Derek Smart was right. This shit is a fucking disaster.

>Look Mom, I made the thread again!

>get full funding in 2012
>continue funding game for years
>push release date back over and over again
>it's now 3 years after the projected release date and the game is still in alpha
>game space is not even 1% complete
I really feel bad for the people who sunk hundreds of dollars into this scam tbqh

First time posting this thread, cuck.

It's a scam.

every time

What's wrong with calling you a cuck?

The best way to pull a great scam is to make it so unbelievable that people won't accept that it could be a scam.

It's basically the equivalent of saying "u mad bro"?
Grow the fuck up kid.

>inb4 b-but you are a c-cuck

outs you as underage


I honestly miss being 15, damn.

You just described almost every Ponzi scheme in the history of mankind. Usually one or two people realize what's happening, but nobody listens. Either that, or they don't say anything.


keep it going forever and make people look smarter than you while you exercise complete autonomy.

Been here since 2007. I'm twenty-five. You'll stop getting triggered over words when you've been here long enough.

This all happened before.

> Freelancer

But gamers aren't known for their intellect and rationality.

Not as bad as being triggered by been called a kid.

Derek Smart made a garbage game, but he knows his shit. It's obvious Scam Citizen will never get made as promised. They should've made their own engine. We still haven't seen Squadron 42 gameplay. The shit we've seen looks weak as fuck. Wasting cash on Hollywood actors is fucking retarded. Look up some of the FPS gameplay and you'll realize what a fucking joke this shit is. Love the awkward silence when someone clips through a wall and dies.

I'm not triggered, though. I can't remember the last time Sup Forums made me emotional in a negative way.



>it's a scam
>they should have made their own engine
are you dumb?

I agree with the rest though. They should have just made a multiplayer space Battlefield/Battlefront with tight FPS and ship combat.

>I'm not triggered
And yet you can't stop responding. I can hear the bitch tears landing on your keyboard from here.


Just to be clear, I think it became a scam. It didn't start that way.


Mom was a bearded lady in the circus. What of it?

People who fall for this shit are beyond help, at least the ones who bought NMS only wasted a moderate amount of money.

i dont think girls have beards

I bet next you're gonna suggest that girls don't have dicks either.

You've never met an older greek lady then. They have more facial hair than your average nu-male.

>tfw Derek was actually Smart for once

This. Keep in mind humans at one point had FUR. Women have body hair just like men but they remove it.

Try using hanlon's razor for a change.

>buy game in 2012 or so
>they expand their plans to a ridiculously huge size as they get more funding
>never expected them to actually fulfill anywhere near all that shit
>dumb goys get more hyped and help fund the game i wanted in the first place even more, because they wouldnt have thrown the money down unless they thought they would get a game that practically sucks their dick
>still shaping up to be one of the coolest games ever made
>i'm supposed to be mad or something

which is just dumb, who doesn't want a nicely trimmed bush?

1 5 4 M I L L I O N


What the fuck
I didn't care about this game for two years or so and it was like at 40m back then. The general consensus was that is is pretty much a scam since nothing noteworthy came out when they actually promised to deliver.
Now it's at over 150m? Who the fuck keeps giving them money?

Chris Roberts sunk all of his own franchises without any help. He built up Wing Commander to be a wickedly awesome and original series. He even got tens of millions of dollars to fund his own Hollywood film that would entirely be under his control. He fucked that up, AND WC:V Prophecy. He fucked up Freelancer, and he's been producing shitty Hollywood movies to get by ever since. Why anyone would think this hack-fraud snake-oil salesman is worthy of ONE HUNDRED MILLION is insane. I'd bet all of the money has been spent on European homes by now.

Freelancer was amazing though.
But then i never knew what was promised,
just found it in the store one day and bought it and loved it.