Other urls found in this thread:

Holy shit 01.08.1998 can't come soon enough.

Oh, is that when the copy he "mailed to Steam's offices" is getting there?

Or, oh, is that when the final bug will be quashed? Or maybe when the playtesters are done sabotaging the game? Or when the Beta will be released again?

This guy is straight up insane.

>600 hours of play possible in a single game
>Lush Colorful 2D Hand Drawn Artwork
>Retro style MIDI music and 8 bit sound effects
>244+ Maps in the game to explore!
>Turn-Based strategic combat
>Multiple Beginnings, Multiple Endings
>144 context sensitive magic spells
>14 races, 15 professions, 50 skills
>64 intelligent NPCs with 8000+ Words in Vocabulary
>Full Sentence Communication with NPCs
>240+ monsters each with special powers and defenses
>1000+ items, Carry Containers, Global Party Inventory
>30 conditions, from Confusion to Disease & Lycanthropy
>Automapping, Autowalking, Autohealing
>Global Map Atlas With Position Marker
>Quest Journal, Hint Prompting, Help Facility, Mini-Quests
>Complex LockPicking Interfaces for Doors & Chests
>Challenging Puzzles and Rich Interactive Dungeons
>Browsable Character Library for up to 100 characters
>Up to 12 Commented Postage Stamped Savegames
>Multi-themed GUI and customizable screen layouts
Holy shit! Everything Cleve promised and more!. Where were you when Sapes BTFO?

>1st August 2092

Wonder what the next delay will be?

Only a few picoissues left

I know automapping, but what's autowalking and autohealing?

Pic a spot in the map you've already been too and the party walks there on its own
If your health is low, they use spells or potions to heal themselves without the need of your command

Fucking sapes can't understand the beauty of a game playing itself

Brandish 2 had autowalking 24 years ago.

If the game actually releases on time, I guess I need to find a crow to eat

If Grimoire came out when it was first supposed to, half of its originally promise features would have been pretty revolutionary.

I'm moist in anticipation.

>mfw making this stupid banner was more work than he did on his overgrown wizardy clone in the past 5 years

He didn't upload a fucking thing.

>244+ Maps
I think if I counted up all the shitty grid-based ASCII maps I made in my crap games I did in my spare time, it'd come close to that. Wonder how big they are, though.

Also, making the maps isn't the hard part, it's distributing game elements, enemies, environmental hazards, etc. and designing the layout in a way that complements them.


This guy just seems terribly unfunny. How he writes "teknologee" and shit like that just pisses me off.

Don't believe these cavemen propagandists. Cleve said that Valve has accepted and verified the package.

I've been following this meme for awhile, tag the game with furry plox

If you waited over 25 years, you MUST play this game.


No shit, a drill has people excited and hurriedly skittering about.

Don´t try to make this into a meme, we do not need more of RPGcodex´s retardation here, let us both be apart in our seperate rubber rooms.

What did they mean by this?

I am waiting with bated breath for the moment when it becomes clear that every single of these features is woefully inferior to good games and they do not even make a compelling whole.

The RPGcodex thread is pretty entertaining if you stick to the last couple pages after he got it up on Steam.

funny, that you expect a guy like him to live that long, OR that he would be able to find someone to propagate his "superior genes" and subsequently his craycray with.

It's going to be a shitty, buggy mess forever. He's admitted his coding is basically zero OOP and zero design patterns. Essentially he's trying to build a skyscraper using the blueprints of a hotdog stand.

that you probably already have Sakura Dungeon in your library so its offering you other Sakura titles

RPGcodex fags added joke tags to the game.

>his coding is basically zero OOP and zero design patterns

Excellent. The sooner we can get rid of this cancer, and people who meme this crap die off, the better.

It's on the grimwah page

>in library

Kill yourself moeshit.

It was in a bundle.

When you're making a game of this size it's pretty important. You can't "wing it" if you're doing something this big.

No excuses faggot.


Yeah, the other people and the shit situation are funny. Him? Not so much.

The man who saved RPG genre!

He's fucking hilarious, especially when he makes it obvious he knows the game is stuck in limbo and he hates every moment he has to work on it.



You have been permanently banned from all Grimoire : Heralds of the Winged Exemplar discussions.
You were banned by a Grimoire : Heralds of the Winged Exemplar developer.
Reason: "Posting rubbish to thread"

its finished and only "in limbo" because he enjoys all of the attention

I'm dead serious and working harder the past three months than most of you could for 24 hours without a nervous collapse. Neanderthals are robust and hardy and can withstand enormous stress, hardship and prolonged misery. Anthropologists describe them as "having a different relationship to pain and discomfort that modern humans do," and for once they actually got it right when they guessed that.

>>Up to 12 Commented Postage Stamped Savegames
what the fuck does this even mean? Is he mailing savegames to people irl or is it an in-game thing?

Good. We need to trash all rubbish posters and throw them in with the refuse.

I bet he's one of those people that think violence in media makes people become school shooters.

Stop it with that. Fucking insecure people always trying to find some way to be "special." It's okay that you're you. You don't have to be anything more. Calm down.

Same can be said for most games, they just never get released or features get cut.

God I am sick of these types of faggots that popped up everywhere all over the internet.

Fucking reactionary right retards as just as bad as all the revolutionary left retard SJW's they rail against. Fuck both sides of this retarded culture war.

it's really obviously a joke. the dude is taking the piss is 90% of his posts

I'm not sure man, this is Cleve we are talking about after all, you know, the guy who built a bunker because he thinks a nuclear war will start and Australia will get hit with a thousand nukes.

The guy is crazy, but he's more self-aware than most people.

I'm not saying he isn't, but I think he was being serious in that post.

Let me tell you what's going to happen. Cleve again is setting a date to motivate him to work on his buggy as shit game. 8/1 will come around, and the clock will countdown, and the game will not be available. Then a day later, he'll show up with a whole new list of bugs and excuses.

He went from 'just the end of this list of areas to check' to 'two more weeks until release'.

He worked in the last 3 months without sleeping and eating, how much more motivation do you think he needs?


He's trying to drum up miniature screenshots attached to save games as a big feature.

Wow a 800 hours autistic turd in 800x600 resoluton with UI taking 70% of the screen
I can't wait

And around and around we go.
>Believing Cleve

Please explain what that is.

Some brazilian guys with a phone

This huehues are fucking crazy

>Initially hear of Cleve based on Sup Forums shitposts
>Imagine some Slavoj Zizek figure who has become a master Neanderthal after slaving away on his magnum plus for 20 years.
>He's just some fat australian hack.

>tfw you will never be a son of Enkidu
>tfw Cro-magnon blood flows in your veins
>tfw eating crow

>buy crow for impending release
>it goes bad

Moving to Australia does not make you an Australian. He's still just an Amerifat.

And some people still bitch about trump


Its just 3 cute girls

>that steel-to-spine sound




The tied girl fucked the guy the machete girl liked, brs are simple persons


Go to

Man, i hate this country

Is she getting chopped up? Is there more?
I can't stand when guys are tortured, but women screaming at high pitched voice make me extremely hard.

im more waiting for rick and morty than anything else

edgy, and no, she survived.

>On top of /\ those "items" there is also about 250 that are mis-classified. Daggers as Adornments, Swords with no skill attached. Weapons with no damage, etc...

>Along with no ID or Super ID, add another 300.

>That's 670 items either fucked up, not items at all, or no ID or damage at all.

>I've been thru his databases 3 ways from Sunday. It's a fucking nightmare.

top lel. This is his comments on the 2013 "SuperDemo".

>edgy for what he enjoys

he cant help what turns him on user

>game supposedly releases on 7-7
>2 weeks late and apparently a shit ton of content missing or on fire
Can someone explain?

Nobody keeps up a joke for 23+ years. The guy is a legitimate retard.

It gets better, there's a new release date now and he has even said that he has uploaded the package to steam and it has been approved, but if you look here you can see that he hasn't uploaded anything.

you sound like a pedo apologizer.

Superior neanderthal programming and discipline, not like you cro-fagnon sapes would understand.

And what if I am?

That still lists the release date in July when on the store page it's been changed to August. Wait for this to get fully updated.

Then i know you're scum.

nope burn them in hell while that guy might get off to torture he doesnt i hope go out and do it if he murders women to get off then fuck him just as much as a peado

Like I said, the dude is insane, but he is aware of it in a twisted way and takes the piss often.

Well, then, i can agree with that.

>furbait shit

I don't believe that for a second.

The guy's so deep into his own bullshit that he actually believes it himself.

>say pirating a game is another option instead of spending $40 on """"600"""" hours of content
>dev bans me for advocating piracy

That's why I'm saying he's insane. It's not rational.