Explain why you hate it
Explain why you hate it
I dunno. I just dislike how long the games are and how everything is the culmination of like four dozen different tiny attributes. Things feel less responsive, you know? Like why are runes and masteries a thing? Plus 0.81 AD per level? Could I get less bullshit and more consistency instead? And with the games being so long, a lot of the time it feels like you're either in an obviously winning game or a lame downward spiral.
I don't.
But I'm not underage so I played a shitload of DotA in Warcraft 3 and can't play MOBA's anymore because, well, I'm not underage.
It's just a shitty version of the original DotA
Why don't you explain why you like it kid?
I don't. I never really enjoyed it though vs playing an RTS so I just don't play MOBAs in general. Guess I'm just too old. But objectively tons of people like it, and it is in fact an actual game with some actual skill and practice involved, this isn't some shitty mobile gacha crap. Maybe at one point I could see people getting mad about it and the effect it had on other genres, but at this point I'm just happy at any popular vidya at all that is actually a video game.
It's like Dota except with all the fun has been replaced with a grind
Too popular
>Why don't you explain why you like it kid?
because he asked question first. if you accept answering question with a question then I am going to say:
why don't you explain why you dont like it?
>Cancer community
>Garbage balancing
>Reused mechanics
>Reworks that completely destroy beloved champions
>M-M-M-Minigames!!!! XD
>Map and textures looks washed out/greyish, no bright colors like the old map had
>Dev team is fucking cancerous
>Lore is completely fucked up
Thats why. The community is utter fucking garbage and FILLED with autistic manchildren AND children with autism
t. former D2 player who has been playing since early S2 and quit around 1 year ago
I don't. I just think Dota 2 is more challenging and fun. They are both MOBA's, but besides that they would be like CS and Overwatch in comparison.
Why Sup Forums hates it most likely:
1) Defense is strong in this game, and youngsters prefer agressive playstyle.
2) Takes a lot of concentration to play, and you have to deal with your mistakes til the end of the game or resort to "shit team" meme. First is extremely hard if you're underaged but is essential if you want to get good, second won't help you with anything except venting and you shouldn't even play this game if you can't stay cool.
Permabanned for words.
>Overly copmpeidtive for too simplistic of a game.
>1 map with diffrent skins
>unbalanced characters
>kiting is consitered skill
>Worst community in gaming
>killed RTS
Yeah man, I don't like it because it's a casual version of the original mod, only a few heroes at a time are viable, because the devs are shitty amateurs with 0 experience and can't balance for shit.
The gameplay is also shit, heroes have no physical bodies and just pass through eachother making team fights just blob vs blob, every hero has a teleport(lol?)and there is a bunch of casual shit so you don't have to manage anything.
>separate slot and free ward
>the two extra abilities
>press B to teleport to base from literally anywhere, don't have to manage money for tp scrolls
might as well call it dota for shitters, autopilot edition
And the biggest offender, all heroes are the same, none of the creativity the original had, it's disgusting that people ate this shit up
played everyday from season 1 to season 4. eventually i ended up playing nothing but league at some point, without even realizing it
the more rating you get the less fun the game is... aggressive play just gets punished way too hard as soon as the enemy jungler knows to take advantage of summoner cooldowns
Because i am the guy who'd feed non-stop
>can be reported for playing 'incorrectly' is normal games
>builds almost repeated every single game with very few changes (enemy team does magic damage? Get MR. They do more AD? Get armor.
>it created autism competitive culture and helped create the esports plague
>few characters 'viable' meanwhile dota almost the entire roster can be used effectively and is used every tournament
>boring character design and abilities still leagues behind HotS or Dota design.
>items barely have any unique uses besides just being a stat stick
>release overpowered characters almost constantly
>awful at balance
I could go on
>have to deal with your mistakes til the end of the game
that's DotA not lol, in lol both teams hit max lvl and everyone can kill eachother in a second, it's garbage
It tries to grab in players by hiring "lol so random, funny, and relatable!!!!!" animators to do ads so they don't have to make the ads themselves
the game takes 3-5+ minutes just to find a match and start, then 10-15 more minutes to start getting fun after boring ass laning phase shit
it keeps you hostage the entire time
in other games when i lose i shrug it off, when i lose in this game feel like i wasted 20-40 minutes of my life
The entire game is based off some dudes warcraft 3 map.
Yea, but why don't you like it though?
>teammate goes 0/8 in lane with 4 farm
>tell him to improve his game for a chance for team to win
>get banned
I dont like MOBAs in general because I dont like PVP
>>can be reported for playing 'incorrectly' is normal games
I can report anyone for anything in any game to be honest
>>builds almost repeated every single game with very few changes (enemy team does magic damage? Get MR. They do more AD? Get armor.
confirmed for not playing the game recently
>few characters 'viable' meanwhile dota almost the entire roster can be used effectively and is used every tournament
only 3 or 4 character out of whole rooster werent picked in competitive play in previous split
>items barely have any unique uses besides just being a stat stick
again confirmed for not playing recently
>release overpowered characters almost constantly
and one more time
Spotted underaged dota fanboy who's cherrypicking "flaws" most of which are not even objective.
>none of the creativity the original had
>Dota 2
LOL. Hopefully you do realise that character design in Dota is shit tier, and in League they're very decent.
>>tell him to improve his game for a chance for team to win
pfff yeah I'm sure that's exactly the tone you communicated in.
- linkin park
- naruto
- chins
Also, it is a shit version of DotA. If you can play DotA for free and you don't need any grind, why would you play lol of legends?
Its like the "fun sized" moba. They were afraid to give characters cuh-razy abilities so now when they make new heroes the old ones feel awful to play and seem like relics. DotA is definitely the thinking man's moba with the highest skill cap while also being fun
But HotS is the super smash of moba and is just fun to fart around in.
Got rid of URF
You're an idiot if you still kept this installed after 2012. Your opinion has no worth shiteater
Where did I mention dota 2 you mouthbreather?
Don't talk shit about creativity if you're one of those lolshitters, develop some self awareness and realize that most of the heroes you played had the same abilities but reskinned
>You're an idiot if you still kept this installed after 2012.
I doubt he still has dota installed though.
great reply
cause im a contrarian who will call anyone reddit and pass judgement upon every other opinion by using meaningless labels and buzzwords instead of entertaining the argument
All mobas including overwatch are designed by to make you feel like you have skill when you win. It's only when you lose do you see the truth, that you cannot accurately determine your skill level.
>Where did I mention dota 2 you mouthbreather?
>don't have to manage money for tp scrolls
i play hots, lol, dota 2 and have w3 installed to play with friends
That's DotA moron, stop posting anytime
It has been raped by chinks. This game died after season 3.
also dota 2
I've never like the camera perspective.
They kept continuously taking out things I thought were interesting and fun to play.
Masteries are now this choose one garbage and runes have always just been F2P currency sinks.
Items have been continuously revamped into the current mess.
Dragon advantage being permanent stat buffs is pretty retarded and I don't like Rift Herald that much either.
First they ruined my favorite champion, then they ruined my new favorite champion, then they ruined my third favorite champion, and I quit when they ruined my fourth favorite champion.
Fuck Tencent.
>Dota (2)
As if there was a difference.
Do you agree that Dota has shit character design or do we confirm that you're just an underaged fanboy?
This total gookfest not worth investing in anymore the money spenders have a hard time letting go though hehe.
if chinks have control of riot games and dictate everything they do why they allowed them to sue themselves?
Everything in league seems like a slower, weaker version of something else from Dota. Also its esports is boring as fuck compared to Dota as well.
Except I never mentioned it was 2, but did specifically mention the first in that reply chain, just admit you sperged out for no reason and fuck off
>just admit you sperged out for no reason and fuck off
I admit you are talking to multiple people at the same time because that wasn't me.
dota 2 had shit design
dota had great design, and it didn't have to ride your dick to be 'good'
And the original mod is creative as fuck, just look at the heroes available, compare that to lols everything is the same 5 reskinned heroes and you might start appreciating all the hate that shitty game gets
> Everything in league seems like a slower, weaker version of something else from Dota.
Literally what?
Did you not play league at all and judging by some 0.25x speed videos or something? League is significantly faster and harder mechanically.
When I tried it, which was years ago:
>Client was garbage
>Had to do 10 bot matches before queuing up for a regular game
>Could only use the heroes on rotation, looked like a grind to get anyone else
>Had to grind a hero to unlock powerups
>Graphics were garbage
>Voiceacting was annoying
>Early game fights either only happened near a bush or not at all
All I remember of the hero design was playing some ice bird thing and hating the fuck out of everything about the game.
Later on I tried out dota and metamorphosed into a proper dotard, but these days I play more hots than anything because of 7.00. I also don't really hate LoL either, but the concept truly does not appeal to me. Too much short range skirmishing, not enough focus on wombo combos and counter-combos.
Dota's just better and for all of League's talk about being new player friendly and easier I think Dota's easier too
not mechanically but in terms of all the shit you need to know League just crams in so much garbage
>start league fresh with no knowledge of the competitive scene
>you're going to need to know every position
>how to interact with each other (jungle leashing, helping in ganks)
>how items interact with stats and abilities, which is less obvious than in Dota
>need to level up your account for runes/masteries/whatever
you can probably skate by as a new dota player on minimal game knowledge until you get your shit together
Yeah, multiple retards isn't surprising here, if someone doesn't mention the number 2, you have no reason to think it is the second installment, especially if the second one is a straight up rip off and one of my points was creativity
>is the same 5 reskinned
please sort lol champions into five groups and explain your reasoning to back your statement
League pretends to be faster by giving every character spammable spells and making people dance back and forth since they're all skill shots but the actual game flow of meaningful things happening on the map is way slower.
Dota 1 had virtually unexistent character design since all characters were just copied from WC3, son. Only their abilities were different.
>longer cooldowns
>no tp scrolls
>blink is fucking what? 5 minutes cooldown?
>movement speeds
Pic related can jump across the map.
please fuck right off, you know it's true because you're the tard playing it religiously.
You never notices the similarities? How samey every heroes abilities are?
Nice bait
Underage located
>mechanically harder
No denying, no micro, no chaining
And no, keeping your retardation under control in lane is not a mechanic.
>I think X
>can you explain?
>nice bait
great post
It's not non-existant, it's taken from the game and the designs are great
Keep pretending dude, maybe you're just too stupid to notice, I probably expect too much from the average loltard
Ok. Let's do it your way then. League of Legends is better than any other game on the market. I end this discussion right here and because I had the last word what I say is final and true.
It's not Dota
>all characters were just copied from WC3
>no monkey to bring you items
game is for blue collar plebs
the enforced meta and the fact that riot has extremely specific design philosophies when it comes to champions means there's very little room for actual experimentation with champions and strategies. champions are designed with a specific role in mind, and if for some reason they step outside that role they will be nerfed and/or reworked until they fit perfectly into the little mold that riot decided they fit into. this also results in the community babyraging at anything outside of what riot has deemed "correct". something is considered a troll pick if it isn't what riot intended for it, that is until some korean plays it in a pro game then all of the sudden it's meta and not a troll pick anymore.
also balancing is an absolute joke. half the roster is just a worse version of another champion at this point because they don't know how to control power creep with reworks and new champions.
>statements without explanations/reasoning/ any back up are facts.
well then see
I don't hate it, but i got bored of it 5 years ago
>League is significantly faster and harder mechanically.
Excuse me?
>League pretends to be faster by giving every character spammable spells
It is in fact faster, and the fact that some (not all, as long as you do not consider a spell to be spammable as long as you can cast it say 3 times without spending all your mana) characters do have spammable spells does not make the game any slower.
>the actual game flow of meaningful things
The fact that you do not understand which things in league are meaningful does not mean they do not exist though. Compared to League, Dota is a random shitfest.
Riot is garbage at balancing champion kits and damage scaling and probably 30% of the champion pool is "no fun allowed" champions that are just plain awful to lane against (e.g. Malzahar, Fizz, Heimerdinger) or have such little counterplay opportunity it's a joke
I still play it though
>want me to sort the hundreds of heroes
you're not worth the effort, besides, you played it, if you didn't notice the copy paste abilities then you're just stupid.
Or maybe you never played the original mod and just don't know what I'm talking about, again, I expected too much.
People here like to jerk off about the technical side of arguments, but seemingly don't care about the topic being discussed, must be an american thing
its pretty much all layed out to you, a bit crudely, here
Name ten characters not copied from WC3.
>you're not worth the effort,
then its not worth my time to continue reading your post
Are MOBA's still relevant? Barely hear about them nowadays
I donĀ“t hate the game, I hate the toxic underage player community.
the matches take fucking forever.
i used to play this game religiously and didn't really notice it because it was the only moba i played, but after playing some dota and hots it's extremely apparently just how slow paced league is compared to them.
when the average game length is half an hour, and the chance of you getting shit teammates can pad that length out to nearly 45 fucking minutes for a single game that results in a loss, it gets extremely exhausting to even bother playing.
I played a little bit of open beta, up to the end of S1.
I tried playing again during S2, but it just wasn't the same game. One of my favorite heroes, Udyr, was pretty ineffective and not nearly as versatile as he had been, and I often found myself forced into playing AD roles when really, I liked playing supports (provided I had a decent team. They don't have to be perfect, we all make mistakes, but when you're at 1800, you shouldn't be repeatedly making the same mistakes game after game), or junglers, and my favored heroes weren't the same anymore.
Everything had completely changed, and become borderline unrecognizable. People were insufferable as ever, and while they tend to get slightly better, and slightly more cooperative once you get to gold/plat, the difference was almost negligible. Also, they continually released overpowered heroes, waited a week until they had been bought, and then nerfed them.
Also, the skill ceiling was far lower than DotA2, and in general, LoL didn't reward high skill players nearly as much as they are in DotA2.
I had a lot of fun, but it just wasn't the same game. I don't think I'd even recognize it if I tried to play now, so I stick to the occasional game of DotA2.
Why do LoL characters have much better character design than DotA 2 characters? We all know DotA 2 is the non-retard version of LoL, yet most characters look like shit.
If your genre is based on a mod and not a single successor manages to top said mod in quality then your 'genre' probably doesn't have a future
>not only moving the goalposts but wanting to be spoonfed
reddit is that way friend
It's really boring to watch.
I don't generally install malware so I've never considered actually playing it.
>But HotS is the super smash of moba and is just fun to fart around in.
Didn't HotS die? I played during preseason a lot but quit due to MM issues (I regularly saw rank 3 players get matched with rank 47 players).
I'm keen on playing some more for nostalgia and to see where its gone, but not sure if its worth the time.
Right now? The direction the game is taking.
Its pretty clear that the game is being designed for "epic and flashy outplays". Every new champ or redesign has a dash. The lethality rework is literally targetted at bursting the target and getting the fuck out. Its fucking hilarious how this item, zed and yasuo exists but they deemed it OP how veigar has instant stuns.
Yeah, I knew that you can't. Not surprised by the fact you know where reddit is, you belong there after all.
Even the calmest of people turn into raging faggots when playing. Also the hero design is utter trash with the only thing keeping it on peoples radar is porn of waifus released over half a decade ago.
Because lol designs are stolen characters from all sorts of material + generic fapbait, which is easymode as far as designing things go.
Dota 2 designs are what dota 1 would be like if it overdosed on krokodil
Because a single mistake can easily put you in a deficit, meaning you have to play super safe for the next 25 minutes and its boring as hell. Complete waste of time.
the fundamental crime of league is that you cant use any character
the second crime is that that doesnt matter since theyre all identical anyway
>if it overdosed on chinese market
see skeleton king
Simple, and to the point.
But autistic lol casuals will ignore this
>Because lol designs are stolen characters from all sorts of material + generic fapbait, which is easymode as far as designing things go.
And Dota didn't steal any designs? Blizzard designed all WC3 characters by themselves, and didn't steal any ideas from absolutely anybody?
>Dota 2 designs are what dota 1 would be like if it overdosed on krokodil
Sounds like a perfect excuse to not even attempt to make a decent looking characters.
> no gold penalty on death
> have to deal with mistakes
>you dont have to interact with the community
>balancing is usually alright, nothing obscenely OP but agree that a lot of stuff is underpowered
>yeah i dont understand why they dont just make new characters
>what's wrong with this?
>old map looked really bad, current map looks atleast like they hired an artist instead of ripping assets and created an artstyle
>playing any RTS or MOBA for the lore is stupid
>you don't have to participate in this?
The only good thing league ever did was call their characters champions instead of heroes, at least now i know whose opinion to disregard when these children try to invade other games.
No idea who are you quoting. Do I need to say that there is no reason to be angry if you happened to be wrong on the internet?
They go through weird periods of character design
>press ability to do it three times
>ability puts debuff that "pops" after hitting target with auto-attack or another ability
>character can dash that resets somehow.
After playing HotS its painfully obvious that Riot is playing it safe with abilities, making league too boring really.