>Small company in Japan makes game
>Constant criticism because of sexualizing women
>Potential game of the year
>Canadian company makes a game
>Full of SJWs
>Massive flop
Why did this happen?
>Small company in Japan makes game
>Constant criticism because of sexualizing women
>Potential game of the year
>Canadian company makes a game
>Full of SJWs
>Massive flop
Why did this happen?
this is just a shadow foot thread
Platinum Games moron, the only dev team who can put a good game with a lot of power
Because you shouldn't let SJWs who don't play games tell you how to make your game, it ruins it
>game doesnt allow to remove shoes
>small company
As if it wasn't obvious OP has no idea what they're on about
>good game vs bad game
Huh, who would've thought
>sequel to niche game
>inferior to the first game in most regards of characterization and story, has Platinum on board but still has worse bosses, gameplay is just another Bayonetta rip off because Platinum's B team can't do anything else but rip off Kamiya
>literally only sells from sex appeal, and if the actual main character was posted everywhere it would not garner as much attention
Really makes you think.
>feet models for men and woman are the same
>falling for am overly obvious excuse for a fetush porn dump thread
It was amazing to see Automata coming out at the same time as Andromeda and seeing how that abortion of a mass effect sequel got completely blown the fuck out by critics and players alike.
>painted toenails
>texture for toenails missing
what's wrong with that
Aren't you tired of seeing Toobie's ass yet? Thread doesn't seem to be going your way, you horny child.
>platinum developing with square publishing
>small company
>potential game of the year
There are many things wrong here
2B? More like two cute feet!
is this more to your liking user-kun
It's the other way round user, i'm triggered because i'm tired.
It`s a good game.
>Person draws feet
>They're horribly misshapen and disgusting
>Most footfags are too retarded to care
>Your pic related
This thread is about her feet though
>implying SJW's buy games
when will devs learn lmao
you posted this already, and don't lump frenchies in with us we hate them too.
This thread is doomed to shitposting. Making a NieR thread and putting 2B in the OP image is a nail in the coffin
>walk past the local gamestop
>shelf full of Mass Effect: Andromeda for every platform on display
le mao I kek everytime
But user that's how you trick the janitors you keep it on that edge of being off topic but still talking about the game. Then again in the end it doesn't even matter
>potential game of the year
To who? Only the biggest weeb neckbeards liked this garbage. Gameplay was trash, the environments were ugly and boring, literally the only thing going for it is the THICC robot girl.
I know user, confusion is real.
do robots sweat? would 2B's feet smell?
these questions keep me up at night
>having shit taste
>your post
And socks!
You forgot the godlike music and good story but whatever you say, you didn't even play it.
No but they probably wouldn't be very soft either
What kind of faggot does this?
I love Tsubie
Android skin is canonically warm and very soft.
Everything 9S can think about at the end of route A is warmth of her fingers.
>painted nails
This is you.
This kind of faggot I guess, that's for answering
Man I love NiGHTS
because one of the games treated you like an adult and was actually well made
I bet you write Megaman instead of Mega Man.
oh shet, the next time i gonna kick your digital ass
My pleasure pal
This is you
Shut up and post feet.
>he doesnt like cute nails
More games need to feature barefoot characters.
While I have a love of the lewds of Hamakaze, I ultimately prefer Urakaze's bounciness
not him
i liked the music and environments
the story is decent
the 2d sections suck
the combat is hectic, floaty and spammy but thats coming from someone who never played bayo, dmc, ninja gaiden, etc, im more of a monhun/soulsborne guy.
but the worst thing is that it's an openworld game with levelling and static level zones. Fuck levelling, fuck being overlevelled, fuck being underlevelled, fuck constantly managing your level, fuck trying to figure out the path im supposed to be taking in an open world game in order to not run into unkillable mobs or one-hit fodder, fuck it all, its not a jrpg, its not 90s or 00s, nobody likes that shit anymore, you gotta let the player improve instead of "improving" the character he controls, it's time to move on.
Except it isn't because I've never played any Zelda and I have no reason to type the title out
i think you might be onto something user.
>capcom change shit in sf5 to appease sjw banshees
>game is shit
>sells like shit
>dead game
is the winning move to sexualize characters and ignore the sjws?
too soon
>tfw ywn sniff 2Bs feet after a long day of killing machines
why live v/ros
Kancolle has a lot on offer for feet lovers
Wtf is up with last girl. Might as well be barefoot desu
>>Potential game of the year
You can keep saying it but it won't make it true.
OP's a fag.
her feet smell like engine oil
NIer: Automata is NOT a good game because people only play it for the sexual characters. Wanna argue against it? Find me a single Nier thread that wasn't just an excuse to dump porn.
>Only play it for the sexual characters
Yeah let's just disregard the people who bought it because it was another Taro game. There was a thread yesterday.
Those people only bought it because they wanna masturbate to Taro's games. They hate the gameplay.