been an okay casual game. but all this fake hype Blizz made around esports to cash in on the trend ruined any hope of this game being good

>XD reddit is so cool

That's not what I said at all idiot.