Hey Sup Forums, seen any vampires lately?

Hey Sup Forums, seen any vampires lately?
Darkest Dungeon thread

Fuck off, you are the reason this board is cancer

Instead of da rules u should be more concerned wit da pitbull chewing ur mum's minge mate

>This is not to say threads about specific games cannot be created on Sup Forums, just that long-term, recurring threads belong in /vg/.
You see OP linking to a previous thread? You see a bunch of links and information in the OP? No? Then it's not a general.

Yeah should have made an e-celeb or shitposting thread, sorry.

>please OP, you take away space for yet another potential console war / SJW vs. Sup Forums / mfw game x does y / LOL / now that the dust has settled / what went so right/wrong / e-celeb / Hahahahaha / Toddposting thread

Is this game fun? Artstyle, narration and the snippets of story are pretty Kino but a major turnoff for me is the turn based rng dice roll bullshit, major immersion killer.

>tfw I haven't once encountered the Fanatic yet

>mfw i only just realized that Bleed stacks

>encountered him once
>7 speed
>45% stun resistance

What a joke. He got shit on.


Its pretty good, there's tonnes of stuff you can do to mitigate some of the rng, but yes, there is quite a bit of rng that can fuck you over

>I'm actually retarded the post

So does Blight and buffs/debuffs

How does that make any sense

Yes, but it's grindy as fuck and the RNG will make you pull your hair out.

If you poison a nigga with more poison he's going to get sicker.

What do you mean?

>mfw Prognosticator at negative 300% damage dealt

Everything he does is 0 damage except for blight which I can get rid of.


I can understand people getting more cuts and bleeding faster, but throwing poison shit to already poisoned guy seems pointless.


>yfw many fall in the face of chaos BUT NOT THIS ONE, NOT TODAY

Graverobber best girl

You can mitigate a ton of the RNG with proper planning. You can send trash level 0s into the guaranteed green dungeon over and over again, get the bank upgrade, and continue doing this until you get like 2 million gold. Once you do you can literally buy the maximum amount of every single resource you need for each dungeon. You can afford every upgrade, every stress reduction, every quirk reinforcement and removal. The bank district breaks the difficulty apart. Unless you're playing on Stygian success is guaranteed.

So what mods are you guys using?

Only parts I don't like about the game is you can't get absolutely 100% hit chance and characters get different dice rolls each turn on top of their speed attribute and the game doesn't even have a feedback to see turn orders so even the flow of combat is random and you end up wasting potential damage to minimize risks other than that you can play it on radiant difficulty with +75% torchlight and make a catagrophers tent, last one requires DLC tho.
Now I think about it can you change accuracy limits or other limits like deaths door and stuff in game files? That would be blatant cheating but still.

I don't have trouble hitting anything when my dudes are fully leveled. Missing at 95% chance to hit just doesn't seem to ever happen unless the monster has 15+ dodge.

my actual most damaging team happens to be 2 grave robbers ranks 2-3 and a crusader rank 1
the enemies don't even get to attack before they get 2 lunges in a row followed by HOLY LANCE right down their throat, it's disgusting

If a few drops of venom can kill someone, what happens if you use a few MORE drops of venom on someone?

What's a good setup for the Plague Doctor?

I like running from back to Front
Vestal - PD - Highway- Flaggant

Mass stun, buffs and the stab with bloody herbs and the new cc trinket

Venom doesn't do shit I if you put a few drops on someone it's gotta get I'm the blood

What about fungal spores? Or radioactive bile? Blight can be caused by more than just spider venom.

What do you guys upgrade first? I just started and I'm thinking of upgrading the coach for a larger roster but i'm turn between blacksmith and guild

>be me
>have 900000 gold + bank
>interest of 5% is 45000, more than i can spend even if I used all posible services at once.
>have almost every building and district upgraded/built
>but level 6 heroses die.
>have to grind to level them up in orded to fight bosses and darkest dungeon
>literally need nothing else from dungeons except shitheads getting resolve levels.

I hate this part of game.

user being poisoned is like taking more of a drug
the more foreign shit passing through your body the faster it'll have its effect on you

Stage Coach, then guild/blacksmith alongside your dudes leveling up. Eventually if you have CC, you'll want to save up for the bank

>just killed my first Apprentice Necromancer

Ghoulish horrors - brought low and driven into the mud!

This game is great when everything goes well

dude... go read something, anything. you need time away from the computer.

post yer graveyards

>my first Apprentice Necromancer

Oh sweet summer child.

Such horrors await you.

I like to play in short bursts. it's a solid game, but there isn't a huge amount of variety.

Same, i get real life stress if i play it too much.

If you have a 90% chance to hit, it is actually 100%. There's a +10 acc modifer that is added after calc acc-dodge. It's the same reason there is a 10% chance of getting hit when dodge tanking.

pretty sure there are people who looked at the code and hit chance has a floor and ceiling of 10 & 90%. no matter the acc/dodge of you and the enemy.