Want to play MGSV

>want to play MGSV
>don't want to replay MGS1-4 + Peace Walker to remember what the clusterfuck of a series was about


>playing metal gear solid for the story


you fucked up already user

so is it like the witcher 3 where its just a meme game to play and doesn't really impact the series?

all video games are memes

If someone else tells you about a game, that's a meme

Actually communicating with anyone at all is just a huge meme

But that's what I did leading up to MGSV launch. Hypest summer ever.

I love MGSV but you don't need to play any game except GZ really. The story adds nothing to the overall lore.

>>want to play MGSV
>>don't want to replay MGS1-4 + Peace Walker to remember what the clusterfuck of a series was about

You don't need to play the other games to get MGSV. I only played Metal Gear(NES) and Twin Snakes before playing MGSV.

MGSV is a complete fucking mess in the story department so it doesn't matter if you don't know anything.

mgsv is the worst in the series

Who cares? the overarching storyline is retarded anyway, and these games are much better if you think of each of them as being their own little universes and apreciate them for what they are.

mgs 1 and 2 are really the only ones with a coherent storyline, if you ignore the other games stories.

Nukes are bad, government is bad. Here's the summary.

Well, jokes on you. PW and GZ are the only 2 you need to play that really has any strong ties to TPP.

PW is shit so just play TPP and stop trying so hard to fit in on a Canadian mounty cos play forum.

People act like MGS is super convulted and confusing when really it's just about the misinterpreted will of a woman.

MGS3 and 4 ruined the story, everyone knows this, user. 1 and 2 were perfect.

I always played it for the story. Imagine my disappointment when I got my hands in V

>not playing MGS for story
It must be sad being retarded, user.

Wow. So really all those times you try to stop metal gears from nuking something it was really just a multibillion dollar, high tech game of telephone.

I can't. Care to elaborate on what was so bad about it?

The story of MGS is only liked because it has about 5 really good characters and the story of the first 4 games (MG1-MGS2) was really good.

eternal champions, fucking great game

It was converted to fuckibg audio tapes.

Like codec calls? Sorry. Try again.

>mgs story