What were they thinking?

What were they thinking?

It's postgame, what were you expecting?
Is it still the same in EOU?

>he can't make a proper map
You know what to do, OP.

They were thinking that people who made it this far would like more difficulty. I never bothered getting this far after experiencing the cancerous long corridors filled with petrifying and poison inducing enemies on B26.

I can't find a pic of the map, but it looks like a homage to a room from Brandish

I would have said fuck Atlus if fighting YHVH wasn't good enough to make this map worth it.

artificial difficulty

So what are some other dungeon crawling maps with artificial difficulty?

No, this particular floor got nerfed in EOU. The stratum is still pretty bullshit though so it's hard to feel too sad about it.

play the wizardry games sometime, learn the joy of spinners and teleporters

utter bullshit maps are a tradition in the genre

>Tfw your autism was so strong you fell down every single hole on that map to complete it

they were thinking people would realize turtles don't fly and are thus any tile one steps on is not a hole

Werdna didn't deserve this.

They weren't.
Yes, but now the holes give off a visual indication on the top screen so you're not blindly stumbling about.

see the yellow circles with the green inside? all spinners. that was a fun bit to map, i tell ya

I hate people that didn't do this.
Mighty as well watch a playtrough of the game.

In that game you can see the direction you're facing after a spinner and can, with good levels, not be disoriented.
Or can just cast the know direction spell after every step on.

And screw you that's the third fucking floor grow a pair it's not that bad yet.

Never thought I'd see somebody post that game on Sup Forums. How you liking it?

Or pardon, fourth floor.

yeah i had to level a guy until the spinners stopped fuckin' me. i do like how it handles that, though; the "lost" status effect is a really good way to bring some of the frustration of manual mapping to an automapped game. it really impressed me

also i'm surprised anyone recognized it. what's up, demise buddy? i'm not too far in the game but it's really good. i think this might be my favorite wizardry-like

>tfw can't complete maps without NG+ on SJ
>still try to finish them anyway
somebody save me

I like Wizardry games but I really hoped all these Wizardry-like games followed the formula of the last trilogy.

It's good, yeah. I personally don't like how grindy it's been, but that may have been my fault for having a 4-man team.
The sheer amount of content is quite impressive, and then they just quadrupled the size of the levels and fucking wow.

That said, I've been playing it since Mordor, so I'm sorta committed.

Grinding is a turn-your-brain off activity, and thus has wider appeal. Planning a complicated RPG party while solving puzzles is more niche.

i just discovered it recently. i had devil whiskey but demise looked a little too fugly, at least until i played the demo and couldn't stop

you do have to grind a bit but they make it real easy. i like how streamlined it is, and i mean it's actually streamlined and not dumbed down. you can get through an encounter in seconds if it isn't too serious, just mash F. know your way through the dungeon? your characters move about as fast as you can type. that's just awesome

>spinners in a game with auto-mapping

For what purpose?

in demise, a spinner gives you the "lost" status, which means the automap doesn't update anymore. it's not that big a deal with a spinner, but a teleporter will give you the same status, maybe after sending you to some random part of an entirely different level

you can cure this status by stepping on a square that you've mapped, or if you make a skill check, or cast a location spell. not too hard once you're higher level, but in the beginning of the game you will actually be lost in addition to just having the status, and have to rely on remembering where you've been. it's a really fun mechanic actually

Also worth noting that the difficulty of the skill check is dependent on how deep you are.

And that you can cheese it by just holding shift and down, but such is life.

whats the full name of the game

Used to be Demise: Rise of the Ku'Tan.
Now it's Demise: Ascension.