now what?
Now what?
Other urls found in this thread:
Sell it and get a 3ds.
Gravity rush
hack it
hack it
now you can play emulators and not focus on the fact that you bought a system with a shit library with only like 2 worthwhile games
Hack it, and get free gaems
Weeb games
All of them
Can I get a expedient explanation?
I fucking hate this console but if I can use it to emulate things there might be something here.
Killzone Mercenary was fine I guess.
I did hack it. I mean, I don't know how to install anything.
Already have one.
Is it really that good? I tried the demo. Seems ok.
Where is the original animation from?
Hack it and play all the games you want
Hacking it is the easy part.
But then I find out that built-in PSX support is spotty and I guess I need a PS3 to load PSP isos onto it? What nonsense is this.
Yeah it's a 6 or 7/10 game but nothing exceptional.
I've never understood the hype behind it.
Disgaea 4.
Seriously both my favorite Disgaea game and Vita game.
Waifus and its like a Vita game (well... it was) and we don't see many of those.
stop being a retard
I have always hated Disgaea because I was nearing my twenties when totally random shit became popular with teenagers.
Hey guys, it's the hall monitor. He's gonna tell the principal on us.
>WipEout 2048
>Gal Gun
>IA/VT Colorful
>Persona 4
>Toy Story PS1 game
>MGS collection
all I got and all I need
Is fun if you don't take it seriously and go with knowledge beforehand that is not meant to be taken seriously, I loved Valvatroez he's great at his serious moments and silly when he's all Otaku.
whats the firmware?
if it's over 3.60, you need to swap out the motherboard for one that is below 3.61
just go to homebrew general
buy an sd2vita, get henkaku and play psp and ps1 games
How does this compare against Project Diva? I hear about it every now and again but it keeps getting dismissed for being easy.
Yes Dad, it's updated to 3.60 and hacked.
Those people are the least helpful spazzes I've met on the internet outside of an irc channel.
I read that the Vita localization is less literal, closer in feel to the original script, but that it cuts some of the Wii version's content. So, I'ma just play both.
>mfw no Freedom Wars updated rerelease where they actually finish making the damn game
You literally drag and drop the isos into the Vita as if it were a USB flash drive you kongoloid.
Too bad, have more music videos
>tfw got bored as fuck with the first missions
>not even enjoying it online
Over USB or FTP?
Take your pick.
Who /64gb/ here?
Soul Sacrifice Delta
Why the fuck would you use ftp?
nothing to play tho
Whoever told you it cut Wii version conent lied, it didn't cut shit. If anything, you get MORE content by the DLCs. Those are actually pretty neat.
The Vita version is the best version available.
>mfw max fashion
The prologue is unfortunately fucking garbage. CODE 4 is when the game gets good, which is really unfortunate since it takes a third of the game for the good stuff to come.
>Bought a Vita
>Imported a 64 GB card
>Only use it for Remote Play
At least Soul Sacrifice was good.
Because Wololo told me I had to.
I want to install Adrenaline and play my PSP and PSX games with that. Is the site out of date or something? What I wouldn't give for a Plailect guide right now.
>64GB cards
That's great and all, but I was told they have a high failure rate so I got a 3G Vita with the intention of installing the psvsd card once it's ready for prime time.
who sd2vita here?
I thought size was a problem to make an adapter.
Post pics and explain how it works.
It fits in the game card slot. Only works if you have HENkaku.
>If we were all rich,
>there would be no monsters.
Does Henkaku still install on RAM
For the next week or so. Ensou is coming out soon.
Is this a Switch ? The madmen, they'll do it.
>go to code 7 or 8, I forgot
>takes 40mins to do missions because lolnodmg
>literally no damage with ez kaze upgraded as much as possibkle
welp, it's been months since I've touched it
shame since I really liked the game
Isn't that just a switch?
If Sony releases a better switch ill litterly eat my pubes
Nintendo wasnt even the first to do it.
Also is old news; this was announced in february.
>bad name
Hey, guess what: I also imagined what a tablet or phone with physical buttons that clamp onto either side might be like. Doesn't mean I deserve credit for the Switch either.
>annoinced in Feb.
By Sony?
Upcoming Vita releases:
Danganronpa V3
Root Double- Before Crime * After Days
Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle
Fault Milestone One
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Tokyo Xanadu
Bad Apple Wars
Collar X Malice
Period: Cube ? Shackles of Amadeus
World End Economica
The Longest Five Minutes
God Wars: Future Past
Hakuouki: Kyoto Winds
Mary Skelter: Nightmares
Cladun Returns: This is Sengoku!
Operation Babel: New Tokyo Legacy
Fallen Legion
Summon Night 6: Ear Cancer Dub
Valkyria Revolution
Demon Gaze II (asain version confirmed for english subs)
Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
Accel World VS. Sword Art Online
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana
Tokyo Tattoo Girls
Warriors All-Stars
Drive Girls
Yomawari: Midnight Shadows
Penny-Punching Princess
Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st]
Pirates gonna cry.
What are some fun games that are from the following genres: RPG, JRPG, Fighting that can be played a bit every day(1-3h per day) and fun ?
I hate weebshit but love jrpgs like lost odyssey and the likes
was thinking of digimon cyber slut for nostalgia purposes
pirating is dumb
if you adopt PSN ecosystem and supported psn+ for years, you already have like a library of 20+ games for vita for "Free" already
ontop of all the cross play cross buy shit, which is awesome
vita is great handheld, probably the best there is right now, while all the cucked plebs easily got baited into buying a switch, switch isnt a portable platform in anyway,
Do ISOs have to be in CSO format for Adrenaline to see them?
>tfw lost my vita and dont know where it is
was half way through steinsgate 0
now you're a sad teal bald man with jowls. congratulations
All right, all right, so then where do I find vita games? Cause I already bought the Wii version, I'm not buying it again.