Why don't you go to your Local Competitive Scene?
Why don't you go to your Local Competitive Scene?
Only a faggot would get out of his house.
I do miss the days of sleepless nights of CS 0.7~1.1. Also battlefield 1942 and quake 3.
I want to avoid getting hurt when I lose and people laugh at me.
I'm a mercy main and I don't want things to get weird
Because I can only act and communicate in formal way.
I can't do the "bro" stuff and talk
Pretty much doesn't exist in my area. There used to be an FGC-type thing at my old college, but that more or less dried up after I left.
Because competitive gaming is for idiots?
its called being a faggot autist that has no friends
you afraid you would slut out?
literally me
kill yourself moeshitter
Don't really see the point in locals and all the larger scenes are several hour drives away.
I live in a deadzone pretty much.
Because I don't play shitty competitive games like a teenager.
Get under the table
I'll be your friend user and we can talk like bros
Everyone only wants to play smash, league of shitters or csgo
Nobody plays actually fun games.
No one in Iowa plays fighting games.
Only to my local fighting game scene on occasion. They're kinda far though and it gets exhausting when they do stuff a few times a week.
>Go to sm4sh tournament, not a local but regional.
>Try playing with some kid
>I get bodied over and over, all while he isn't talking at all
>He just taunts after every stock eventually
Nigga why
I found some other people to play with afterwards that gave me tips while bodying me, had a good jolly time with them.
gamer gurls
Does anyone know of a FGC near Ann Arbor or Detroit?
So the gay sex was good?
I do.
No FGC where I live
I went to a place like that once with my gf. There were only asian dudes there and I brought my gf with me who is also asian. I'm a white guy so everybody just glared at me angrily as if I'm the reason they're all still virgins
Where do you live, south africa?
You're not alone.
Do you even have friends?
They have anger and adequacy issues. Not people you really want to waste time being around.
No FGC scene around here as far as I know.
North Carolina, the event is just so big it takes place in a garage behind the hobby shop it's run at instead of inside the actual building.
welcome to Sup Forums summerfriend
I don't want bro
There isn't one and "competitive" games are fucking trash.
I don't have a car.
Not really
couple guys thought that we are friends, then I explained that we are just colleagues, nothing more.
I use these guys as my source of informations (mostly) to get all the gossip
I actually thought you would call me a jew
I did for dota2 and I was one of the best player in my area but I have no permanent teammates so that's a dead end.
I already know they smell bad. Not a chance I'd go, my man.
I live in a shit tier leaf city where no one plays fighting games.
Because Ignite stopped hosting Dota and Starcraft events and only do fighting games now.
I have a question for you fags
What if there was an underground gambling scene for vidya where you meet up with other teams or individual people to some money down for a game and people spectating can also do some gambling
I would imagine that rules would be different than traditional betting, somehow, but would that be something that could take off or youd be into?
I do, and I have been for well over a decade. It's basically only for fighting games these days, though. Most people are pretty cool. Better than you faggots, at least.
So illegal SaltyBet? I'm not really into gambling personally, seems like a waste of money
We did that for dota. Everyone bets the same like $10 and the winners divide the wins evenly. No odds or anything.
sounds like fun, would bring friends and beer to
That's illegal user
so is being a fag in some countries, yet here you are
>jap cartoon girls on the wall
fucking kek what a bunch of faggots
I dont have one
Also I'm a terrible human being that cant socialize
>he doesn't rub out a quick one inbetween matches
Doesn't exist
There is no competitive scene where I live.
We don't have one and even if we did it probably be full of thieves and shit
>went to local smash melee tourney 4-5 years ago at a library
>everyone there sucked ass
>said good game after every game and was happy since I knew I was going to win the tourney
>faggot host comes up to me
>"if you don't stop being rude and beating everyone we will have to kick you out"
>ended up getting kicked out
I stopped going to local vidya tournaments after that bullshit
I can hear the "bruh" and smell the monster from here OP.
Smash has always had a pathetic community
why must you dudebros be such mean assholes about it though
Because it's only smash bros. you faggots memed me into guilty gear Revelator, but the online is barren as fuck and I have to resort to east coast lobbies where the net delay is 8f at best.
There are none in Maine AFAIK. I ain't driving 2 hours to Bangor or Northern Maine just to kick peoples asses.
The closest one in NYC is somewhere near Coney Island, thats like 2 hour train ride and I don't wanna do all that if Im not that good
I only own smash on the 3ds but I have a gamecube controller
There isn't one Here, I live in the ghetto and only niggers are here they would steal all the setups