ITT: reddit games
ITT: reddit games
Other urls found in this thread:
>this guy
>letting a game's fanbase influence your opinion and enjoyment of it
Typical Americans, genuinely the dumbest people in the world.
Kill yourself ban-evading Argentinian
Stop rocking my bandwagon and hop in!
Ok honest question Sup Forums. I have seen so much shit about this barney/furry/mlp/fag, but how do these anons always know that it is him? Do they somehow know the poster IP?
Has a game ever blasted Sup Forums this hard before?
After all these years you just know.
>it's a yuropoor thinks op is an american episode
Shouldn't you get back to massaging Ahmed dicks?
t. someone who is obviously an american and is ashamed of it
Hey guys I came from Reddit
You can find mlp crops but god forbid you deliver on cropped out porn ever
Game was alright. The best parts were the Asgore and genocide Undyne fights imo.
Didn't really care for the Pacifist ending since I wasn't invested in Asriel in the slightest.
words: the game
Define a Reddit game
more like Sup Forums's favorite game
Spoken like a true redditor
Wasn't this game Tumblr? Why is it reddit now? Does it periodically switch to sites I don't like? Is it going to be Pedogaf tomorrow?
What are some Sup Forums games?
Embric of Wulfhammer's Castle
Monster Girl Quest
undertake before they realized other people liked it too
I believe FNAF or some shit like that
Autism Fortress