ITT: Characters that could beat the living shit outta Dante
kratos is some fuck how swings whatever in his hands, dante has actually skills
Dante gets repeatedly punched in the face by Nero's demon fist and is fine.
Dante is able to use like 4 weapons total. Kratos is able to use whatever is in his hands. Kratos wins.
quality over quantity
Kratos is an overrated faggot who probably couldn't even beat Master Chief or Mario in a fight.
> Applies weeb-shit oil
Are you retarded?
>he thinks Kratos can survive getting shot
>he thinks Kratos can beat Mario
Are you?
Bayo. That's pretty much it.
>Killed an entire pantheon of GODS
>lol kratos can't survive getting shot
did any of the gods have a gun?
Kratos is strong but we've never seen the upper limits of Dante's power, hell we're not even sure what we've seen is even close to his full potential, even when interdimenaional demon lords wielding untold demonic reality warping power show up Dante still fucks around like nothing noteworthy is going on.
Even if Kratos gets killed, he climbs outta hell. Every. Single. Time. He's unstoppable. That's irrelevant, though. Kratos would butcher both those fags.
Do you bait on Sup Forums because you're a lonely fuck?
Kratos gets fucke dup by arrows in his own games and in GoW Norse his son shoots him with an arrow and it does through his skin. Kratos probably doesn't know what a fucking gun is (obviously) and if he got shot he would easily die. He isn't well known for his durability or speed, he's known for his anger and rage and has varying degrees of strength based on the situation. If Captain King shot him he would would fucking die.
Also Greek Gods are shit and Kratos will probably get flayed by Odin on GoW 4.
The equivalent, yes.
He canonically has.
I'm pretty sure Kratos only died once and pulled himself out because he wanted to kill Zeus. Also death in God of War really isn't much of an impressive Feat because dying in those is just getting pulled down to the underworld. Kratos has also been shown to have been restrained for long periods of time before.
>He isn't well known for his durability or speed
Nigga he stabbed himself with that big fucking sword and managed to survive that. He also has Hermes boots, sandals or whatever the fuck it was called.
>he applies Superior Cursed Oil and goes to town
His son will get killed at some point. God of War II will be about him getting revenge. He'll die after finally getting revenge in God of War III. Screenshot this.
I'm talking about Kratos himself, not his godly items. Kratos is not fast unless he uses his boots that he can't even spam that much. Also he would still get fucked up if he got shot. By the end of GoW 3 he doesn't even have that crap anymore because Zeus destroyed them all.
You could literally exchange Dante's and Kratos' names in that paragraph and it still applies.
Pretty sure he pulls himself outta hell three fucking times. I know he does in the original and III. Haven't played Ascension yet.
>Character who can beat the living shit outta EVERYONE
Skyrim could do it
Dante was made into an emo chav fuckboy
Kratos was made into an nu male cuck
Who got it worse?
We're assuming every character's geared the fuck up.
Kratos escaped at least twice from Hades. I don't remember if he did it in the second game and I haven't played Ascension or in the PSP games yet
Nice meme. It's his biological son.
Bullshit, Kratos is shown struggling and barely overcoming his adversaries plenty, Dante never has to take anyone except Vergil even remotely seriously.
>Kratos "My Wife's Son" of Sparta
>beating Dante
Kratos doesn't die in the original, he only pulls himself out of hell in 2. As in he actually died and got dragged down to the underworld and pulled himself out. He only did that in 2, and it isn't that much of an impressive feat because it's not like he's actually dying in the real sense.
Only once, really. in 3 he gets out but not like he did in 2. If was a completely different scenario.
This guy.
It's been said his son is genetically his. BTFO.
>jumps off a cliff
>wakes up in Egypt
He still wouldn't know what a Gun is and Captain King has master class reflexes unlike Kratos who only fights big dumb slow enemies.
Kratos escapes hell in the original. Stop lying.
That is the dumbest, most retarded idea they could possibly come up with. Which is why you know it's going to be what happens.
Not true at all, he just taps into his fury for power, like the Hulk.
>Dante is able to use like 4 weapons total.
not really Kratos has died numerous times and nearly killed himself.Dante has not
Is there a mod to unlock pizza?
>Kratos "My son" of Sparta
>Dante not dying somehow means he's weaker
>implying the devs will reveal the plot twist this soon
It's going to be revealed that Kratos has only been in the Norse realm for a few years so the kid clearly can't be his.
Well, that's why Dante is better anyway
Kratos has never really died, though. He just gets fucked up, collapses, then gets teleported underground. He's never actually become a corpse.
The Gods in GOW Franchise is so fucking shit and they're powers are limited. The """""god""""" of the sea Poseidon can't even control the whole ocean and drown Kratos using tsunamis with lighting and shit.
You're a moron.
That's Greek mythology.
Original and 2. He goes do Hades' Realm in 3 but not as a dead person.
>God of the ocean
>power over lightning
But corpses exist in God of War. Zombies/Skeletons as well.
Did you even played GOW2? Poseidon electrified the fuck out of Atlas and lightning storms are one of the reasons why the seas are terrifying and dangerous.
>Poseidon can't even control the whole ocean and drown Kratos using tsunamis with lighting and shit
Don't you dare demean his struggle like that. Kratos' struggle is what made him strong. He's really only human, without that will to struggle against his fate he wouldn't have made it that far.
Dante on the other hand is the total opposite. He's just so strong and good at what he does that he doesn't even worry about dying, he worries about style points.
>He's really only human
Kratos is a Demi-god.
Posting the superior shit character.
Kratos is a fucking faggot who deserved all the shit he got. Don't even begin to act like his struggle is anything meaningful. Also the only reason he is as strong as he is was because he's the son of Zeus. Without that he would just be another faggot human.
dying is not a sign of strength
well he did. he went to the greek underworld thats where you go when you die in greek mythology
Literal strongest video game character
What if Asura would put on "The Mask" ?
he would be a big guy
What Dante
Kratos claws his way out of Hades by gaining Hades' soul in 3 so being able to use the Hyperion Gates, He escapes through his Grave in 1 after being impaled by Ares, Gaia saves him from hell in 2 after being impaled by Zeus with the Blade of Olympus.
I haven't played the others, but yeah. Since the DMC and Bayonetta universes are confirmed to be the same universe, we know that Inferno has a physical entrance and exit on Earth, on Fimbulvetr so it's not out of the question for Kratos to return if Dante was to kill him, not mentioning the Hell Gates as well as that.
Completely different mythologies, universes, and worlds So why are you acting like Kratos getting killed by Dante in Dante's world would bring him back if the Greek underworld doesn't exist there?
I've not played GoW but Kratos can fuck with a dude who has Quicksilver and Royal Guard?
>The argument boils down to "Well Kratos will just come back from hell!" everytime
>God of War cucks know their shit character will get BTFO everytime
No. Kratos is fucking slow.
kratos lost to lizardman and got eaten in the soul calibur universe
look it up, it's canon
Why the fuck do people keep saying this about Kratos? Of course that's his kid. Kratos likely has hundreds of kids. Fucking random women along the way of his travels was literally a part of the gameplay. Kratos is the bull.
Unfamiliar with dante lore, which is the strongest in the picture?
>Dante has ridden a motorcycle to hell and come back to his shop a few days later
>Implying Dante wouldnt meet Kratos in hell and put him down
either the katana or the Soul Edge
>Dante drives past Kratos
No guest characters are canon. Unless you really think it is canon that Darth Vader and Yoda and Spawn and Link all came to the SC universe and did battle.
>Beat dante
>noone posting the guy that beat him 2-1
it's like you guys don't have enough motivation
his cock is bigger, right?
he is more motivated
>this is how the typical sonybro reacts
Dat pizza