is this game run by actual autists?

this whole team killing shit seems to be the beginning of the end

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off with this bullshit. Noone gives a fuck about your streaming boyfriends.

>Wahh i can't ruin other peoples fun anymore!@

Go back to griefing Minecraft you Hanzo main.

its not just the streamer guy

the games mods just seem awful in responses to everything

>implement friendly fire
>get banned because the dev implemented it

It's a shitty streamer bait game, what do you expect? There will be another one next year or later this year that will also never go out of early access.

They also censor and derail every reddit and steamgroup post about cheating, which is rampant. They do this under the guise of saying they are preventing people from sharing information about cheats when all their really doing is covering up the cheating so it doesn't hurt sales.

seriously why have it as a feature if it gets you banned? atleast make it non fatal or some shit, what if your idiot teammate walks infront of your line of fire on low hp because he's panicking?

Time to buy PUBG and start TK streamers.

>go on twitch
>everybody is playing PUB GURRR
can't wait when the next game comes by and this is completely forgotten, just as it always happens

>he plays public squads
if you're playing alone play solo wtf

Maybe you could have fun too?

He'll get banned if he has fun, user

>Retard steps infront of line of fire.
>Gets team killed.
>You get banned.
Either remove friendly fire or allow team killing, its really not that hard.

It *is* non-lethal, if you accidentally shoot your teammate he'll go to a bleedout state. Friendly fire is part of the base gameplay.
Just like, say, Planetside 2, you won't get punished for accidents. In an accidental TK scenario you can just pick your teammate up again.
Killing them intentionally is nothing more than griefing and should be punished.


accidentally team kill is fine but doing it intentionally deserves a ban.

I played this a bit a few weeks ago and got team killed because they wanted my weapons and loot and it was infuriating.

While I agree that griefing should have negative ingame repercussions. I disagree that you should be banned for it.

Banning someone is when they try to break the game intentionally by using exploits or methods not intended to be used by the developer.

This is just a feature of the game and how people use it should be their own choice without you stealing the product from them because they chose to use your feature in their own way.

Instead the developer should put some ingame incentives to not kill your team members like a negative score or a cost penalty or something. Maybe even a 5 minute timeout to connect to your next match.

>the beginning of the end

the sky is falling!! thats funny it doesnt seem to affect me at all since i dont randomly tk?

haven't encountered a cheater in 40 hours

Why do you care about such insignificant things

>shitty streamer bait game
>streamer bait
what does that even mean?

Haven't seen a single cheater in 20 hours. Maybe you're just not that good at aiming?

the game is fun and exciting because lots of people are playing it

Implementing teams in a Battle Royale game in the first place was retarded enough.
Now think about how stupid it is to ban people for intentional team killing. Why limit people's freedom and steal the game from someone who supports your shitty Fotm game? It's not like they're cheating, just don't implement a fucking feature if you don't want people to abuse it. It doesn't matter in the end cause there's no real progress in the game anyway.

This. Even though it's infuriating to get killed because a team mate wants your loot taken that option away does nothing for the game and it happens little enough for it to be no problem. For me at least.
I have played about 50 squad games and it has happened once.

I'm always for giving players the abilty to police themselves.
Add an option for a squad to votekick you. 3 player majority only. Comes with a 10 minutes temp ban from play.

Let's remove friendly fire from everything instead of banning griefers why don't we?
>Red Orchestra
>Rocket League

Intentionally ruining the game for others is certainly banworthy.
Teamkilling is like waking onto a bowling alley and just walking around kicking over pins.
You'll get your ass thrown out and banned from the premises but according to you that's just using a feature of the game?
Nobody will get deterred by score penalties, if you grief this way you do it for the thrills and the rise they get out of it.
These are actual crazy people we're talking about.

>Implementing teams in a Battle Royale game in the first place was retarded enough.

if your thoughts are on this level just spare everyone from typing into the little box and pressing post


>wannh don't implement it

i have a better idea: how about millennials and generation z kids learn the concept of following rules? I want more shit in games like this, because games would be better if you could implement rules that people should follow

A game that baits twitchcucks to play, and their retarded fans to buy shitty early access survival game #294 en masse
Examples: H1Z1, dayz, ark

What good does kicking a player do after they've already killed you?

i did this by accident but it was down to the final 6 of us and we won :^)

>there's an anime of the game already

>another autistic indie dev who can't shut up on twitter

they get banned from queuing


dr disrespect ruined the game

why don't they just make it so getting teamkilled gives you the option to punish and immediately kill the teamkiller? if it happens by accident your mate can forgive you, but intentional TKers are done with the round as well.

Never really watched him. He has some cool clips but just don't find him interesting otherwise


Even from the title I know that's awful

Do you think TKs give a shit about being killed? If they played to win, they wouldn't TK in the first place.

this is what will happen in like 2 days

this is hilarious

A 10 minute temp ban is enough of an annoyance for all but the most dedicated griefers to continue.
It's also short enough for the system not to be exploited against people that didn't actually grief and just ran into a group that wants to kick them "for the lulz."

Rocket League does it to ward against afk'ers in competitive mode, works wonders there.

You could even make it that consecutive bans stack up and multiply. Second ban of the day? It's now 30 minutes. Third ban of the day? It's now 2 hours. Etc.

Once can be an accident, once it happens 2, 3 or even more times a day you're doing it to ruin people's experience.

>stream shit game filled with literal children and third worlders
how can you enjoy this?

same system dota uses

it will be implemented very soon, PU isnt going to long term let "mods" manually ban players, it's a PR nightmare. seems like he was trying something new and wanting a personal element that many games lack but theyre already fucking up.

>that baits twitchcucks to play
And what does that mean? And what does cuckoldry have to do with gaming?
>and their retarded fans
So I can't enjoy this game unless I saw it from some streamer? Do you only do things because other people do it too?
>shitty early access survival game #294 en masse
Just because you don't link something doesn't mean it's shitty. i can assure you that there are people who think your favorite game is garbage.

Literally every game can be played on twitch, does that mean that every game ever is twitchbait?

what does it take to get a permaban? i'm seriously thinking about buying this game just to grief those faggots.

>Implementing teams in a Battle Royale game in the first place was retarded enough.
But it makes for fun gameplay
>Now think about how stupid it is to ban people for intentional team killing.
You might have had a point if you let the intentional away
>Why limit people's freedom
Turns out that freedums don't matter when we're talking about a shitty $30 multiplayer game, you're up to the will of the provider and you willingly signed up for it
>and steal the game from someone
Banning someone for intentional teamkilling is not stealing no matter how retardedly you define the word

i bet you're from the pubg forums, aren't you?

The griefer shot him first.

The admin is fucking retarded.

>playing garbage like PUBG
you deserve whatever happens

why do people play this game, i played it once then refunded it. unturned is just better

>The griefer shot him first.

doesnt matter because he tracked the guy down and tkd him for no reason when the guy was going a different way

it's funny that when confronted with the idea of just being mature, none of you can handle it. i surmise you're the ones who don't own the game and are complaining about it, while adults like me enjoy playing :)

>retarded assumptions because of lack of actual arguments against a game
I've never used a game's forum in my entire life.

Is this the holy trinity of awful shooters?

nigger i don't need an argument.
when you cunts start spamming Sup Forums with this shit, it's bad.

>retarded assumptions because of lack of actual arguments against a game
got'em. please go back to the forum that you came from.

>playing squads with random people
the fuck are you doing

>trying to find unity with others through hating things

sure is summer

i dont have any friends

nice reddit spacing

then play solo

>but it's not fun
get friends you turboautist

where is dota

dota is my favorite shooter

literally the fuck is reddit spacing

Above it's competitors

The problem is what meaningful punishment can you give in a game like this besides a ban? Maybe force the team killer to only play solos for a few games, but outside of that I can't think of any meaningful punishment besides a ban.

They accidentally left the auto-matching on.

DrD shouldn't have shot that guy, the ban was deserved. Everything after was pure autism from everyone involved.

it's yet another new way of being teenage and keeping reddit in your mouth

because that's what REAL FOUR CHHONNERS do is talk baout reddit nonstop and reddit this reddit that

Why y'all niggas want to kill your team mates so much? Just play fucking solo if you don't want them around.

sure is summer

saying reddit spacing is summer, kiddo.

anyway im out have fun in your
>I can't afford this game so i'm mad
thread, kids

ez loot

nice ragequit

>tkd him for no reason
So long as he was in the same game, the other player was at risk of getting killed by him since your teammates locations are always visible. The guy killed 2 of his friends, returning the favor isn't "no reason". You're just an idiot, that's all.

Is there any reason to get S12K over pump? Or really any smg? The ttk when needing to hit 2-3 shots is just too high.

I guess there isn't much of a reason to use anything other than sniper +AR though...

This much butthurt because people enjoy things you don't.

s12 is ultra trash compared to anything else.

>map on the wrong side
>player count doesn't decrease
>looks like shit
yep, that's anime

how do I get friends?

>I guess there isn't much of a reason to use anything other than sniper +AR though...
UMP and maybe vector can be very stronk late game with you've got a silencer, the sound radius is tiny and there's barely any recoil with some upgrades. Plus their upgrades are everywhere

player count does decrease though.

>implying i give two fucks about a greasy korean cash in.

just be urself :)

so it does. looks like I need to get my eyes checked

This is memeyaki isn't it

how do I do that?

>team killing
>in a hide and seek simulator

i dont understand

If you really didn't give a fuck you wouldn't sperg out so hard or even reply to this thread.
lmao sure is summer now

>trying this hard to fit in

>following rules
A concept of the past, nowadays, retards think rules, and respect are no fun. Acting like a son of a bitch should be the norm for them. And yet, they cry like babies when they got banned

>runs like uter shit and needs an above average pc to even run it
>third worlders
really makes you think

>play with a squad of 3.
>fourth dude gets matched with us.
>brags about how he got an AK and an SKS.
>shoot him in the back of the head.
>he's crawling around, screeching over the mic.
>tell him that he has to admit my dad is tougher than his dad and I will release him
>he reluctantly admits
>you will be released......from life
>cut him to death with machete
>autistic screeching coming from his mic until he quits

My brother and his 2 friends team killed someone and I was so fucking disappointed because all they wanted was his rifle

Fucking disgusting imo. Like .. why

Theyre really bad at hide and seek

This is probably the stupidest thing I've ever read because using a space after a greentext implies youre a plebbiter

Like this

Im a reddit user now

It's really funny how Sup Forums tries to throw all their usual meme phrases at the game but they just don't fit
>survival crafting game!

>ingame incentives to not kill your team members like a negative score or a cost penalty or something

I don't think you understand why people team kill for fun in the first place.

>Instead the developer should put some ingame incentives to not kill your team members like a negative score or a cost penalty or something.
Well there is one already
Being able to go inamke because you're not banned is a pretty big one