Daily Witcher 3 argument thread
2 years and people still get triggered over how good it is
Daily Witcher 3 argument thread
2 years and people still get triggered over how good it is
Good presentation
Bad gameplay
Yeah, I immediately jumped in this game after finishing W2, and by gahwd.
Fighting anything is a chore, just roll behind the and rape that left click, don't even bother using powerful strikes.
>Bad gameplay
>This mad that first post is best post
what is OP so mad about
nigger take that shit to reddit
>being this mad because someone on Sup Forums insults your favorite game
underage b&
>how good
>that combat
>spend the whole game followign red glowing train
>Bioware tier cutscenes
>less roleplay than FO4
This. Game world is stunning, but it's a chore to play. Combat is trash. Difficulty is non-existent even on memed DM. "Hidden" treasures are a joke. TW3 is a game of quests. You just move from one dialogue to another to entertain yourself, and sadly those are not always that good.
HoS was great, though. B&W is more of the same from vanilla game, but at least production values are on decent level.
I'm going to have to side with the normies on this one, Sup Forums. It's a good. Possibly one of the best games of this generation. Sorry, my fellow Sup Forums memers. You're wrong this time. :-/
Is it really that good?
I bought the GOTY last Christmas and I still haven't played it
>less roleplay than FO4
But FO4 is trash and Witcher 3 is GOTYAY, amirite, CDrones?
FO4 is bad too, but no one ever acknowledges how piss-poor the actual role-playing in W3 is. It's a storybook.
If you like story-games with bad gameplay and are entertained by pretty visuals and cutscenes instead of compelling, engaging gameplay, then yes, it's the best game ever.
As a game, its incredibly mediocre, or even poor. But since its got such great production value and presentation, people eat it up.
Well shit
I'm a cutscene skipper and couldn't care less about "Storytime", I want a nice juicy game
Imagine Skyrim with Ubisoft game design and TW1-2 writing. That's TW3. It's good, but not amazing. Combat, shitty exploration and shallow roleplay mechanics with choices that hardly matter most of times really drag it down. Main storyline also shows that the game was really rushed and unfinished. Production values are also pretty mediocre, but DLC content is great. Vanilla TW3 needs an enhanced edition just like first two games. It's very unpolished.
>couldn't care less about "Storytime"
Yeah, stay the fuck out of The Witcher franchise then. You have probably played Souls games to the death?
Install a few mods and gameplay fucking rules
Enhanced targeting is enough on its own, but there's some balancing/loot mods that make it even better
>best game ever
Cutscenes and dialogues in vanilla game are hardly well-made. Only ones with Ciri and Bloody Baron quest line are good, the rest can be Bioware tier.
no one has a reason to be mad, everyone has access to it
it is just a shit game
Oh my god I just breezed past this thread but people cant like cutscenes or something?
I never saw the issue with this one, though. Easily heads and shoulders above the bioware animation mocking webms
shoveling feces directly into my face
Not really, Ive diddled around with them but they are kind of ass.
That's because you're biased slavcuck. Anyone knows that scene was horribly executed, just like CDPR's shitty audio team raped Priscilla's song with rough cuts after each line. The game has a truckload of issues, stop acting like it does not.
What the fuck do you want from your RPGames then?
Whoa there, I agree that the scene is badly executed but not badly animated. In the game I found it stilted and awkward, but it's the only bad cutscene in the entire game, and Geralts facial animations are fucking great
Shit game, shit thread
That looks good.
Finished Witcher 3. Thinking about getting dlc. Should I and which one should I get first?
He's a fucking retard and doesn't know what he even wants, let alone what genre to play. Just stop wasting your time.
Actual Role Playing?
A Visual Novel and multiplayer Hack and Slash isn't RPG
HoS > B&W
And B&W is like a closure to Geralt's journey, so it's best played last.
Bought It two days ago. 20gb patch later, I fucking love it.
Both dlcs are fucking incredible. Anybody who says B&W isn't at least almost as good as hos is a massive pleb.
Witcher 3 is not an RPG lol
heart of stone is a slightly lower recommended level and it's shorter so that
The Witcher 3 is a prime example of what happens when there's a certain existing niche of games, and you make something a bit better than the rest of them and get praised for it like you just came up with cancer cure. It's mediocre in every way, but more mediocre than other open world games out there, so apparently that makes it worth praising to death.
Same situation as Skyrim, basically, previous "10/10 GOAT".
it's very good, witcher 3 more than most very popular games seems to have quite a few dedicated shitposters, pretty weird to see tbqh
Install Ghost Mode instead of being so herpes. It tightens up every gameplay system, the skills, combat, everything
You just said you couldn't care less about "Storytime" and actual role playing games are all about the narrative?
But it is. You assume the role of Geralt. Even fucking Doom is a role playing game. You fuck.
HoS is the only piece of TW3 content that was finished from start to finish, no cuts. In B&W they forced timeskip on everyone to show off that amazing epic snoozefest that was vampire attack. Because fighting 4 alps in 10 minutes is so fucking fun.
>tfw i still havent played this game
I normally don't like open world rpg's because it's so easy to get distracted by things, so i end up fucking around instead of doing anything productive.
I have tried to play skyrim, fallout 3, fallout 4, the witcher 2, and the witcher 3 for like 15 minutes. Never finished any of the games above.
Should i Sup Forums ?
>Even fucking Doom is a role playing game. You fuck.
confirmed for not knowing what RPGs are.
You're retarded.
Is your only criticism of the game that it forced you to wait until night during one quest? Are you fucking retarded?
B&W was the only part of Tw3 to bring the level of player agency in the narrative even close to Tw2 levels
There's that fag that rages about open world games whenever he gets the chance and a couple of retarded teenagers that played the souls games and now think combat in every game should be like that.
Well in that case Euro Truck Simulator 2 is my favorite RPG
>shit combat
>game filled with 1000 useless items to collect and never use
>10 actual npcs
>dating simulator
No thanks
yeah, but just try to contain your autism
>A role-playing game is a game in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting. Players take responsibility for acting out these roles within a narrative, either through literal acting or through a process of structured decision-making or character development. Actions taken within many games succeed or fail according to a formal system of rules and guidelines.
It's a truck driver role-playing game, idiot. Do you know the very base of role-playing? If you've ever been a kid, you know what I'm talking about.
Sure. You can't really say that Super Mario 3 is an RPG though.
why's she so perfect bros
>Are you fucking retarded?
No, you are because you can't read, apparently.
>gives Geralt 3 days to find whats-her-name
>scene ends
>[3 days later]
This was so stupid I actually laughed out loud.
>B&W was the only part of Tw3 to bring the level of player agency in the narrative even close to Tw2 levels
No, that's HoS.
Are you people normally this angry? I feel like you're all those middle aged white guys at the bar who stare angrily at everyone.
I don't think that would be possible.
No he's right. Doom is not an rpg. Playing a role and playing an rpg is two different things. A game has to pretty much follow dnd rules to be considered an rpg.
>A game has to pretty much follow dnd rules to be considered an rpg.
Things are actually quite tame today.
This is Sup Forums. Enjoy your stay, friend.
No argument I see.
No, I could pretend to be your dad and bang your mom and that would be considered rpg.
I've finished Witcher 2 with roach.
Should i play it again with iorveth or should i jump to 3?
Not an argument.
You want an argument? Here, I've got one for you. Penis.
Name 3 RPGs
Are there fuck mods for Witcher?
Vampire: The Masquerade
Why does every Witcher thread have discussions about semantics? Every time
Yes, those are RPGs.
Because people are fucking idiots.
Try throwing a cabbage on the floor in The Bannered Mare and see how NPC's start beating each other to death over it. That's exactly what we are.
Yea built into the game
How many mods do you need to install to make that happen
>Try throwing a cabbage on the floor in The Bannered Mare and see how NPC's start beating each other to death over it.
Iorveth's path is longer than Roche's and it explains a lot of things
Also Vergen is max comfy
Are you one of those edgy teens that installs the mods that let you kill the kids in Skyrim?
The witcher is linear as fuck but it's combat is dice rolls. It's an rpg
Yeah. I remember being pissed off at first when I noticed I can't kill anyone I want in Oblivion. Then I realised how fucking stupid it was to even care about such a thing in the first place.
You could also say tabletop role-playing games are linear. Sure, there can be some branches, but no one wants that idiot in your group who does the opposite just to piss off the gamemaster.
I mean is the options you have in witcher are fallout 4-tier. You can say yes a different ways that's about it.
Should I play the first two beforehand?
You should've but since this is the future just play w3.
Nah. Even if you go into the game knowing nothing about the story you will be fine. They do a good job explaining the backstory through dialogue options and stuff
>you can say yes different ways
Except that's wrong
This has been my problem with the game.
Every boss encounter I've ran into, it's been way to easy to bait and punish their attack.
I dunno, I'm just not a fan of this action-style combat when it's done so poorly. I kinda wanted a more RPG-style of a game. Instead of the ability of dodging, you basically had a Chance to dodge, like a dice roll... like an rpg.
You mean like Dungeons and Dragons
Just go play DnD
This. Why people deny it or think it's a bad thing is beyond me.
user, I just wanted witcher 3 to have good gameplay ;_;
It implies it has bad combat compared to other open world rpgs which is 100% incorrect.
>Bioware tier
Oh boy, seems like you forgot the ball scene in DA:I
How's Morrowind for you?
Mods exist
It has good writing, but if you're going to make a game so focused on the story, please don't make it open world, I don't want to go through all that shitty world doing boring open world stuff just to get to the story.
>please don't make it open world
Exactly my thoughts.
I legit though is was a great open world until I played BotW
Still better than Skyrim, where the largest city was the size of a small castle. Now compare that to Novigrad
This. Open world is always a mess anyway, but it takes the flow out of the story.
Witcher 2 was way more playable because of it.
At least Witcher 3 is the only open world game where side quests are actually fleshed out and worth doing for the stories/characters.
I don't get the bad gameplay meme. The core that's there is fantastic. There's a lot of strategy and patience involved, and you have to find your rhythm with every enemy/boss.
> the only open world game where side quests are actually fleshed out and worth doing
Then its not a mess now is it?
I thought it was lame it was open world since skyrim was ass and I just wanted more of Witcher 2, but then it came out and it was amazing. So why continue shitting on the open world?
Just shitposters that don't understand nuance. To them everything is either complete shit or gotyay.
Witcher 3's gameplay isn't great, but I'd say it's good enough and it's certainly miles better than Witcher 2.
people are too autistic to stop going to the question marks that are clearly treasure or smuggler shit if they don't enjoy them
It's shit because it's not Dark Souls