ITT Weapons, items, tacics, builds, charicters etc. That combleatly trivialize the game they're in.
ITT Weapons, items, tacics, builds, charicters etc. That combleatly trivialize the game they're in
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Mount and blade warband.
Start as girl with 4 riding and fast horse.
Win tourneys and crush 12 deserters at level 1.
Still have never found a husband though.....
for the first 1/3rd of the game, sure
completely trivialise like, 2 bosses?
Did you mean the black knight halberd?
the drake sword sucks massive dick though
its a good crutch for the first quarter of the game if you really suck but once you get even the slightest clue it just becomes a burden
Getting Triple first thing in FF8, that shit can seriously carry you to endgame
Drake sword is outclassed two quickly to trivialize the game. Should of posted Black knight Halberd instead
Black knight weapons are broken as fuck. I did a no-upgrade run in DaS3 and it was actually challenging until I got the sword in the demon ruins.
Once you figure out how to Royal Guard effectively in dmc3 the whole game becomes a joke.
This, people bitches about the drake sword but you gonna get bodied if you make it to Anor Londo with it. On the other hand, get a lucky black knight gs drop early on, get the stats for it and faceroll the rest of the game
>One of the highest DPS weapons in the game
>Serrated both forms, bonus damage against beasts
>Can effortlessly stunlock enemies with transform attacks
>One of the best movesets in the game
>Available from the first 5 minutes of the game
>Works extremely well on every build type
The rally mechanic in Bloodborne. You can get through the game with minimal effort by sperging out in trades
Is Warframe worth getting back into? Last time I played was when they added those EVA missions with the jetpack or whatever that was
At least you had to work for it
Fallout 3 and New Vegas had some guns that did that.
Alien blaster is an example.
>etc. That
hello phoneposter
Zweihander is slow trash though, you're better off with a Longsword.
I recommend investing in a spell checker ASAP.
It was the MF Hyperbreeder in NV for me. I don't know if it was my high luck or what, but I would just point in the general direction of an enemy and watch it
>break enemy weapon
>cripple legs
>cripple head
>cripple torso
And then if they weren't dead already it would kill them when it reloaded 2 more shots in a second.
The Auction House in FFTA2 once you're able to buy tokens with clan points
>beat strong mini-bosses early on on your first playthrough
>be lucky enough to get a rare rng drop
>also level up and invest in the right stats
>game becomes easy
>Cognitive Monster boss performs big aerial dive
>[ B L O C K ]
Don't oversimplify that shit. Cheesing the black knights is easy enough even for guidereaders, the drop isn't even that rare, and the black knight weapons get a bonus vs demons on top of it all, which trivializes a good few early bosses
Those shift code chests in borderlands 2
Wut r u, casul?
t.shitter who doesn't know how to properly time and space his hits
Learn to parry
you spelt 'claymore' wrong there bucko
Dark Souls breaks so easily because it's an unbalanced piece of shit.
>Drake Sword/Lightning Spear/Gravelord early? Congratulations, you just trivialized the game.
>Ranged/magic? Congratulations, you just trivialized the game.
>Large shields? Congratulations, you just trivialized the game.
>Zwei/Claymore or any weapon with an infinite? Congratulations, you just trivialized the game.
>DWGR? Congratulations, you just trivialized the game.
>Poise over 71 or so? Congratulations, you just trivialized the game.
>Weapon enchants? Congratulations, you just trivialized the game.
it just goes on and on..
The black Knight sword literally oneshot Taurus demon, at also isn't that rare at all, 1 out of 20 will drop it withouth a single humanity
But Drake Sword falls off super hard early on.
Could have at least posted the Claymore.
Or Sorcery in general.
Hardly. It's not OP for all that long, unlike the Black Knight Sword, which is the most broken shit ever.
That's actually pretty rare considering Black Knights don't respawn and you encounter them very rarely.
Also save scumming isn't an option.
Very much so.
This is a upcoming update later this summer.
There are so many better weapons than the drakesword. If you know what you're doing, you can get a BK greataxe and be able to wield it within 30 minutes. It's fast, strong, and it's probably the best poise breaker in the game.
Saw Spear and Church Pick are just one of those cases of "what the fuck From, why give a weapon so much shit?"
Just look at the Church Pick
>thrust attacks
>somehow has a serrated damage bonus
>righteous damage modifier
>ridiculously high AR
>great moveset
This thing completely makes stuff like the Burial Blade completely obsolete.
Especially since you can swift strike, the most broken ability in the game, on him pretty naturally
Why are greatswords so good in DS1 but so shit in DS3?
>That's actually pretty rare
(not him) This doesn't mean anything anyway. You can get to the final area of the game with every kind of black knight within a couple hours. Thus giving you access to whichever BK weapon you want.
But if one really insists on running through the game with a BK weapon, you could always delete your characters / reset until you get the drop. Also, nobody is going to fight a black knight with 0 humanity anyway.
>Drake Sword this
>Black Knight Sword that
Oooooooor you could just lock on and strafe to the left. No specific weapon needed.
Constant 1000 damage for a neglible mana cost when all your other best attacks/skills do roughly 300?
>drake sword
The Drake Sword is literally only useful up to Blighttown, after that you really need to use something else or you'll get fucked. Drake Sword is fine design-wise though, it's a crutch for new players to get into the game but then force them to switch off later since it becomes shit tier.
>tfw I've been locking on and strafing right this whole time
>You can get to the final area of the game with every kind of black knight within a couple hours.
You're probably not going to do that your first run.
>you could always delete your characters / reset until you get the drop.
See above.
The only proper answer for DS1 since you can get it right after the tutorial and the requirements for 2 handing it can be met really fast.
Wrong link
What do you mean when you say "switch off later". What happens later? The enemies get that tough? What new weapons are we talking about?
WoW heirlooms
Also forgot to mention about its range and it staggers even heavy enemies
You want to strafe toward their shield/free arm. That makes the retarded AI give itself lesser of a window to rotate enough before it engages an attack animation. It doesn't need to rotate as much if you're near the sword arm, so it may still hit you sometimes depending on the positioning.
From what I recall, if you start Warrior, it only takes two skeletons to get enough souls to meet the strength requirement, assuming you didn't skip anyone in the tutorial.
It's almost a little disappointing that it ends up being arguably the best Ultra Greatsword in the game.
>nobody is going to fight a black knight with 0 humanity anyway.
Wow this is embarrasing
If you haven't played since then, and you are a masochist who enjoys being emotionally abused by Jews then yes. The game has come really far since archwing.
Maybe it's just me but I used pic related. Stun locked everyone and their mother with my poise damage. From DaS1 to 3. DaS2 even more so with powerstanced maces.
What is that? I find that even with hundreds of hours in these games I still find stuff I've never tried.
FF5 Chemist.
Maiden's Kiss + Holy Water grants a berserk effect that even works on bosses, causing them to do nothing other than regular attacks. Add to that the ease with which you can avoid physical damage, and you can cheese pretty much anything. I don't know if all bosses share this weakness. I never use it myself because it feels too much like a bug.
Even if you avoid using the potion above, there are still plenty of mixes that massively buff your characters. Fun for low level games, though.
There are many ways to "trivialize" DaS1. You can kill pinwheel right at the beginning of the game for 13,000 souls and buy the forest key from the blacksmith pretty quickly. Then you can trick the forest guys into suiciding and grind up however many souls you want, right at the beginning of the game.
People complain about tricks like this but if you know how to do these things you've probably already beaten the game 20 times and you're entitled to it. Sometimes it's fun to just go through a game with overpowered equipment and a high level character.
You get 4 humanity right at the beginning of the game, so you're always going to have at least 4. I think you just inadvertently admitted you actually die when you play this game. Pretty embarrassing for you.
Drake sword is shit. I got lucky and dropped a black knight sword from the first knight in the game. It carried me for multiple playthroughs. Shit was disgustingly powerful.
No, they just added more grinding. Your warframe is piloted by autistic psychic children which gives you a new ult power ability only useful for replenishing energy.
Combat still sucks.
They nerfed every single good weapon because people were killing their healthsponge enemies too easily.
They nerfed Ash and Mag into uselessness.
Not him, but you're under no obligation to convert that hard humanity into soft, and a new player is going to learn quickly that running around with a bunch of soft humanity is a bad idea.
its edited
its the armadyl godsword from runescape
not that user but that's a good shop. I was actually on the Dark Souls 3 wiki looking for that weapon. I thought it was maybe a prototype version of the Morion Sword.
Giantdad is the cheesiest build possible. It's almost redeemable based on not using a shield but because the grass crest I'd just on your back you could easily turtle behind it if you suck at rolling.
giant dad build is literally just a melee pyromancer. The zweihander is chaos and the dad mask/grasscrest shield if just for stamina regen/carry limit.
It'd be like saying all pyromancers from DaS1 are bad.
mostly because you're bad
just because they're not OP in DaS3 like straight swords doesn't mean they're shit
>get the three books that make it last longer
>one mini chainsaw lasts the whole game, two if you kill every zombie you come across
Drake Sword is shit after, like, two bosses
Black Knight weapons are rare as fuck, have high requirements, and can only be dropped by non-respawning enemies
This shit however, will easily kill almost any enemies in one hit, and stagger literally anything it hits, including the Taurus Demon and Havel.
Claymore will forever be my bae tho.
This has to be bait, Drake sword makes about an hour of the game slightly easier and is okay for farming titanite to upgrade a real weapon.
I guess it could degrade the experience if player expects to oneshot everything, then finds they can't anymore and look at all the other weapons and see they have less power and think "this games unfair bullshit" and they never learn to upgrade or use good movesets.
The DaS2 mace is literally fucking God-tier, thanks to how damage types are calculated.
Any enemy in full armor will just fucking melt when hit with a mace, thanks to the blunt damage type. And since DaS2 is home to the DUDE BIG DUDES IN ARMOR LMAO meme, almost all the bosses will be dead in about one minute with that weapon.
I think it's kinda cool how historically accurate it is too.
The amount of the game that the drake sword is useful is less time than it takes to shoot all those arrows. The second you get to Andre (immediately after the drake sword) any normal weapon gets upgraded stronger than the drake sword and you don't have to use the drake sword's awful moveset.
A +5 Longsword is still not nearly as powerful as the Drake Sword, unless you have insane dex/str. You'd need at least a claymore to reach that kind of damage.
I agree that I'd probably get rid of it around the time I faced the Gargs, but still.
If you're using it by the time you reach Quelaag, you should consider offing yourself though.
Compared to other UGS, this one has:
lowest weight
best moveset
best weapon art
S scaling when infused
lowish requirements to wield
What did fromsoft mean by this?
Astora Greatsword is better because almost every enemy in the entire game is Hollow
>no cost, no charge time, never miss, above average damage, good scaling, available at start of the game
ff6? more like use-autocrossbow-every-turn fantasy
I liked how ds2 made damage types actually important
>Being summoned for smelter demon fight
>He is using the clutch FIRE longsword against the enemy that is pure armor and fire.
>My lightning mace deals easily 20x more damage per swing.
And then people hate on the game and on the boss because they are too retaded to learn rock paper scissors.
Dagger of Penetration.
>make every enemy weak to lighting + strike
>Woah, damage types are actually important!
Damage types become irrelevant once counter damage sets in. There is a reason why the rapier is the most op weapon in that game.
diablo 2 hammerdin
I don't know about lighting but blunt weapons are the absolute wreckers of armor irl, there is a reason warhammers got so popular in medieval warfare until firearms appeared
What was the point of this character?
>Disgaea 1: Making Flonne a mage (Except the final boss)
>Disgaea D2/Disgaea 5: Using Alex/Pram for a playthrough
>Makai Kingdom: Deploying in buildings, then throwing them. Filling buildings with unarmed characters then having someone else drag them back into the building for free attacks. Filling buildings with vehicles for massive building capacity increases. Learning how to abuse buildings in general shits over the entire game.
>Phantom Brave: Failure Fusion/Speed minmaxing
>Phantom Brave Another Marona mode: Using Sprout. At all.
>SMT 4 and 4A: Energy Drain
>Devil Survivor 1 and 2: Drain
>Rune Factory 4: Learning you can get free equipment upgrades for dumping random shit into an item you are crafting, and use the same materials twice
>Blue Dragon: Leveling the generalist class.
>Tfw "generalist" class makes you better at using one class
>Paper Mario and TTYD: Danger Mario builds
>South Park TSoT: Status ailments/DoT
what's wrong with posting on your phone?
You're bad faggot, greatswords can be parried quite easily in DS3, ultra greats are much better in comparison.
This really explains why the series consists of an obsessive fanbase that thinks not using what the game gives you makes you a better and more hardcore.
>hacking + cloaking
Literally untouchable.