Game has romance options

>Game has romance options
>That are all awful

>game has romance options you can impregnate

>adore old RF games
>buy 3DS for RF4
>don't like a single thing about it
>literally nothing else on the system I want to play
>can probably emulate 4 now anyway, only a few years later

I mean I'll give it to my little cousins when they're old enough so it wasn't a total waste of money, but fuck me that bummed me out.

And which games would those be

>not wanting to fuck a butterfly
are you gay?

I think Rune Factory 3 ruined me for all other games with romance options

nothing since has been fun to me. I dont even think I got through spring in RF4 before selling it back to gamestop

>Marriage event is rng.
>Last chapter in rng
RF4 was ok but this shit was inexcusable.

Frontier was better

Fable 2 and 3

Not him but I disagree but Frontier is still tolerable after playing 3.

Don't you fucking talk shit about my wife.

>only heard of RF4 today
>people already shit on it
how the fuck did i missed out hearing about RF4 and how did they fucked it up

when does 2 get better? all the dungeons are locked up, everybody gives me 100 wood, and requests barely trickle in.
julia is best girl, theres barely any competition.

>Game has romance options
>That are all god-tier

Her mom is infinitely better, and the fact that her mom is so much better is why I can not seriously marry her.

Where do I start on Rune Factory bros

The early and midgame where great, the endgame was fucking abysmal
>Have to fuck around with grinding optimal parts and crafting inheritance
>No good recipes to level skills so you just have to endlessly grind the same shit
>Festivals just give more recipe bread which you'll have fucking piles of

>get married
>almost no after marriage content and she says same thing every day
just like real life

Your wife sure enjoyed the BBO!

RF4 thread? Posting based spaghetti knight

Start with the old ones or else you will have whiplash trying to revisit them in all likelihood.

If you don't want to bother with that Frontier is a good starting point.

Most of these designs look meh compared to RF1/Oceans girls to be honest. Way too much blue/cold colored eyes. I need red, yellow or orange eyes to get turned on.

Hard Mode:
1 or 2.

I want to spoil my enjoyment of every other game in the series mode:

I like games that aged okay and want to get into RF:

I want to play the spin-off first:
Tides of Destiny.

I want to make a mistake:

Basically 1 and 2 didn't age well at all(but play them if you can tolerate it), both Wii games aged fine, 3 is the best, and 4 is the most fleshed out.

The fact that her mom is so much better is the entire point of marrying her. The first time I saw how insecure she was, it legitimately gave me a real-life heart pang.

Rune Factory 3 heroines were mediocre

None of them beat out Tabatha or Lara

I legitimately want a Rune Factory game with combat and dungeon design akin to Dark Souls 1.

Who else here rolled their eyes when they first saw her and thought "I bet everyone goes for Not Saber first" but still went for her first

>Only girl I liked in RF4
>Can't cook

Every fucking time I pick a waifu in games I pick the girl who can't cook. Harvest Moon, Persona, every fucking time. I'm horrible at finding marriage material.

I was spoiled and picked the girl at the haunted mansion

I was going to go with her. But then I went with the Elf.
Nothing like being an 80 year old and fucking a girl who still looks 20.

Went with the sleepy maid

I'd kill for one that was just more open world. Kind of like Rune Factory x TES/Fable. Multiple cities with comfy travelling between them basically.

Japan sucks at making games though so we'll never see big open games from them. Like why isn't there an open world Tenchu or Way of the Samurai game? Even Yakuza hasn't changed much in 200 years.

I'm two for two for poor waifus.

>Not remembering your waifu's name

RF4 wasn't that good so that's why I don't remember. I know all the Frontier girls


Vs what faggot?

Let's see your shit taste.

> game has romance options

> they are all shallow gimmick personalities

> turbo-virgins call it god-tier

been out for years now. its pretty great. ignore Sup Forums. they are always wrong. although the rng event system is dumb but it had a way around it. it can be a lil grindy but its workingable. go play it. ignore Sup Forums.

>forever alone autist

>wants deep relationships with uninspired virtual characters

t. Rune Factory 4 fanboys

>all god-tier
They are walking memes, user, and half of them are boring.


Better that way. Then you can constantly win her over and over with your superior skills.

Yeah, once you find out that there are event days where one would happen even if you reset it to the start of the month made it so much easier

It kinda feels like cheating but fuck, it already made me wait for 2 years to get married

Can Sup Forums actually prove what's wrong with 4's cast in detail?

Not enough girls

I thank the fucking RNG for letting me discover this hidden gem and not letting me marry "not-saber"

Yeh. I got a little lucky. after waiting 2 seasons i started reseting and got the arc 3 start first reset.
Given how lucky I was though, I bet it'll take me forever to marry.

Ah so there's nothing wrong with the individuals themselves right?

>marrying someone with narcolepsy
someone has knock up the sleeping fetish

fuck off karen is amazing. she was the first girl in a game i had a crush on and shes still great.

How so? 6 is a fair amount in this kind of game. Then it also has the obvious teases, the unromancables (Human Venti, Lin Fa) and then you have the rest of the village. VILLAGE being the main point. It isn't going to contain 50 girls all just waiting for you. Be reasonable. Now obviously the next game should be bigger, so more girls makes sense (don't say no next game. We all know that plans exist)

Well it happened to me and I never watched the saber show or whatever. But I've seen its some kind of trend that people go for her first and then drop it

Is she at least interesting when you get to her events? Like whats her deal

RF3 had such great girls. How did this happen?

Frontier is too slow.

It's literally better 3.
Some people like the waifus more or less than 3, since they are generally less "quirky".
The only real complaints are RNG requirements for marriage and the endings, and a few optional mini dungeons only open one day a year under particular weather conditions.
And you can't marry bestgirl, but what's new there?

Short answer ... No. 2 elves, knight, 1.5 loli, sleepy, clumsy. Cute is everywhere.

Daily reminder amber is best girl.

also I just got to the floating fortress shit, how much longer is the game? Not that I want it to end soon.

The older games had more heroines

Even the original had 11 including the general girl who was amazing

>generic Saber clone #143

shes a knight that is a poor cook and scared of ghosts, classic knight belief and thoughts. Town guard leader type.
as a partner in combat she is pretty decent compared to the other choices.
She is fairly shy when mentioning her brother, and has a love of chocolate cake I think.

Not enough and they're pretty boring compared to earlier games. The writing of the entire game is also xD tier, it makes me cringe.

>best, most refined game in the series
>don't like it
Do you have brain problems?

Not Saber is kind of boring, and a lot of people go for her before finding out they actually liked ______

Not much longer, but that's not counting postgame. The third arc isn't long, though.

It's the final dungeon for act 2. There's like 4 parts to it though. Despite what lead up to it, you don't need to finish it all in one day.

>The third arc isn't long, though.

How is the writing cringy?

Which game you think is "best" is utterly subjective. Polished poop isn't a gem. I didn't like a single thing about RF4.

Me too. I was stupidly childly infatuated with Karen. Still like girls named Karen to this day. Just that she is a hilariously incompetent drunk.

>how much longer is the game?

there are 3 arcs, ending the floating empire is the end of the 2nd arc.

reaching the 3rd arc requires a bit of time and a little thinking (maybe some luck). An event needs to trigger but not sure if its random or not. I would say u have quite a decent amount of game left but a lot of people consider the point after 2nd arc to have a lot of filler time.

Yeah I think by making them less quirky they made em' a little more forgettable compared to 3
Like if you compare Daria and Margaret its easier to describe Daria at first glance because her quirks make up more of her personality

They are still good characters but it was nice they gave a little more depth in 4 to the girls

I'm currently on the third arc, it doesn't have that many steps, but I'm not done with it. The RNG won't let me finish.

Saving her from her situation in 64 is what makes her the best girl though

You're an embarrassment.

>tfw no fishing gf

It was localized poorly.

>it doesn't have that many steps
Except for the longest dungeon in the game not counting optional ones and it's high level at the point the exp curve is probably hitting you the hardest.

How the hell do you know?

You have autism for caring so much lol. You're in the wrong thread, fanboy.

my man. loterally the best girl in any harvestmoon/runefactory. noone can top her and her alcoholism.

didnt they tone it down for the n64 or was that the ps1 version? i forget.

Best girl. I want to marry her and spitroast her with her brother.

Because I have reading comprehension?

I wish I saved the screencap but there was a blog post from one of the translators talking about how he changed the line your kid says if you try to give them an engagement ring from the original meaning to a weird one "for fun".

N64 version is the one where she has a broken home with parents at odds at once another and a failing vineyard and get slammed at the bar every night even though she's a waitress. If you don't woo her, restore the vineyard or let the other guy woo her she leave the village for the city.

Ps1 is where she's a merchant's daughter

I'm gonna fucking kiss you

What does that have to do with knowing on whether or not a game was poorly localized?


Hate these "translators" that fancy themselves writers.

Underrated waifu incoming

>can't fug the milfs

Ah yes my favorite waifu is the waifu with half a shin.

I'm the guy that poster is after. I didn't even know it was THAT bad, I just didn't like how, as I said, xD tier the dialogue was. RF3 was at times eccentric, yes, but 4 actively made me cringe with the dialogue.

It helps me read. The character dialogue is the main reason we all play these games and it was translated very poorly from the source material.

i cry everytime. no way their vineyard was failing with how much wine i bought.
is there any reason most games shy away from alcohol/drunks, i might be wrong but i remember them being more common growing up. i know the "adults" mention getting hammered in runefactory but isnt everyone but the children old enough to drink?

i wish i could meet a qt with a failing vineyard and woo her

You clearly are a shit-mouthed twitch memer if you go around post words like cringe without a hint of self-awareness.


Can you show me some cases of this happening?

I'd let her pick up my shipment alright

I'm not the one attaching your fucked up conceptions to words in the dictionary. Fucking autist.

I'm not sure why people think 6 romance options isn't enough when they had to account for male and female MC. There's 12 romance options in total, which beats out RF3.

Most people aren't faggots and most girls playing the game(there aren't many) prefer girls as well.