mayo is fucking disgusting
mustard race
They really are just blatantly favoring Marie arent they?
Ketchup is for messy-faced children
Fuck you!
I can't wait for the squids covered in mayo pics
Catsup > Ketchup >>>>>> Mayo
Vile disgusting ooze
I can tolerate you scum, up until you put it on burgers, that is.
I like mayo and hate ketchup, but i hate marie cuz she reminds me an annoying cousinni have...
bbq sauce master race pizza base
Only burger claps will pick ketchup, mayo is clearly the better choice
I'm white so mayo of course.
Who /nocodiments/ here?
I don't know what it is - ketchup, mayo, mustard, anything like that I find disgusting
Mayonaise is only good for tuna or chicken salad (or whatever else you do with it like that).
As a regular topping, it's no good.
Russian dreessing with hotsauce mixed in is the tits.
Holy fuck Pearl is not going to win ANYTHING
>tfw don't eat either
>no mustard
To the trash it goes.
t.guy who was molested as a kid
Maybe if she didn't have garbage taste.
My nigga.
Condiments just ruin the taste of food.
>japan not realizing how controversial mayonnaise is in America
Godtier: Mustard
Meh-tier: Mayo
Absolute manchild tier: Ketchup
I know what it is. You're simply a homosexual
I'm not american either, is there a controversy over mayo there? what is it?
>hydrogenated oil paste
>healthy vegetable sauce
only literal retards would pick anything other than ketchup
>Western Nintendo is intentionally giving Pearl the worst shit
>Godtier: Mustard
there are a lot of people here who just fucking hate mayonnaise, it's like they've never eaten a fucking ham sandwich or something
It's not just an american thing. just seems like that because so many americans are online as opposed to other countries
Ketchup, always.
Mayo is ONLY for sandwiches and even then Ketchup can still be used.
>he doesn't put ketchup on well-done steaks
explain yourself
>choosing mayo would be choosing pearl
>marina's stuck behind th e manchild of spices, ketchup
which one bros
>Mayo is bad because fats D: D: D: D:
Fat people blaming their lack of restraint on food. Common for poor people to slather their food in mayo and then bitch about being fat.
Is this a joke? if they did mustard instead of mayo then we'd have a fucking competition
Wait what
>Ketchup will obviously win
Contrarian blood in my veins says Mayo then, I like Pearl better AND I eat Mayo with my fries.
Since before conception
I will always love me some ketchup on my hamburgers and hotdogs but you gotta be a complete retard to believe that shit is anything close to healthy.
only third world countries like america hate mayo
>Not Mustard
Pearl lost decisively once again.
I can't be the only one who prefers mayo on their hotdogs right?
Black dudes on Twitter who believe dousing an unbutterflied chicken breast with Lawry's = cooking have convinced the world that mayo is WIPIPO food, despite being huge in Central/South America and Japan. Mexicans fucking love mayo, and if you've ever been to a fair in the southwest, you can usually smell a combo of corn and mayo the entire day
What is the Japanese one about?
>I eat Mayo with my fries.
>ketchup on any sandwich beside maybe a burger
What the fuck user
>mayo isn't vegan
>ketchup is
Well that was an easy decision for me (I'm vegan).
>mustard vs ketchup meme
the only reason mustard's even heard of is because it's yellow ketchup
>a bunch of terrible condiments
t. American
You don't get to talk about food.
which will you choose?
Now, the real question :: mayo cake, or ketchup ice cream?
How plebeian and uneducated do you have to be to pick ketchup over mayo, a really versatile ingredient?
Are you a child shouting for tendies?
Mayo is clearly and objectively superior.
Cool of them to have a fag friendly option
Does anyone use pizza sauce instead of ketchup? Fries or burgers and even other, I like it on all
You idiots will argue over anything
So will I, and that's half the reason I stick around, never change Sup Forums
you have to go back
This desu
Childhood is liking ketchup
Adolescence is preferring mayonnaise
Adulthood is realizing mustard is superior
Godhood is realizing that vegemite is the best
>mayo cake
Mayo god race
All of Germany will vote for mayo
>let's have a foodfight
typical burgerland
t. aussie
>itt people never tasted kewpie
There's vegan mayo you know.
literally nothing wrong with this, I do tartar sauce and that's basically a modified mayo
>TFW White as printer paper and I have never liked the taste of Mayo
>not relish
get the fuck out
This. There are no winners in this battle of disgusting, slimy vinegar sauce.
I have heard of people who actually do enjoy ketchup with ice cream
I'm sorry for your loss
I love Marina but Mayo is my drug.
Fuck mayo
I had an Aussie room mate once and he made me try vegemite.
It's beyond disgusting and you're all sick cunts.
Remember guys, no ketchup in the pizza
Literally says Nintendo uk right there
imagine being so fat as a country that your national controversies mainly revolve around mayonnaise
what's with this stigma against americans?
That's stupid Mayo is much more of a base and much less of a condiment as ketchup.
It really should've been Mustard vs Ketchup, mayo should take this by a landslide because it's more "important" in actual cooking but since mos t people actually notice condiments ketchup will win.
>Not mustard
This could had been a good one
Fry/Burger Sauce
Mayo looks like cum, i want to see a squid with cum on her face. Also, BLOOOD!
mayonnaise is objectively better
fuck off burger, literally every country on earth is laughing at you 24/7
>Getting ready for this war
they are sick in the head
Captcha: 9800 callie
White people really hate spices, smdh
You really aren't helping to end the vegan meme...
Mustard > mayo > ketchup
So mayo it is, then.
I'll even pick it if it's Pearl's team. Fuck it. Mayo must win. Ketchup is for tendie eating manchilds.
>Love Ketchup
>Love Pearl
Sorry, Pearlies, but I gotta support the red stuff.
Yeah that would have been much closer
I have always hated mayo and I am not sure if I just grew out of it or if it is because I no longer have plates of nuggets/fries like I did as a kid but I notice I can go like 8 months without noticing I have no ketchup in the fridge (bought some like 6 months ago and just realized I banished that shit to the fridge door I pretty much never use) though I do notice there are a few things like certain flavorless burgers that just taste awful without seasoning and even after seasoning are in need kf ketchup. Never cared for mustard but within the past 10 years I have had no issue with it being on hot dogs the rare times I eat them and just will not allow them on my burgees because it feels wrong.
They are technically dressing but I like blue cheese and buttermilk ranch on a lot of meat. Seasoning will always be superior , cook your food with enough seaoned variety and you never deal with the above stuff (I only have problems when the food I have didnt come from my own stove/oven like an office party or the once a week I get fast food)
we don't think about you at all
Okay guys the jokes were funny but we all agree hot sauce was created by god himself and is the top condiment, right? HAHA why am I even asking. you know it's true
both are vile
hey fuck you onsokumaru, I'll never post anzu for you again if you betray the mayo gods
God tier seasoning>All other shit