This is fucking amazing

This is fucking amazing.

no it isn't
fuck you

But user, it is.

It's literally a reskin of what Prey 2 was supposed to be. Same engine, the rest of Prey 2 was just scrapped and sent to be remade into Doom.

If you need any proof, look at any Prey 2 video after playing Doom. Movement system is identical, levels look similar just more hellish in Doom's case.

Shame it takes 5 hours to complete.

It's mediocre, the enemies become wayyy too bullet spongey later on in the game.

Scanning system is like the finisher system of Doom etc

If you play it on pussy mode, sure.

>Full upgrades

That's literally not true. It might actually be too easy to kill demons at that point.

Anyone who doesn't like the game doesn't fucking get it. This is an arena shooter and each of those locked rooms is a viscous fight to the death and an auto save checkpoint. It's incredibly satisfying to progress on Nightmare. But noone plays on easy surely

This. You would have to have shit aim or not know weak spots to think monsters are bullet sponges.
I bet you shoot pinkies in the face.

I've tried to play it a few times but first person shooters in single player are boring as shit. Too predictable and even if you crank most difficulties to max it just makes you a squishy baby versus a thousand walking suits of armor.

the multiplayer is good after the latest update

Mediocre game riding the coattails of doom.

Ultimate Doom>>>>>>>>>Doom

Needs more movement mechanics.

Fucking hell preyfags are obnoxious as shit
Somehow manage to show up in a doot thread.

Fucking hell you're retarded, I'm talking about the original Prey 2 that was cancelled.
You know, the one that was cancelled by Bethesda a while before Doom was announced? Yeah.

yes, everyone got that. you're still retarded.

Yes, I know.
And you faggots are obnoxious as shit.
>muh indian spess bounty hunter

It is a pretty good game in the vein of Painkiller. I also like the fact that it makes doomfags that have done nothing but play wads for the past 20 years froth in an autistic rage because it isn't 100% Doom 1/2 gameplay with modern graphics, although I'm sure they'd take issue with those too.

It wasn't Doom.
But it wasn't bad at all.
Will probably play again in some time in the future.

Metro is better though.