M rating: 17 years and older

>M rating: 17 years and older
>Ao rating: 18 years and older
>literal one year difference
what is the point

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E, T and M are all you need.

The rest of that shit is completely worthless. Considering AO is a death sentence for vidya, you might as well just get rid of and refuse to rate any game that doesn't fall under M. It's effectively the same thing.

what could it mean?

elecrical Currents are Extremely Electrical To My AsshOle

>R rating: 17 years and older
>NC-17 rating: 18 years and older
>literal one year difference
what is the point

Try reading the picture you just posted.

T and Ao are the only games worth playing.


what did they mean by this

>refuse to rate
That's a good way to get the government involved.

I've never seen one movie rated NC-17.

What does the NC stand for

No children

It's useless

>anyone over the age of 11
>a child
Amerifats pls

>tfw we have patrician rating system here in Australia

I bet you fuck kids

Because American moral police forbid advertising of NC-17 movies. Period.

If a movie gets this rating it is ALWAYS cut down to R and then "Unrated" on Blu-Ray or DVD.

Legal definition of child is anyone under age of majority. Doesn't matter what connotation you have for it.

For some reason it's illegal to show porn to 17 year olds, even though most of them have already had sex. It's just old people being dumb and forgetting what they were like as kids.

R allows kids if accompanied by legal adults
NC-17 doesn't
it says it right fucking there, unlike M and Ao which has no such stipulation

it's because porn is mentally harmful and has bad psychological effects on younger people. most kids under 18 who are addicted to porn end up being shut in socially awkward virgins for most of their life

>even though most of them have already had sex


>even though most of them have already had sex.
thanks, you too

>which has no such stipulation
Was the "only" in "adults only" not clear enough for you?

No I just expect everyone over the age of 12 to act like something other than a child?

Fuck my great grandmother had her first kid at 12, you faggots need to grow the fuck up.

>muh laws

name 3 eC games

There's a difference between learning to be an adult, and actually being one.If an 11 year old is an adult, why can't they be king?You think this way, because its needed for wherever you live.

Even shut in losers can get laid

>>muh laws
I hope these (You)s give you some sort of fulfillment

it's 17+ only and adults (18+) only, unlike movies which is 17+ or supervised by guardian and 18+ only
so for vidya it is only a one year difference since there's technically no exceptions for underages

The girl on the right is objectively better looking.This meme is retarded.

Her titties aren't as big, so she doesn't get as much attention. Enough time spent around a titty monster and she'll have low enough self esteem to bang a Sup Forumsirgin for approval.

Rating system doesn't make much sense nowadays anyway. Considering how even the poorest of families can own a cheap (but good) smartphone. Kids are exposed to a lot more mature content than ever before.

I seriously don't know how limiting my kid from the exposure of the world is a good thing.

Persona 5 is M rated yet playable for 13+

>17+ only
Except it doesn't say only. Underage buy M-rated games all the time so long as they're accompanied by an adult.

Pretty much every movie you've seen with an Unrated cut on the home video release was NC-17 at some point before the study trimmed the fat to bring it down to R.

NC-17 is advertising suicide and as much as studios will advise against it, they still want teenagers to buy tickets.

Rating systems are dumb shit for overprotective parents
At least PEGI is unenforced in 95% of the stores, any 12 year old can buy a PEGI18 game without a problem

>have super scary nc-17 that's marketing suicide
>allow unedited "unrated" cuts to be sold on home video anyway
what's the point if you can just say "fuck it" and sell an unrated video anyways and no one would ever do a theatrical nc-17 release?

In this country, we have this concept called "liability."

It means that if a child gets his hands on media that's deemed unacceptable and develops some kind of complex or does some dumb shit to emulate the movie, they can find any number of people responsible for the incident. It's not a sure thing, but it's something everyone would like to avoid and keep the blame placed squarely on the shoulders of the parents.

>Rating systems are dumb shit for overprotective parents
At least in the case of the US, they're necessary self-regulatory organizations to prevent the government from getting involved in how games and movies are regulated.

One can show genitalia/explicit sex, the other can't, because then it'd be child porn/showing porn to minors.

>even though most of them have already had sex
You don't actually believe that, do you?

one can be sold to children sometimes with no questions asked and the other requires ID if the buyer looks too young. most times AO games are stored behind the counter.

You're probably underage. Most people in their twenties are essentially children.

It's just how the rating's board works. They only affect distribution insofar as theatrical runs. Studios aren't obligated to release the exact cut of the theatrical release, mostly because they stand more to gain by restoring cut content in the form of behind the scenes extras or straight up adding new scenes to the movie. Ratings boards can only give ratings to movies they actually see, after all, and studios can sell basically whatever they want as long as it's properly advertised as a version that didn't receive a rating.

Yeah, it's fucked up that it's actually easier for kids to get their hands on unrated DVDs than an NC-17 movie ticket, but that's the way it is.

Lemme fix that for you.

Kurt Eichenwald, stop it

>it's fucked up that it's actually easier for kids to get their hands on unrated DVDs
This thought becomes amusingly pointless once you realize kids can get all sorts of twisted shit just by going on their phones.

Too bad your government is the nanny state type and applies it like rabid nazis.


>Must play rating : 25 years and older

>tfw no sex slave gf to dress up in borderline exposing charges level clothing and parade around with the intent of arousing strangers and have her film it

>tfw R rated actually means "legally banned" in Australia
How cucked can a country get

>banned pump action shotguns because of the Terminator franchise
There is no country more cucked than Australia. Even England "lets" their people own pump action shotguns.

Ao is the death sentence because stores don't carry it in the first place.

But with steam recently being increasingly willing to carry porn games, that may well change.

Most guys get laid in that 17th year.

A gay porn game is currently the top selling thing on Steam.

Why are retards here acting like these ratings are there to keep the games out of the hands of underaged? That is absolutely not the reason we have ratings, nobody other than DrPhill airing a special on gaming addiction gives two flying fucks if your 15 year old is playing GTA. The ratings are there so that if your 15 year old then makes the 6 o'clock news with a "when will we ban ARs, think of the children!" an hero record attempt the kids guardians are the liable party for letting him play a M rated game. It is people covering their asses so they don't get sued to hell and back the moment a dumb kid does dumb shit based possibly inspired by their product.

I don't know what you're talking about, that's not how liability works regardless. The ESRB formed from several game publishers trying to appease Congress during the violent video game craze in order to push off actual regulation.

It's a moot point now and the ESRB is pointless because the Supreme Court ruled in 2011 that video games are protected by the 1st Amendment and cannot be restricted to certain ages by the government.

But for a long time banned anything depicting "ninja" weapons because some gangs used nunchaku once.

Ha, where I live the gun laws are pretty lenient but nunchucks are illegal.

Maybe not, but I know that stores have their own policies and they won't sell you M rated games unless you provide ID or have someone there who is 18+

I went through that shit at Target years ago and they always carded me.

What's the age of consent in Murica? 18?

16 to18, depending on state.

Controlled by the individual states. Varies.

Do modern games even get rated AO anymore? The highest rating I've seen for any modern game is M.


It's used as a threat. Occasionally you'll read about a game having to be recut to be M. It's likely a marketing gimmick; they purposely submitted a build that would get an AO so they could claim they had to cut it down to M. But AO does exist. No one publishes AO because Walmart, Target, and the other nationwide mega retailers will not stock AO titles.

So the rating is just there to be there without actually being used? The only game I know of that got an AO rating once was GTA: San Andreas, and that was only because a mod allowed a sex minigame to be played. Even games nowadays with graphic violence and the ability to drink only get an M rating.

It's a soft limiter. How to keep games "clean" (as in, acceptable for US society) without introducing unconstitutional legislation.

It's the USA. What'll get you AO is graphic nudity or like the meme says, sexual violence. Rape, fully displayed vaginas/penises, etc.

It seems kind of backwards that sex is not acceptable for US society, but something like pic related is "clean." I mean, they're both pretty bad, but I honestly think the pic is worse.

Reminder Australia will ban a game if it has aspirin in it.

Well, that's america for you, nothing new there.

which game?
our censors have retarded guidelines on drug use in games but I don't think it's that strict

What do you mean?

State of Decay was refused classification until they turned all the healing items into snake oil.

the ESRB is like the MPAA: fucking pointless, and decided by people who don't even play video games on a daily basis. We'd be a lot better off without the ESRB

PG13, or as everyone else likes to call it, how to kill your movie

People are free to ignore the ESRB - they are not a government organization and have no legal power.

Plus double standard as fuck.

>it's perfectly ok for James Franco to graphically saw his arm off
>but these six frames of a gunshot need to be removed to allow an R rating

The ESRB exists so there is a rating, so "someone" has been appointed to "do something about this".

Otherwise, someone else will be appointed to do something.

>Otherwise, someone else will be appointed to do something.

What difference does it make, the "media" tries to do it themselves anyway.

What episode is this from? I don't remember seeing this.

If the industry itself doesn't step up, it'll be a government agency. Soccer moms are a considerable voting bloc, they don't get ignored.

>it'll be a government agency

Console manufacturers also refuse to allow AO games its always going to be a digital only PC thing, Hatred was AO.

>Leland Yee

This shit is hilarious now.

You don't need to ban, it's enough to rate.
Another reason why PC is truly the mustard race.

Straya is pretty notorious for censorship, there have been cases of them outright refusing to rate or ban a game.

>you'll read about about a game having to be recut to be M
The only game i ever actually remember this not being just a marketing gimmick was one of the Manhunt games. They had to censor a lot of the kills and there was an official uncensored PC release.

R is the movie killer, not PG-13

Porn wasn't harmful until Christians and other Abrahamic religions came.

But we can legally drink at 18 so that takes a bit of the sting off.

What about before they could release movies for home viewing?

And then you get cucked more by censorship than New Zealand.

>Wey kan git drank at aiteen buh we kain plai that laytes grayn thef otto gayme! STRAYA! YA GOTTA POINTE MAYTE!?

It's so australian but I just can't help but feel sorry for all of you

The ESRB ratings were put in place before Columbine.

Im just going to leave this here