Now that the mobile game has flopped, is there any hope for Skullgirls 2? It seems the interest has died down
Now that the mobile game has flopped, is there any hope for Skullgirls 2? It seems the interest has died down
The mobile game flopped?
that game sells more for the waifus rather that the decentgameplay, you know
Shut the fuck up. I can't hear you.
Will it bounce back, much like Filia's gut after a diet?
Happy Thursday
Can you make it happier?
Considering the work required to make even 1 SG character, and Sup Forums's tendency to shit on a game if it isn't massively different from it's predecessor, I'd give up hope for SG2. Lab Zero is still busting it's ass over Indivisible anyways.
dat's it mane
>the mobile game has flopped
>is there any hope for Skullgirls 2
Indivisible is looking like it'll be a huge hit
>yfw grab Filia's tummy from behind like that while she's still stuffing it full of food
Make my flight home better, thicc poster
Fatfags get out
You are the reason we can't have good skullgirls threads anymore
Yeah, I too miss the days of threads that reached all of two posts before sinking past page 10
Now they get 50 posts and nuked by the mods because obesity porn, much better
lol nah famalam
hhh, you gonna be mad, sucker?
>Indivisible is looking like it'll be a huge hit
Dude are we inhabiting the same dimension, it looks like fucking incompetent trash.
it's true, just check the absymally low achievment stats
If their new game flops, which it will because their kickstarter nearly did, then the whole studio will an hero. Enjoy MvCI :^)
Oh can you post those, I honestly don't know where to look. Please and thank you.
Not surprised it flopped. Its the same fighting game but with grinding, worse controls and moves removed from characters and placed in paid gacha pools. It is also very demanding for most devices. They should have made something more original.
Dude what forum do you think you are posting on. Go to gamefaqs if you don't like it.
I think I would've gotten more enjoyment from the mobile game if it ran at 60fps. It's a shame to have those handcrated animations be limited to 30fps.
Better than the catgirl gorn and pedoshit those two posts consisted of.
im not spoonfeeding you bitch
There is a severe lack of best girl in this thread
Yeah, post more Filia.
The artists working on it went and tried to guilt trip everyone when it wasn't getting funded, THEN it got its funding period extended by 20 days. THEN it suspiciously got a very large chunk of money at the last minute when it still looked like it wasn't going to make it.
This game only exists as a way to make sure ex-Skullgirls staff who weren't able to move onto something stable are getting paychecks every week for the next 2-3 years. It has zero identity, it's all watered-down "progressive" Alex Ahad designs with absolutely no cohesion between them.
And there it is
I want to fatten Peacock and watch all of the weight go to her ass and thighs
Sorry user only have best girl on this hard drive
She's not even best girl
Maybe if it didn't look like garbage pulled from DeviantART it would've went better.
Fatfriend pls stay
I'd like a Skullgirls 2, it wouldn't even be that hard, just re-use all the assets and make like 6 new characters, tweak the game up a bit and do some new story shit.
I'd buy it. Ajna in Skullgirls fucking when.
Good taste, post more (Pe)cock.
Bro? is this the same dimension where commas are question marks,
It's time.
Why does half of the artwork of Firia have her doing that hand thing?
Have you just not played the game or somethin
Course I have, but you'd think they could use some of her other poses
>Game developed by hardcore SJWs
I'll pass.
There is no interest in a new game. They should just give the "fans" what they actually want and just print a swimsuit calendar or something.
That sounds like it would be nice, but it'd probably get recalled so they could censor it after releasing it
Just goes to show you, if you want to destroy your product, just add women into it.
Any love for Parasoul?
Only when she's paired with her sister
Why are you guys trying to force the "Skullgirls makers are radical SJWs" meme in a fucking THICC thread?
This isn't fat thread go away
Maybe if you got down to thickposting in earnest we wouldn't have this problem
I love all forms of Mitsuru.
Parasoul is perfect
also this
Making characters for a fighting game costs a lot more money than you would think. I think the skullgirls dev have talked about it earliet in an article. I'm on a phone so Google it yourself nerd.
Of course
>Why are you guys trying to force the "Skullgirls makers are radical SJWs" meme
Because they are, especially Marielx "FUCK DRUMPF AND FUCK WHITE PEOPLE" Cartwright.
Sometimes I lie awake in bed in the middle of the night wishing there would be at least one Skullgirl thread on Sup Forums where people are not posting porn and instead actually talking about the game. But then I realize that it will never happen so I cry myself to sleep.
Seems about as in-place as a forced THICC meme.
there's no source on whether it's flopped or not. I've been looking.
all I can tell from my sources is that it's not downloaded as much as the other big fighting apps like Marvel or Injustice apps, but that's to be expected.
no telling what that means as far as the app's success relative to what would be needed for Autumn to fund SG2.
Line also still advertises it and apparently sent a truckload of gift boxes to Hidden Variable and Lab Zero's offices a few weeks after the launch, so that might be a sign that they're happy with it.
why would you waste tears on that?
name one fighting game that can get a nice discussion about its gameplay on Sup Forums
>want to play the mobile Skullgirls
>tfw phone isn't supported
reminder that carol needs love
Guilty Gear. There was a thread today and people were actually talking about the game and helping new players out.
I want to fuck a cock
your dick is too big for that user-kun
That can be arranged
Pretty sure that doesn't even remotely compare to the amount of GG lewd threads.
>hardcore SJW's
>when the lead animator has litterally complained that SJW's make her too scared to post her lesbo guro porn online for fear of backlash
Sup Forumstard please, just because you hate trump doesn't make you a SJW, there's plenty of valid reasons to not like him
>FUCK white people
post proof
There shouldn't have been a Skullgirls 1. The artstyle is shit. If you make an embarrassing waifu game, atleast make them look good and not deformed.
>Indivisible is looking like it'll be a huge hit
>loving a slut
How could a mobile game "flop". Sounds made the fuck up, OP
Skullgirls 2 ain't happening until after Indivisible. If Skullgirls gets a rep in the Blazblue crossover fighter, then I'll assume it'll happen right after. Otherwise, Skullgirls was actually a huge hassle for Lab Zero, I don't see them rushing back to it unless a good offer is made.
Where are you people getting all those peacock pics?
nice try valentine you wont fool me
>Sup Forumstard please, just because you hate trump doesn't make you a SJW, there's plenty of valid reasons to not like him
True, but she literally had a SJW meltdown over the election on twatter, even threatening to kill herself lel.
>Sounds made the fuck up, OP
Right. I can't find any public reliable metrics for this stuff aside from installs, which are still vague and can't communicate whether an app is successful or not anyway.
Seems like all of the important information for these apps is on the dev's end. They're tracking how many steady returning users and income they've acquired.
I have a magician friend, he pulls them out of the aether for me
Sure, sounds made up. The fact is you're talking Sup Forums shit instead of vidya shit, and you know it. You're a shitposter, and who cares what you think.
Ignoring the normal troll kids that crop up the moment Skullgirls in mentioned, who do you wish they had been able to add before the game wrapped? I was always fond of Black Dahlia.
>Sure, sounds made up.
She did, then deleted it and tweeted that she would move to Japan later.
>The fact is you're talking Sup Forums shit instead of vidya shit, and you know it. You're a shitposter, and who cares what you think.
Making fun of the SJW insanity of the Skullgirls devs is on topic.
The only way I know an app failed is when support stops for it. Not that I've checked to see if they're actually adding anything to the game soon.
I would love to but my laptop which I used to play games broke not too long ago and I don't have Skulkgirls on PS4
they've been patching it and still adding the remaining the cast members. so I'd assume they're trying to support it for at least the next year.
if they ever announce a brand new character, then that would obviously mean they've earned enough income to sustain a higher level of production.
>She did, then deleted it and tweeted that she would move to Japan later.
Why would I take the word of a newfag?
I find it interesting how Skullgirls occupies such an interesting place. It was TOO SEXY for the FGC, and we all probably know or know of a few people who wouldn't touch the game because it was girls only at launch. Then the game is "censored" (but not this frame, or a lot of others), so any kids too young to even know what GG was about crusade against it. It's either too sexy or not sexy enough for normies and cultists alike.
No wonder they went for not only something less racy for their next game, but also a different genre (meaning a different crowd). Which is a little funny because I think the RPG crowd is a lot more interested in female characters and sex appeal. I mean, no one from EPSN is going to tap anyone on the shoulder and tell them to choose a different costume in Final Fantasy.
Parasoul needs a new costume in SG2 that shows off her cleavage and/or underboob
I dont think they would add her in SG2
what if parasoul left her clothes at the pool and ms fortune stole them, so parasoul would have to wear ms fortunes clothes instead
Why not?
That would steal underboob points from underboob cat.
Maybe if Parasoul is the Skullgirl next game.
depends on the canon ending for 1, if she becomes the skullgirl then she wouldnt be playable