>It's just a game, lol

how do you refute this?

Other urls found in this thread:


>it's just a game
Mc Fucking Killyourself

You don't, they're right.
Stop sperging out over video games

Take a step back, relax. realize it's just a video game

>his fucking teeth
Hes such a horrid creature

>"Gg Ez"


If thou art insinuating it's significance to be reduced and thus my perturbation to be misplaced and adolescent in nature then I demand you provide substance to this shackle of arbitrarily which you imprison both your mind and mine in.

Yeah, soda is a bitch.

They're ironically crooked. Grats on getting trolled : )


Don't insult low tier god and place him in the same room as that fat disgusting whore.

He is retarded but he has standards

unless there is actual money on the line, then you don't refute them because you're the one sperging out over matches that mean nothing.

If the guy is saying "it's just a game lol" while doing retarded shit and fucking around, I'd probably tell him to start actually playing the game, then.

Maybe calm the fuck down you sperg.

Whaddup, Its ya boy


You don't.

Why should you refute it? Video games are supposed to be fun. Ignore the neckbearded e-sport tryhards and just have fun playing vidya.




he is a gay!


Sure it's a game but people put their effort and passion into a game. If someone put their time and effort into sculpting a glass statue over 3 days and then you break it and say "lol it's just a statue" is incredibly dismissive. You wouldn't say to someone who had a close loved one die that "Relax it's just carbon and hydrogen mostly, lol"

Then again it's Sup Forums so maybe you will.



>U mad?
Boom. Winner.


I think you're missing the context because neither of those analogies make any sense here.

LOW TIERGOD would never EVER even look at that whale

is this an on topic thread or are we gonna talk about boogie?


IF you dont like what the fuck im saying...

>food analogy

Tell them youre trying to simulate competitve e sports

and that if theyre not going to play to win, then stick to unranked

>Disrespecting LowTierGod with that lowtierbroad

They make perfect sense. To say it's "just a game, lol" is dismissive. The game probably meant more to that person than you, who are you to say it wasn't important to them. Such is the same with the example of the glass statue and the person. Maybe you don't have any personal investment in the glass statue that someone made or the personal feelings of someone elses loved ones but that does not invalidate someone elses perspectives and approach to it.


What is up guys

>shits his diaper

Ladies and gentlemen of youtube

>signals for his girlfriend to bring him a plate of burgers

Boogie2988 comin at ya once again through the power of the internet

>gets depression and anxiety



It is just a game.


Is LTG /ourbull/?


Billy is big but at least he can walk around...

someone post the pasta about him shitting his pants at a convention

then being seen eating mcnuggets 1 hr later

>They make perfect sense.
No it doesn't, you retard. The first one implies you made the game, which isn't the context here. The second one implies the game got shut down or something, which also isn't the context here.

Do you even know when people say "it's just a game?" It's a response to people "tryharding" or getting annoyed at people for not playing to win, usually in some sort of ranked mode. Your analogies make zero sense

Is that really LTG? I honestly can't tell.

>blocking the person you're trying to film with your own stupid head
what the fuck is wrong with people

also why is that asian next to him like 9 ft tall



I don't think that is him

And honestly i like him

all black people look the same eh user

Or any woman

is that lauren southern?


>it's just a wife bro
How do you refute this?

didn't know LTG was Kurt's son

Okay you're clearly missing it and misinterpreting it. It's nothing to do about making the game or not in relation to the glass statue, it's about how much of yourself you invest in an action or project, in this case either playing a game or making objects or devoting time to people. That's the context here. How much effort you devote to doing something.

I'm so proud of him Sup Forums

She's insanely fuckable. What's her heritage?

daily reminder.

Dude needs to get his teeth worked on good lord

"Tic Tac Toe with triangles, stars, and squiggles isn't Tic Tac Toe you mongoloid. Play the fucking game. Please. I fucking beg you."


>It's just a game-
>for you


>trashtalks and generally acts like a chimp
LTG is a cuck
but at least he's not a 500lb cuck

>It's nothing to do about making the game or not in relation to the glass statue
If it doesn't, then that makes it a huge stretch and makes it a bad analogy.

>it's about how much of yourself you invest in an action or project
That has zero relation to what "lol it's just a game bro" comes from or how anyone reacts to it.

Whats up! Ladies and gentlemen of Youtube, Boogie2988 comin' at ya live once again, through the power of the internet!

>slurps chemically concentrated transfat
>punches chest to restart heart


>obliterates asscrack on chair cylinder
Hoy goys it's me Francis aand ay hav somethin I want off my chest, THOUSE REPOBLICANS ARENT PAYIN' MY HEALTHCARE 'R DEY STOPID OR SOMETHING?

>Gets 10000 likes

I don't usually make these kinda videos but today is an exception, so if you're new, maybe you just clicked the thumbnail, you've never been to my channel before, I don't usually go political or anything like that, I like talking about pokemons, or about my favorite youtubers

>desperately tries to inhale air through football shaped nostrils
but today is different, understand my view of the issue, those DAMN REPUBLICANS ARENT PAYING MY HEALTHCARE!

>Smears mayonnaise on upperbody
skin absorbs mayonnaise

Don't forget to subscribe. I love you guys!

>wife is overfeeding him so he dies quicker

Why is this allowed?

That Guy T with Lauren Southern

I chainsaw them in half and say "it's just a gave"

>getting this salty about boogie's skit videos
damn lol

he needs to use a scooter?
damn man, bloody hell if that doesn't scares me.


>If it doesn't, then that makes it a huge stretch and makes it a bad analogy.

No it's not, it's perfectly valid example of effort and time put in by one person but dismissed by another.

>That has zero relation to what "lol it's just a game bro" comes from or how anyone reacts to it.

I beg to differ, it could be a tournament or a speedrun or a competive ladder mode which relies on teammates and people will still say it to be dismissive.

i'm dead

as a black man I can't help but touch my meat whenever I see one of these blacked memes.

by the way, lauren is fucking cute, I don't even want to fuck her but I want to eat her.

I only have a screencap senpai

It's a game that I'm better at than you ;^)

I like how there's another huge fatty behind him

Like Hannibal eat her, or figuratively eat her by performing oral sex?


Yeah and you're fucking shit at it

So did Boogie get the surgery?

its either that
or hes 6"2 and the white dude is 5"10


thats his wife

He's backing out of it because his wife is threatening to leave him and the doctors don't want him stressed for such a risky surgery


oral sex and cuddling

This guy never goes through with anything does he

Literally made up meme with some easy F12 editing.

what surgery?

cuddling with a girl out of your league is the greatest fucking thing

>it's perfectly valid example of effort and time put in by one person but dismissed by another.
Which isn't what "it's just a game bro" refers to.

Just because you can vaguely tie two things together doesn't make it a valid analogy and doesn't magically mean you have a point. This isn't an issue of effort and time being dismissed, it's a matter of someone calling you out on taking something too seriously. Not at all related.

he's getting one of those prodecures where they chop your stomach so you can't eat solid or something like that.

The joke is she legally claimed herself to be a man on her I.D. because Canada.

Why should he? He had an abusive childhood, he's too overweight for exercise, and he has a thyroid problem that keeps from losing weight through dieting -- yet, he's one of the most successful obese people ever, has a massive following, and gets to do what he loves for a living.
IMHO we need more front runners like him fighting to keep Obamacare in effect. Even if you don't agree with his lifestyle, you have to understand that millions of people are at risk if we replace Obamacare with "only rich people should be allowed medical help" care.

But it is, don't take anything serious and just play and shut up.

Embrace the Gregor, become it my child. Can you feel his arms warming you, while he grips tightly to your chest?