Recommend me some good games for local co-op Sup Forums.
Recommend me some good games for local co-op Sup Forums
serious sam
>Risk of Rain
In that order
good choice
Sup Forums is better
Portal 2
Castle Crashers
Rayman Origins and Legends
Keep talking and nobody explodes
Had loads of fun with all of these
pic unrelated
Currently looking for a game to play with 3 friends, still a solid 7/10 coop game
Haven't played Castle Crashers, might give it a chance, thx
Nothing will bring your friends together as a whole server trying to kill you for not speaking polish.
Are the sequels hitboxes as terrible as in the original?
Never had an issue with the hitboxes in the first place, so idk
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
Star Wars: Battlefront II (Galactic Conquest mode)
The Incredibles 2
>inb4 kys
Headshoting was disgusting. Anso most obstacles had a bigger hitbox than the model.
It was al as subtle as infuriating.
I refuse to believe The Incredibles 2 exists
ye KYS
I was rolling with shotguns like a retard at the mall 90% of the game but yeah headshots were kinda shit with pistols
does this count?
not even the best in the series but sure
my man kurwa
I beat that in a night with my cousin when I bought it. Good memories, but I just wonder if it holds up.
Recomended as fuck
>no gears of war
Phantasy star online has split screen on GameCube and Xbox.
A lot of people ITT don't know what local co-op means apparently.
I second Rayman.
op here
are there really little to none good new co-op games?
There's actually a pretty simple mod to allow splitscreen (basically multiple instances) of Minecraft on PC. Combine that with controllers and it's actually not a bad experience to just dick around with a few friends on the couch.
Other suggestions:
Not local, pretty much only indies and nintendo make them now.
I always enjoyed the gundam vs games locally.