It still hurts

It still hurts

my nigga sonic finally getting that pussy

>sonic just has to look down a little to sniff Amy's Pussy

At least it looks like you have an ending. Some series don't even get that.

I just got the weirdest boner reading this

I hope all people related with the Sonic franchise die soon.

They did so much damage to the World.

Classic Amy is adorable


Good, the comics sucked anyways.

Old school Amy is best Amy


t. someone who doesnt read the comics


That other guy draws classic Sonic better


Who's fine?

Maybe you should have bought the comics. Sales were awful, not a surprise it's finally dead.


I bought them all since the reboot and megaman crossover
dont ever assume mine or my sons buying habits again

Wait, what is this, the end of the Sonic Archie comics? Did that end?

It ended awhile ago, there was just no confirmation from Archie or Sega. Sega put out an announcement confirming there will be no more Sonic comics from Archie.

>Ken Penders actually killed the Comic
How fucking Bizarre

It was the last issue before Sega pulled the license due to Archie's legal fuck ups.

We'll never know for sure if it had to do with that. It's possible, but the sales were also very low, and Archie has been struggling with money for years now. The cost of the license may have made it not worth it compared to properties they own themselves.

Sega officially announced the end of their partnership with Archie yesterday.
People suspected that it was going to happen for months, since a lot of the people who produced the comic started announcing that they were looking for new work, but now it's official.
The comic might come back in some form, just not through Archie.

>Best Sonic
>Best Amy
>Happily running home to have some steaming hot sex

Oh, that sucks. Were they any good? I only read like a couple issues when I was a kid, so I don't really remember anything about them.

She's due for another design change. And not talking that Boom! crap

Nah her design now is literally perfect.

Fuck, if this never gets put out somehow, whether officially or through a leak, it will be a damn shame. It was just one issue and it closed the mini-series, why not just publish it for fans or give it digitally to long-time subscribers?

The past 10 years or so have been good. The decade before that was a dumpster fire, though.


Because they legally can't.

The story arcs started being less AoStH and more SatAM around 25 and a few of the crossovers.

There was certainly a mixed bag of the two up until like issue 50 where the comic was good for a while before tragedies like overstuffed drama, Sonic Adventure plot, Penders, and retcons hit it hard. Still definitely has its moments in later issues despite all that.

Not by themselves, with special permission from Sega of course.


Not for money, anyway.

whats stopping them from going to a mcdonalds, hopping on tor, and uploading and blameing it on russian hackers

>huge improvement for Rouge and Tikal
>massive downgrade for Amy and Cream

Huh, alright. I might check the comics out then, even if there are super low points. They seem fun. Thanks, anons.

How was Penders's run on the comic? At any rate, the next version of sonic comics might be good so I wouldn't worry too hard until we see what they announce next.

Amy and Cream have really weird faces.

I'm sort of okay with Shadow wearing actual clothes and Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails being deadbeats who you can't convince to put fucking shirts on.

At least sonichu is still going


>I only read like a couple issues when I was a kid, so I don't really remember anything about them.

Kinda the same. For a brief period as a kid I'd buy new ones every time I tagged along with my parents to the grocery store. Stopped reading sometime in elementary school but I still have pic related in an old box with my name scribbled in it. Kinda bums me out to hear it has ended.

Common sense.

Didn't know it ended. Is OP pic the final page?

My favorite ship is pic related

Better than this.

The fighters arcs still probably the best post reboot arc

that art is legit terrifying, if Ken is gonna start his own thing he could at the very least hire a good artist


eh might as well post it

In a word? Terrible. Most of his "original" ideas were lifted wholesale from other sci-fi works and he loved spending time on in-universe politics, romance, and family trees than action.

The Knuckles series was more or less entirely his and he chose to focus it on crap like pic related.

Amy is very cute




What a shame. I haven't seen that comic being sold anywhere in years.



I get it

Rotor aint having this shit


best zone


best squad




I like how the person he paid to make that model tried to tell him it didn't look good.



At least, we'll get a new Canned Furry.
Japan won (once again).


>It wasn't enough to nearly kill it
>Penders had to come back to finish the job




fuckin espio keep it together


thats it for part 1

Please tell me you have the rest, this is good shit.



Is this some ken penders fnaf x e-kidnaz crossover?






Will we ever see them again?

Man fuck you






I do
ill post part 2 after this other one is done

Remind that this 2 seconds of animation sent someone to eternal madness.