Rate my battlestation, Sup Forums.
Rate my battlestation, Sup Forums
Preety good.
I give it a 4/10
is that bra yours?
Post boobs op
very nice
HSAAHSHAHASAHAHAAA casually hangin out bra xD cus you're GIRL !
Op is a tranny? I knew Sup Forums was full of degenerates
Your posture must be absolutely horrible if you use that set-up consistently.
Why are you a literal tumor friend
is there even a chair
The bras gone ya happy now wankers
No, there's no fucking chair I don't fucking know how this he-she lives
lol british-isms xd i'm so cool
>all the summer in this thread
>there's a bra in the picture
>all Sup Forumsirgins freak the fuck out
What if they have a hammock.
I don't even give a shit about the bra, why the fuck do you have a full tower on the fucking floor? You should have built a mini-itx.
LOL !!
So whacky xP
Why is nobody questioning the fucking tiles? This is a bathroom/kitchen setup yet it's clearly a room, what the fuck.
That's still 0 back support
Is this the battlestation thread?
>More than 2 monitors
Just burn your money why don't you
any shithole third world country uses tiled flooring, that or florida, not really a difference in the two.
What's if it's a hammock with back support.
Sure, why not. Organized little set up you have, nice. How's that chair?
Very mexican-kid-who-begs-his-mom-for-a-gamer-rig tier.
Rate my 2B cosplay
Got the two Dell 4x3 monitors for 8$ a piece at a local goodwill, couldn't turn it down.
Well, normal men don't wear bras, faggot.
Plot twist, I know Op. He's a fucking puerto rican
rate me Sup Forums
16 year old/10
Posting non-shit battlestation
I was spot on
Shit, nevermind then. That's a good as deal. Apologies
In desperate need of a new chair.
>a new racing chair of course.
It could be much better if the walls weren't baby blue
Nope, just sexy bois
>obviusly living with parents/10
third world shithole prentending to be a first world shithole. checks out.
also fuck liberty and claro, fucking internet sucks ass there, glad i left to the US, fuck that shithole
Oh yeah? What's wrong with it?
that's a drug pad
what drugs are you on
Implying a third world faggot can get a PC like that and be a junkie
It's one of those chairs from staples that was on sale for like 50$ because it just wouldn't sell and the box was battered to hell. I want one with a headrest, my neck irritates me.
>implying he didn't steal the computer in typical 3rd world fashion
>being so poor that you have to gimp yourself out of gaming options
>in a bedroom
What the fuck OP? Everyone knows the only acceptable flooring for a bedroom is carpet and in very rare cases hardwood. Is your room tiled because you're the famous tilefucker? Even then I'd figure you'd have better taste than linoleum. Is see you're into cheap whores.
>Not living with parents
Oh, alright. I pretty much tower over my chair so it's kind of odd to sit in. Funny enough I actually recommend a chair without armrests, after switching to one without them I've learned that they provide some pretty comfortable positions.
Fuck you got me there
>implying any game other than snood isn't a waste of my time.
Holy shit OP is the legendary tilefucker
>not, I need heeling.
if you don't have a massive aquarium your room is an instant failure.
>tiled his bedroom so he can sit with his ass cheeks right on the cool hard floor while he wears his bra and faps to tile porn on his TV
He is truly the most degenerate of our kind.
Imagine how much nut has seeped into the spaces between the tiles
Why is everyone calling that bikini top a bra?
why wouldnt you set up in your bathroom or kitchen
>enjoy bathing and shiting mid gaming
>ready and cook yourself a fresh meal during the game ready to consume after you have finished
Because Sup Forumsirgins
star wars fag
>inb4 nice laptop fag
Someday I'll have a real pc
rate my gaming setup
stop wasting money on dolls and buy a fucking pc
Like technically it's a bra top but normal people would just call that a bikini or a bikini top. Have they never gone to the beach or pool? How sad do you have to be
Nice figures fag
Looks like the ayys are there to pick you up, user. Don't keep us waiting.
nice laptop fag
Ayyliens get off my fucking board
>doesnt know what a bra looks like
haha ive seen more boobs than you
Got any more of that grill? I'm assuming no but doesn't hurt to ask
nintentoddler detected
>people throwing valuable money down the drain with multiple monitors
You guys are fucking retarded and gay.
i play on just about everything under the sun but yeah i do have a fair bit of nintendo stuff.
multiple monitors can be extremely cheap if you want it to be, and once you get used to two monitors you really can't go back to a single screen.
>pc, xbone and 2 Playstation displays
R8 me brehs
I tidied it up are you happy now Sup Forums?
I respect how uniform your color and designs are but pick that Dorito crumb off of your slightly browned chair it's gross.
I've never felt affection from a member of the opposite sex in my life
What brand potato did you use for this photo?
get a lamp and a small table for your computer
nice quality
PC case is over designed, chuck it and make one out of plywood. It's gonna get hot sitting in that slot between dressers too.
I hope you have a chair to sit in somehow because that looks like slouch city. Also, I know damn well you haven't actually learned to play that guitar you just keep around because you've promised yourself you would someday. Chuck it and buy better butt plugs.
6/10 not enough dildos
Am I close enough vros?
Rate me
Officially licensed welfare phoneâ„¢
Of course I don't know how to play guitar what do you take me for a normal human?
I own tons of that stuff so might as well use it for something
He must have thought he'd be a total babe when he made the switch. What a fool.