Whats the most difficult game you've personally ever played?
Did you eventually beat it or did you give up?
Whats the most difficult game you've personally ever played?
Did you eventually beat it or did you give up?
I think the helicopter crashed could be that black thing on the floor.
>not using legacy captcha
Dark Souls
Contra Hard Corps NA version.
I'd say life but I haven't quit just yet
used to be demons souls but i think MH4U might be the harddest game right now if solo'd just gonna leave games b4 snes out
life isn't a game,its a motherfucking test
a test for what?
Adventure Island most likely.
Left my NES on for nearly a week, but eventually beat it.
>Calle Calle
I'm gonna be called a scrub for this, but I can't seem to be able to beat Metal Gear Revengance, after Mistral the game becomes so hard. I'm thinking about restarting the game on the easiest difficulty.
i beat the game on a fucking keyboard n mouse
all the fucking time
Battletoads is stupidly difficult
Fightan Games
I despair whenever I see a cool character and the slowly realize I will nevery ever be able to play them properly.
At least I can look at Elphelt being cute in Story Mode
user, just press forward and light attack. Buy the dodge move when that stops working.
>captcha: virgen rally
>Whats the most difficult game you've personally ever played?
Ghosts 'n Goblins
>Did you eventually beat it or did you give up?
I'm still working on it. Took me a few days to get past the first level, now I'm stuck on the second. Can't progress past the goblin wall. There's a way to clip past the section that involves a glitch, but that's just cheating.
jesus fuck i thought it was just me
Learn to parry. Did you bother with the VR training?
not even
Anybody feels like captchas upped the aggressiveness up to 11 since yesterday?
I don't use legacy for technical reasons but this is getting ridiculous, it can take more than half a minute to be done with the spawning image shit.
Yes, I recently downloaded the game again decided to beat it and went straight to VR. I just suck at timing the parries.
Ninja Gaiden Black
Yeah once you learn how to parry, you can make it through very hard. On revengeance, you have to do the side step slash Dodge and never get hit, cause you'll take damage when you parry and some attacks will one shot you.
calle means street in some subhuman language
On PC or console? If you use a controller it's easier, and you can kinda spam the action as the attack is coming and you'll get it.
My one friend just couldnt get the concept and bitched about needing a designated block button. So he ended up trading the game in, good on you for trying to improve.
have you tried completing the capchta first before entering text? certain words or phrases will trigger a longer captcha to stop you from shitposting. i started solcing the captcha first and then adding the text and never ran into those ridiculously long captchas ever again.
It's a screenshot of Terraria.
Any fighting game trivializes the learning curve of any other game. You could become a pro in cs:go before you could even touch EVO for fighting games unless you played from when you were 12 to you were mid 20s like most pros have. NOBODY could pick up the genre and play well in under 5 years.
I've played since mortal kombal 3, topped scoreboards in multiple street fighter and marvel 2 cabinets, and i've won tournaments and small sets yet I will never ever be as good as the people in top 100s.
Surviving for 500 seconds in Devil Daggers is really dam hard.
I start using gudes the second I find even the slightest difficulty
I usually force myself to keep trying despite the difficulty but if I can't find an item I really need to progress or something similar I start getting so paranoid about being affected by some bug that I check on the guide.
One of the Dead Space games on the hardest difficulty where you can't die and can only save 3 times. Didn't beat it on that difficulty.
how are you supposed to know what gender those people are?
>Most difficult
It was either doing a SL1 run of Dark Souls or Bayonetta 1 on Infinite Climax difficulty.
There's no helicopter
You're teaching google to learn patters and identification through that.
You can check any square on that and it will be valid
I purposefully pick the wrong squares because fuck that
Whenever captcha displays any quiz showing black borders, with completely black squares, you can safely pick three of these black squares and it will be a valid answer. Because google doesnt know the answer and will assume you're picking the correct choices, it's a bluff
ebin jokes!!!!!!!!!
screenshottted and posting to r*ddddit xD
Sometimes it gives you captchas it DOES know the answer to to test you and make sure you're not doing exactly that though. Of course, getting that wrong just gives you another captcha and you can keep going as before, but the more you fail, the more tests it gives you.
It's either Ninja Gaiden or the Dream Fight, and I beat them both
Are you retarded? Since when are jokes r3ddit?
whatt friend? :)))
I was an epic jokez, so I'm gonna post it to /r/Sup Forums to rake in mad karmas
keep up the awesome godly posts my dudebro! I lol'ed IRL!! :)
Ninja Gaiden NES
Wonder Boy
Mega Man
Ghosts n Goblins
I Wanna Be the Guy. I almost beat it, but gave up at the final boss.
Well fuck off then, not the guy
Are you having a stroke?
Inb4 lol scrublet casual, but Moonstone, Warhammer Dark Omen and the first MechCommander are what I remember as the hardest games I've played.
>that one MechCommander mission where you had to intercept super fast Clan mechs as they ran across the map
How are you not getting that he's making fun out of you for your shitty, immature and overused sense of humour?
Most of Drakengard 1 is fairly easy, but this boss is insanely hard.
What's the most tasteless game you've personally ever played?
It's not that hard tho.