What the fuck is this shit and why is it the top seller on Steam

What the fuck is this shit and why is it the top seller on Steam

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gay propaganda

So is it confirmed, Arin is a fucking cocksmoker

typical that people who don't understand video games will create a VN

If Jon "Nigger Safari" Jafari was still in Game Grumps this wouldn't happen.

>paying for a dating sim

Just go on Newgrounds.

The torrent.

>"we didn't make this game, just helped finance it"
>A game from Game Grumps
>voice acting by Game Grumps and co.
>trailers from Game Grumps
>shilled and pushed everywhere by Game Grumps

Fuck off polddit

I thought it being the top seller was a meme, then I checked.

Wtf happened.

>t. Sup Forumseddit

>Gay Grumps

what if an 8 year old sees a crocodile in a tuba's belly

i know they may just updated or something but fuck this shit

as if there was ever any doubt

I'd probably play it if I didn't have to play as a guy.

i want the fat ginger one to sodomize me.

It means nothing. Absolutely every game gets on top seller and it isn't calculated how you think it is.

>e-celeb game

>mfw arin pretending to be gay talking about how if someone where to whip out their cock and told him to suck it he would
>mfw arin is actually gay
>mfw suzy AND her sister are open for business


gay AND a tranny

>people with a lot of fans release a game
>their fans buy it

>degenerate sodomy simulator

Op do you mean to tell me there is something in the world, that doesn't cater to you?
I mean wow, I wouldn't have guessed it.

wheres the torrent lads

Its the weekly le ironic stream game


Pandering to gays for profit

>buying blatantly gay games even if it's in jest

This just seems like hatoful boyfriend if it were on the nose

>any complaint about social decadence or against gays is nazism

>why is it the top seller on Steam
Game Grumps have an established fanbase that will follow them in everything

Honestly I'm more impressed than anything. Just goes to show you could stamp GAME GRUMPS on anything and make it sell, even if its literally gay dad erotica

What I don't know is why are you posting this garbage, saged.

>Game Grumps have an established fanbase

>n-no one will guy the game!
>they're marketing it to towards girls!!!!
how does Sup Forums live being BTFO every single day

>its not gay if I pirate it

>wtf why do these people criticize games for not having stuff they want they should make their own games instead of complaint
>wtf why does this game have stuff that doesn't cater to me they should only make stuff that appeals to me

>game grumps
confirmed garbage game

"social decadence" is a meme used by power hungry demagogues to take control by scapegoating innocent people who are doing what makes them happy while hurting nobody.

What they hell, Sup Forums. I was told if I just ignore this shit it would go away on it's own.

I don't understand how you guys can be butt blasted about this. Just don't play it.

I have my own dating sims and VN's, why can't gay guys have their own? I don't give a shit that this exists, but they should be allowed to make whatever they want

>being surprised that a meme game where you can date dads is popular among teenagers
It'll be dead in a week

I think the point is that we are confused how it is selling so well, even outselling meme games like PUBG

These seem to be the most accurate explanation

you're misrepresenting the argument.
It assumes that pandering games are the result of virtue-signalling toward minorities that don't actually play video games.
In order for this shit to go away, there has to be a couple of commercial failures first to establish whether or not this game has an actual audience.
If it does have an audience, then theres nothing wrong with games like it being made and they will continue to be made since they are profitable.

But Sup Forums told me fag games won't sell. Shouldn't this be a flop with no sales?

>doing nothing wrong
Buying drugs fuels lives being ruined by dealers by giving them business. Sexual deviancy, while ok at home between consenting people, simply causes division and social degradation with children when done in public, you see these people in leather dog suits doing this stuff and actively seeking children out to get pets as they don't understand. Pedophiles obviously come under this catergory too. I'm not that guy and i'm not being a nazi, but anyone who is fully liberal about this is a fucking moron, you need a balance between personal freedom and what is ok in a public space and in media acessible by anyone.

>Are you ready? Hi ready, I Dad.
I dont understand this, is it a joke?

game grumps has a following. Sadly enough.

gross, I thought it was an otome.

>I'm Ready
>Hi Ready, I'm Dad

It's funny that you say that while you're on the 3rd worst board on Sup Forums. How the fuck can you talk about social degradation and division when you're here you dummy.

shit art, shit concept, shit backers
it's shit

Wow, how autistic

This, fuck America and fuck freedom.

>public space
I'm in the company of other losers, the whole point I was making you lefty wankstain

>shit art
I know that at first glance it may seem that way,but if you look a bit closer you will find that the art is actually a very funny parody of typical tumblr art you may find on the net.
>shit concept
Again the concept is actually very funny because it is a parody of various dating sims that usually have a really stupid premise
>shit backers
I'm actually not sure about this one
>it'a shit
I disagree. It's a very well crafted parody.

You're still a hypocrite you bum

Shill harder.

I'm not shilling I'm just informing my fellow anons of this great game.

well you won't change my mind but thanks for the constructive response anyway, user


The game I'm downloading right now.
I'm gonna be fucked by Joseph until I pass out, I will avoid his NTR ending, and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

Becuse it's a YouTube celeb game shilled by everyone close to the fag grumps circles. The only people buying this are the retarded game grump fans and fat ugly r9k teir women.

I fucking hate game grumps. Stopped watching shortly after Jon left. How anyone watches that shit now is beyond me. Everyone in the grumps crowd sucks.

This. A million times over.

As long as the budget is sufficiently low you can probably get enough homos and fujoshits to buy it out of homolust.

Also helps to have edgy teenagers who will buy it ironically.

You're now aware that the steam front page is tailored to the user.

If you're seeing this then that mean's Steam think's your a faggot.

It's a super basic "dad joke".


I know it's Reddit but I found this which explains the whole situation for those out of the poop.
>actually preordering games.

This, plus the whole staff worked at GG, or at least in their office

>for those out of the poop.
holy shit I meant loop.

Why not read up on the game before buying it, rather than buying it the moment you saw "Game Grumps" on the trailer?

>still no torrent or MEGA
What the fuck are the gay's doing?

Why does it matter that they are in the game?

No you fucklord, it is a simple and extremely consistent revenue ranking, every indie dev that got ranked top 10 made huge bucks.

Unless you were talking about the new and trending, which is a completely different and much less prestigious rank.
But the 'top sellers' is the absolute crown of the PC gaming industry.


>Community with severe dad issues buys a game about fucking dads
>Somehow people are surprised

More like gay grumps hahahahasdhahsahfadhfgeofhwowhvgqohfpawpegowgpondvspon[pgj90qrwyor3[hth393r5

I don't think you know what parody is.

That it is okay to have more than one pet as long as you train them well. I mean look at how well behaved they are.

an imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect.
I think this game accomplishes it pretty well.

I wonder if the ginger is a total bottom like Wizzychan

>more e-celeb shit
When will this cancer die?

>it's okay when i do it
you're adorable, how old are you?

It's literally not a parody. It's a gay dad simulator for people who unironically want to fuck gay dads. If you're enjoying it, then you have some life re-evaluation to do.

No one actually is playing this for actual reasons, everyone is getting it for ironic meme reasons.

>hurting nobody
if it weren't for faggots, HIV would be pretty much a complete non-issue outside of africa

That you will meet all kinds of people in your life and most of them will try to convince you to do some crazy shit...it's a pretty good lesson, even more today that most kids live in a protection bubble

A shitty cashgrab game using the gamegrumps name cause nobody would buy it if it didn't

The character Damien might be trans. He mentions wearing a binder.

>this is what PC exclusives are
PC master race, am I right?

Um, excuse me, but you don't just get to appropriate gay daddy culture like that, guys. This is exploitative and gross.

Stop posting this, assblasted negroid subhuman

Why, Dan?

>taking a joke comment as a legitmate complaint

>all these people who aren't excited to lovingly craft their dadsona

Sup Forums is truly garbage


wow you sure showed that guy

Hey shit brain, don't fuck any gay people and you won't get it. Though from your post that may be a bit much to ask of you.

I'm gonna romance Craig and there's nothing Sup Forums can do to stop me.

Are you trying to say the gay dad dating game is, in fact, not a gay dad dating game?