Because it's their game

Because it's their game.

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And? I can also point out why it's fucking stupid. They can do all this in 3d models and it would look a thousand times better.

looks better than that shit they tried with bloodstained and mighty 9

Ayyy is this getting a switch port?

Suddenly I'm excited for it.

Looks good to me.
OP is a fucking retard who doesn't know what to complain about.

Sprites look good. Stop being a literal faggot.

>this looks better than two games that had the bare minimum effort put into them

Meanwhile, this:

It's their right to do whatever they want
People have tastes you know. Someone may prefer 2D versus 3D, simple as that
>it's stupid
not much more stupid than complaining about someone's tastes on imageboards
Also 3D has quite a big problems on it's own, it's not your magical solution to workflow

>would look a thousand times better
Oh yeah?

Sprites got dropped by developers for a reason, too costly and a waste of time for little payoff. Look at King of Fighters, SNK almost went bankrupt again trying to do "hd" sprites. They realized it was retarded and went to 3d models now.

Why use that shit as an example man? How about this.


and that would be less expensive than using sprites?

Yeah man, 3D models, a thousand times better. Why use it? Because it's a perfect example to instantly disprove the stupid as fuck idea that 3D models would instantly look a thousand times better

>chromatic aberration
I closed that image before it could load completely, fuck you.

That somehow looks even worse

What the fuck is wrong with you.

Yes actually. Getting hd textures online is stupidly easy and many you can get for free, KI wouldn't be surprised if over half the textures in the game didn't come from a free texture repository. The animations would be easier, if you fuck up animations on 3d models you can just do it over. If you fuck up animations on sprites you have to REDRAW EVERY SINGLE SPRITE. They're way harder to animate right too.

Also sprites affect gameplay too. let's say someone wants to do a 2d action game with combat like a ninja gaiden or dmc game or something, like very fast paced, combo heavy, loots of different moves. In sprites it can't be done, most devs can barely finish a basic metroidvania style game with rudimentary combat, more complex shit would be damn near impossible and take way too long, waste too much time and money, and just not look right. Meanwhile 3d to do that type of game would be as easy as say team ninja making ninja gaiden 4 using the engine they use for 3d, and just setting the camera to be sidescrolling. Easy as hell.

Realistic 3D models don't translate well to side scrollers.

Bait thread

The hell are you talking about, I see nothing wrong in that screenshot.

>more detail and hd textures is worse
>as if some game looking like sotn remade is better

Come on man.

That looks terrible compared to the picture in the OP though.

Yes it does, deadlight looks amazing:

>not making cutting-edge 3D models and turning them into sprites
Bro do you even Rare?

You are letting your bias against 3d models on a sidescroller sway you. Look objectively, no way you can think deadlight looks worse than a sprite game that looks like sotn.

This uses 3d models as well, anyone saying a sprite game looks better than this I know for sure is trolling now:

I skipped ahead about 30 seconds to see him pulling some sort of bookcase. The first thing I see is awful aliasing on that book case. That's disregarding the clusterfuck of visuals going on everywhere else.

But I mentioned that with guilty gear and ori and the blind forest.

>people are expecting a 2d dark souls
This game has disappointment written all over it.

More detail does not always make a game better visually. Often it adds clutter, making it a strain on the eye to determine where a character is.

Sprites are often a better choice for 2D platforming simply because there is better control of the visuals.

Style, well.... that's a personal choice. Personally, Deadlight and Blasphemous don't look like something I would enjoy to play.

I have no bias against 3D models, I like both. But that screenshot was awful. Everything iss either blurry from the chromatic aberration or jagged from the lack of AA, the background is a bunch of muddy low-res textures and the foreground only has a few high-res textures like the mattress and walls. The barrels right next to the mattress look so out of place because the texturing is so bad.

honestly it looks about as good as the walking dead games except all the characters are blacked out so you cant really see much of them anyways

ori would probably be a better example, but ultimately if this is the game the devs want to make, and it seems to be working for them, i dont see a problem with their decision

its their prerogative

Forgot pic
Why would either game be objectively better-looking than the other? Some people hate 3D, believe it or not.

And yes, Ori looks great, but you can't use that to act like 3D games always look better than sprite-based games. There are plenty of examples of modern, ugly UGLY 3D.


You're missing the point. The sprites look good.

Those didn't use real sprites, they used this weird shit where they make the arms and legs and such and assemble them together somehow using a computer generation technique. The animations weren't manually made. Also action combat with combos like that doesn't look as good as the action combos found in 3d games, like this for instance, it straight up looks better:

sprites means less attacks, less variety in animations and combo techniques, and more limited, also 2d means no crazy camera angles and the action looks less interesting because of it. Why do you think no one makes 2d beat em ups anymore, and instead hack n slash took over?

If they don't make 3D models, internet dudes can't rip the models and add genitals for use in SFM porn.

Found the shit-eating pleb

stop being fucking autistic

do you really have nothing better to do than whine about sprites

nobody gives a shit you fucking nerd ass loser, go do something constructive rather than bitching that a relatively okay looking game is using sprites, that's the stupidest fucking thing to whine about

>Why do you think no one makes 2d beat em ups anymore

holy shit nigger are you retarded? people like you are the reason games are getting worse
>b-b-b-b-but the grafix!
graphics aint shit. This is like sayiny "why don't painters just sculpt 3d statues, it looks way better than that 2d flat shit.

you are completely invalidating an expression that the creator is going for. You may not be aware but games are more than gud grafix.

go fucking play some Atari and Genesis and NES then come back and tell me that shit isn't good looking. you probably would as I can almost guarantee you were born in the late 90s you fucking faggot.

absolutely no appreciation. if you dont like it, say you dont like the artstyle. "bad graphics" is not an argument

>Ayyy is this getting a switch port? Suddenly I'm excited for it.
God you are such a faggot

>2d means no crazy camera angles
That's a good thing. I either want full control of my viewpoint or none. I don't want a control taken away from me in the middle of gameplay.

I'm not there to watch the character I'm controlling do something cool, I want to do something cool with the character.

>Blasphemous is tentatively slated for Q1 2019


Because the industry went down the shitter ever since the transition to 3D.

But sprites effect the game creation process as well as gameplay, it's a legit complaint. Or do you want game developers to go fucking bankrupt doing this shit? 3d is easier and with effort looks a lot better. It's like you want them to do shit the hard way so they can fail. You sound like a selfish ass child right now.

The developers wanted a souls like combat system, which means it's gonna take forever to make, you figure the animations and moves your character has plus the damn enemies. If they did this in 3d they could finish it in fucking 8 months easily.

Every game should just use Unity then.

>They can do all this in 3d models and it would look a thousand times better.

>The developers wanted a souls like combat system
What a waste. Would have been great as just a standard castlevania

Unreal engine is better and easier to use than Unity, are you fucking kidding me? Unity is some ghetto shit. That's like using the fucking quake engine or something.

Because only a moron will look at sprites and automatically think "it's shit"

I don't like it therefore its stupid: the post

Souls combat doesn't work in 2d, not in a game like this anyway. Maybe for a beat em up, but hack n slashes replaced those in 3d. This with souls combat is dumb, imagine if aria of sorrow or sotn had combos and shit like that, the gameplay would be garbage.

I gave real reasons, not "it's shit". :Learn to fucking read. You sound like the kind of selfish spoiled brats who got all happy over kof 13 sprites, didn't give a shit it bankrupted snk again, and then whined over 14 using 3d models to save money and time so they could make a game for YOU, the consumer. Who cares if the developers end up homeless. All so you can live in the 80s and 90s forever. You disgust me.

after reading all of OP's shits.
It's all bias opinions instead of valid criticism.
fuck off with your autism, faggot OP

>hey this method of creating game assets saves money and time
>this style of gameplay doesn't work with 2d sprites/would take forever to do well

Because 2.5D looks like literal garbage and has polluted vidya for far too long.

How? barely any games even use it. It's mostly been either full 3d or indie devs doing fuckin nes sprites again and again. Likely because actual good looking sprites take forever to make and require such a keen eye that it's almost impossible to do right unless you have no life.

> make the game look more realistic
> can use realistic hd 3d textures
> it can't look realistic

Realism in is the only goal. No other art styles or aesthetics allowed.

Most people are morons, though.
It's clear you don't remember the late '90s, when 2D was a commercial death sentence.

Well the game is about catholic shit and looks very dark, realism is the best style for dark settings and themes. Imagine if sotn were remade with 3d models with ultra realistic hd textures, shit would look fucking incredible. Like a side scrolling uncharted 4 or something.

I hate to join the dogpile on OP but
>Or do you want game developers to go fucking bankrupt doing this shit?
They're going bankrupt with 3D. Remember Crytek? Those guys who made the incredible-looking Crysis series? They were in such bad shape that they were "promoting" their own employees - with the caveat that after a promotion, you can't quit for at least a few months. Essentially getting free work out of them, since they had no money to pay the poor souls. I'm not trying to be mean, but I think if you look at your underlying assumptions in general, you'll realize why your argument is bad.

even this current opinions is pure shit.
even if it takes 10 years, and 10 billions dollars to make a game, if it's a good game in the end, then why would the development time&costs matters??
Why would you care about the costs of development?
are you a fucking jew?

that game has some of the best art design ive ever seen

>people actually, honestly think that throwing together a few MSPaint pixel animations is more costly than rigging models, designing textures and hiring mocap artists

I mean, if you account for abusing Japanese indentured servants for the equivalent of $2 US a week maybe.

>Why would you care about the costs of development?are you a fucking jew?

maybe I don't want the company to do a single awesome game then have all the people who made this awesome game all be homeless and eating out of the trash a month after the game releases

Not the same, their issue wasn't a game doing poorly in 3d, it was the inferior game engine. Crytek engine was vastly inferior to the Unreal engine, and it got phased out, just like the quake engine did. No one uses that to make games anymore either.

and wasted on low quality snes style sprites

>this could have been in 3d...

I'll say this from a standpoint of someone who works in both unreal and unity at my workplace, making sprites is actually cheaper in the short term than doing a full fledged model, baking, texturing, rigging, shading and animating a character. Hell look at the GDC presentation on sprite animation of skull girl. You're just retarded Op, keep at it

Oh man, this game looks fantastic, PC version when?

Am I crazy or does the music in the trailer sound very similar to the Friede and Ariandel music?

>sprites take more work than 3D modeling does
>but 3D modeled games take 10x longer to shit out these days for a lower quality, shorter game
really gets the old noggin joggin, I wonder how long a 3D modeled game would take to release if the modeling took as long as the sprites did in a game like, say, Mana Khemia. yes, I know high quality sprites really are harder to make, this argument is more about how fucking lazy and worthless developers have become

>making sprites is actually cheaper in the short term than doing a full fledged model, baking, texturing, rigging, shading and animating a character. Hell look at the GDC presentation on sprite animation of skull girl. You're just retarded Op, keep at it

Bullshit, sprites cost way more to make, take more time to make, and you need specialist artists who can even do those, which are rare these days. 3d modeling is way easier. Also Skullgirls is a terrible example, they needed fucking Disney artists to make those sprites and each character coted over a million dollars. To get sprites and animation that rivals the lion king. Meanwhile Capcom shit out ugly 3d models for sfv and that game made more than skullgirls and is more well known.

the games take longer due to so many being large open worlds filled with detail, such as skyrim or mass effect andromeda

Have you ever made a game?

Hahahahaha Mighty No. 9

>and you need specialist artists who can even do those, which are rare these days

No the fuck you don't. Maybe 20 years ago, but nowadays you can literally just tweak some settings in Photoshop and draw it with a tablet. Very few, if any, of the sprite-based games in the last 15 years were made like they were in the old days by placing individual pixels manually over an animation sheet.

Hahahahaha Axiom Verge

I can do that too smartass

Sprites are great, if you disagree you're underage end of story.

Sprites are shit, if you disagree you're a nostalgiafag end of story.


how come most of these indie sprite games use nes looking sprites then

>salt and sanctuary as an example of a better game visually

Dude that shit is fun but it's so fucking ugly it hurts my eyes. I gotta play without glasses so I don't look too much at it. It's fucking horrible. Also Ori is a convulted mess.

2d is sweet and never ages.

To make a sprite you need at most 2 artist, an animator to laydown the keys and timing and a concept artist or character artist. For a full 3D model you would need a a character modeler , a texturing and shading artist, a rigger and an animator. That's twice the number of people. Plus sprites have the advantages of being more maleable and easy smears and deformation. You'd need a pro rigger to get the same similar effect on your 3D models, not even considering the skinning problems that would occur and the texture defformation. Hell the cost and workload of creating blendshapes for the models alone would be reasons enough to go for sprites. Instead of throwing atupid numbers and false things how about you first learn what you're talking about dipshit.

>Also Ori is a convulted mess.

How? I have NEVER seen someone say anything bad about how Ori looks, this is insane.

Not him but I never thought it looked particularly good either. It's just an assfuck of particle effects on top of some pretty basic models and art.

Not him and I wouldn't use the word "convoluted", but while it looks nice in screenshots I personally think it looks awful in motion. The way stuff sways just looks terrible to me and the art style beyond that is kind of generic even if it can look pretty nice.

they don't and that's why they look like shit instead of like this

I think it looks garbage. Individual assets are pretty but they give me headaches on how everything is so saturated and full. You can't give two steps without six thousand branches and leaves entering and leaving the foreground, tons of shit going on the background to make sure you can't pay attention to the actual game going on in the middle.
I'd so much rather have a clear visual style with distinct elements which you can see exactly where they start and end. Specially on a platformer.

come on man this is fucking ART

>le "you have to make a game to be able to recognize quality" meme
epic, well meme'd friend!

That's way too much effort for shit indie devs

i don't know if this is bait, or if we need to call the circus and tell them "The Man with No Taste" is up past his bedtime.

wow dude you sure proved him wrong with that generic style-deprived trash.

>>more work to make good animations with less payoff(you can do the same and way better animation using 3d models)

Just you try showing me a 3d animated game with animations that match the quality of a good 2d animation.
Earlier today we had a thread about how 2d fighters were undoubtly better than 3d because animations are bound to be better. You can't easily squash and stretch models in 3d to make them look good as 2d, you're always stuck with the model itself and what it can do based on its skeleton while impacts on well made 2d are SO much stronger.

These 2 games feature such impactful animation.
The only comparable 3d is arguably Smash Bros and that's mostly because of impact effects.


sprites look great for silly light hearted stuff, but what about dark themed games, with blood and gore? blasphemous is supposed to be some real dark and filthy game, how the fuck will sprites capture that? castlevania was the only sprite series that was supposed to be dark and fucked up, and nothing in those games post pre and post sotn made me go holy fuck that's dark. It was only when they did lords of shadow that castlevania truly felt and looked dark like it should.

So, are you going to make their game for them?


good fucking logic. those little touches that look fucked in a still but in motion make it so tasty.

in a world of SEE IT ALL NEED 420 FRAMES A SECOND we live in, it's an afterthought. could it be done with stretching? maybe. but at that point you gotta fuck with an engine to do that and snap it back smoothly OR give every frame a model change manually and i thought saving time/work was the appeal.

dmc, bayonetta, and ninja gaiden all had very impactful animations, even god of war did

and as far as 3d fighters go tekken and doa have some sick animation, and sf4/v and mvci prove you can do squash and stretch animations, like dhalsim limb stretch and jedah's well everything. also this:

>moving images with closeups of characters faces are the same as tiny sprites of little characters fighting each other

Pretty sure in sotn I never saw a zombie slowly chewing alucard's brain in graphic detail.